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    Mhs reacted to LaffingBear in Possible stalker -- Request for advice?   
    Blocking eliminates the irritation. Eventually, @adventurous old guy, when you stop being reminded by texts, you'll forget about it
  2. Like
    Mhs reacted to + azdr0710 in Studs gone out of style.   
    Fantastic!......Bette Davis sings!
    let's just shut down this forum now!.....the meaning of it all has just been explained in Bette's five and a quarter minutes here!
  3. Like
    Mhs reacted to RubMyThighs in MassuerFinder bans undocumented   
    They are not the ones who care. It’s the Trump administration that cares. “First they came for the undocumented massage therapists...”
  4. Like
    Mhs got a reaction from + Charlie in Gripe: Poorly Edited Online Articles   
    Or maybe it’s an auto-transcription of something that was spoken aloud during a newscast?
    Regardless of where it came from, I share your annoyance (and disappointment) with this kind of sloppiness. It’s also a sad fact of life in 2018 that writers and editors cost money, and more & more media sources are unwilling - or unable - to justify the expense of hiring people who can actually write.
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    Mhs reacted to Courage in Gay movie you liked   
  6. Like
    Mhs reacted to + azdr0710 in Gripe: Poorly Edited Online Articles   
    I think this is very much part of it....thanks for that suggestion.....I've seen reporters' spoken words from video news reports copied directly into an "article"......
  7. Like
    Mhs reacted to Nvr2Thick in Gripe: Poorly Edited Online Articles   
    Reporters for local TV news are often terrible journalists. The pay is very low, and the stations are often just looking to hire telegenic college grads. It's been a long time since all but the top colleges took grammar and writing seriously. News stories are developed in a couple of hours, and are based on two or three soundbites. My impression is that there are maybe one or two reporters with writing and journalistic skills on staff at any station or newspaper writing a few decent pieces. News is 95% filler written by and for people who communicate via text and social media post. It's not edited heavily because most stories have a lifespan of a day or less.
    One of the trends in reporting that amazes me is the practice of pulling stories off of social media. If people are arguing about a topic in a Facebook group or a comments section a reporter will go with "People are concerned about ______" as a subject, with absolutely no research into the substance of a topic. As an example, one of our council representatives proposed a bill that generated a lot of controversy, much of which was centered around disinformation spread about fear-mongering falsely predicted consequences of the bill spread by business owners with obvious vested interests. Two local TV news stations picked up the story, quoting comments from Facebook and seeking interviews with vocal opponents, but they used a biased layman's interpretation of the bill instead of actually reading the bill's verbiage. I questioned one reporter as to why the bill itself was omitted from the story. She explained that it would have been too wordy and no one would understand it. I sent her a copy of the two short sentences making up the actionable component of the bill's text, and she countered with "it just didn't make a good story." It became clear that she had never bothered to look it up.
  8. Like
    Mhs got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Gripe: Poorly Edited Online Articles   
    Or maybe it’s an auto-transcription of something that was spoken aloud during a newscast?
    Regardless of where it came from, I share your annoyance (and disappointment) with this kind of sloppiness. It’s also a sad fact of life in 2018 that writers and editors cost money, and more & more media sources are unwilling - or unable - to justify the expense of hiring people who can actually write.
  9. Like
    Mhs reacted to mike carey in Masseur best practices...   
    To stay down this rabbit warren for a moment longer, I like the way the Economist in an article discussing a merchant banker, an astronaut or an engineer in general terms (as opposed to talking about a specific person on one of those roles) will use 'she' rather than 'he' or 'they' just often enough that it jars (in a good way) and challenges assumptions.
  10. Like
    Mhs reacted to + OliverSaks in How to ask massuer...   
    Masseur = male massage therapist
    Masseuse = female massage therapist
    (Another data point to see if someone is likely legit, if he calls himself by the wrong title )
  11. Like
    Mhs reacted to Kenny in 10% of people perform shocking ritual during sex   
    Maybe they’re ordering pizza for a post-coital snack.
  12. Like
    Mhs reacted to MassageDrew in Caleb Chicago   
    So I saw Caleb this afternoon and it was a good experience. His massage skills were good. I think because he’s only 5’7” that it’s not as easy for him to reach compared to someone who is 6’0” or taller. I did ask for deep pressure and he was able to deliver that on my body parts closer to him but medium on the other parts. Not that it’s a bad thing. And he was easy to talk to, very friendly guy.
  13. Like
    Mhs reacted to LaffingBear in Having a crush on a masseur!!   
    Late 1990s:
    I met a really nice Canadian rentguy. Saw him a couple of times, even hung out with him off the clock one visit.
    I had my wildest rentguy experience with a different guy in Vegas one night. Insane, but really got in my head. Made me believe there was potential for more than a $$-relationship. But it went bizarrely sideways.
    So I called the Canadian just to talk to someone who could relate, and with whom I could share all elements of the experience. And the Canadian said something to me that I've never forgotten
    "There's a difference between being friends with someone, and being friendly."
    20 years later, that standard remains in place in any rentguy interaction. I hope to be friendly with a hire. Nice to chat a bit before and after, particularly during extended sessions. Treat them in a respectful manner - as a person, not meat. It enhances my enjoyment too. But I have no expectations beyond a good time.
  14. Like
    Mhs reacted to instudiocity in When your regular masseur increases rates...   
    My regular guy quoted me $100 for an hour, $150 for 90 minutes. For 90 minutes, I give him anything from $150-$160 - since the ATMs don't have $10 bills in them. I gave him two very nice bottles of wine for Christmas and two more on his birthday. He seems happy with the situation.
    He also works on me from an hour and twenty minutes up to an hour and fifty minutes, never mentioning he's gone over/under time. He knows I'm usually prepared to pay $150 and that's what he accepts. Once when I attempted to pay him an extra $50 because the previous massage went to 2 hours, he refused to accept the payment.
    I treat him with respect bordering on adoration and funny, he treats me the very same way.
  15. Like
    Mhs got a reaction from rc222 in Best Chicago Massuer?   
    I realize this doesn’t help reach a consensus, but Brad is my go-to guy.
  16. Like
    Mhs got a reaction from Kody S in Best Chicago Massuer?   
    I realize this doesn’t help reach a consensus, but Brad is my go-to guy.
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