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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. The yoga instructor was famous for always overstaying his welcome. Every time he was asked to leave he said namaste A dog limps into a saloon and announces, "I'm lookin for the man who shot my Paw." The other day I spotted an Albino Dog. It was the least I could do for him. I was going to tell you a joke about time travel, but you didn't like it.
  2. If it was gay, would more or fewer of the guys be lying ... I mean rounding up ... the size of their dicks?
  3. If you worked for Facebook the conspiracy theories would grind to a halt
  4. Time for your annual "booster shot"?
  5. In the OED if they needed a photo to demonstrate the meanings of either plump, ripe or juicy ... he'd do just fine
  6. a handful a day keeps the COVID away ... I think that's how it goes
  7. I just got back from my first COVID era dental appointment. With COVID new procedures. Temperature check and form to fill out on risk factors. It's all manual scaling for the cleaning, no polishing because of the spray. The manual scaling takes extra time so instead of a 30 minute appointment, it was scheduled for an 1 1/2 appointment. Four X-rays, exam, scaling and fluoride cost me $77.00.
  8. This has evolved into a chicken/egg situation ...
  9. He's waiting for me to bring the lube
  10. Not sure this is funny, but it amused me. Disco soccer.
  11. He looks like he could be Pete Buttigieg's younger brother
  12. A nod to the dancers ... very subtle of you
  13. Yes, that was the beach we were at a few times. Maybe we caught in at a non-off day. Lol
  14. What? Been there. There were a lot of young Hawaiians surfing (a lot of fun watching them practice) no nudity of any kind. When was this?
  15. Your message was under a photo of ground veggie round, with four packets that were 312 grams each. For me that is a lot - days of a lot. If there was something else you were referring to, that listed a 55 gram serving, I didn't see it connected to your post. Four ounces of protein (fish or whatever) has always been more than enough for me at any one meal. I'm not a big guy though, 5'11" and 170 (though I should be 5-10 pounds less).
  16. And while you're in the area, go to Glacier National Park https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/bc/glacier
  17. "Sir, request final clearance for landing ... sir"
  18. Great Big Sea's It's the End of the World as We Know It - Celtic rock
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