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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Do you mean micrograms, or why they used micrograms instead of milligrams? There are 1000 micro grams in a milligram. I.e. 5000mcg = 5mg Marketing I expect Vitamin B is water soluble (as is Vitamin C), so I think you'd probably need to be taken massive doses to cause a problem. You are peeing away the excess. Maybe @EZEtoGRU has an educated medical opinion about that though.
  2. Spring forward and fall back ... way back
  3. Generally I think its good to get head from of the season
  4. Congratulations. I think it's figuring out what works for you. Protein has never been a problem for me, but I'm not a high performance athlete (obviously). I can't eat tuna anymore, its a long lived fish, lots of bioconcentration of toxins and a replacement cycle of 40-50 years.
  5. It's not limited to the Strip. Advertise it ahead of time, to reflect the real cost.
  6. I sort of resent that the resort fee in Vegas isn't advertised as part of the price, right from the to start. They hotel knows how much it's going to be, I don't. It's a definite part of the final price.
  7. He wrote a book, which I've been meaning to read, My Undoing. Thanks for the reminder. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/43385.Aiden_Shaws
  8. Thanks, interesting if predictable article. Can't say any of my friends have been complaining about loss of muscle mass. I think he must have a select group of friends. Well, I guess we all have a select group of friends, his is just a different selection than mine.
  9. A flat of fresh beef steak field tomatoes arrived at the house today. Fried lightly in olive oil, with some toasted rye bread. Yum.
  10. I stopped drinking cider a month ago and, maybe its a coincidence, I've dropped almost two kilos.
  11. You're an amazing cat, typing and all, and grammar comprehension ... meow to you. I see you're doing some cross-training with a ball
  12. Two has excellent rhythm, and really knows how to multi-task
  13. In 1995, Internet pioneer Robert Metcalfe predicted the Internet was on the verge of "catastrophic collapse". In 1997, when it had not collapsed, he printed out his words, put the printout in a blender, and ate them.
  14. "Let's start with the bananas and then go from there ... "
  15. You are now agreeing with what I said before. The consent was for a 'business lunch' it wasn't a 'date'.
  16. "Ceiling fans will do that. Maybe a bit of product? I've got some KY here ... "
  17. I don't get how you don't understand the difference between a personal arrangement and a business arrangement.
  18. Keep telling yourself its the same if you need to do that.
  19. All of that is interesting. But for me, a non-Catholic, that you would bring it up in your confession, is very interesting. Were you that devout, or were you scared of eternal damnation?
  20. You're conflating sex (a personal interaction) with a contracted service (a business interaction) as if they are the same thing. There is a difference, and the consent was for business, not for pleasure.
  21. "You look so surprised. Am I the first man to point out the size of your nipples."
  22. It's like college all over again ... for someone, somewhere
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