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Ryan Roman

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Posts posted by Ryan Roman

  1. On 4/19/2021 at 5:28 PM, JEC said:

    As a top, I have been with a few guys who experience anal orgasms. It seems to be a full-body experience, meaning their entire body trembles. For me it's a really amazing and satisfying experience when it does happen.

    I think I've given 5-7 guys genuine, full body anal orgasms, and knowing I got them off in that way is truly flattering... It's up there with getting guys so turned on they anally lubricate...

  2. On 10/23/2021 at 8:29 PM, Luv2play said:

    I enjoy a pa on a guy's cock but I can't watch this being done. I guess I'm a pussy.

    Having gotten a PA, I can attest any discomfort only last for a few minutes. It's really not that bad. 

  3. On 12/8/2021 at 3:38 PM, Rod Hagen said:

    Very sorry to hear you're seriously struggling Ryan.  I remember when I discovered my studied field, environmental engineering, looked like it was never going to be what I hoped.  It was difficult.

    But you were already having difficulties, and as you know, the blow to your identity just compounded the problem.  You're doing all the right things, so, have you tried medication?  If so, how was the expereince?  If it was bad, or unhelpful, would you consider trying another one?  Remember anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications are temporary, so consider considering them if you haven't.  

    I am on medication, and it's been invaluable for someone with a history of clinical depression.  Along with talk therapy, it's been very helpful.  My advice to anyone - have a genetics test done (they're $300) prior to going on an antidepressant.  I suggest that because physiology can vary so widely that some antidepressants (or any drug) my not be properly absorbed by your body.  The sudden loss of an identity I strived for years to earn and maintain, and was the proud of, is something I'll just have to work through overtime. The upside is I have more time to see clients, which is something I still enjoy. Thanks for your other suggestions - some are things I really should be doing, as well as getting my dissertation finished by the end of Spring.

  4. Hey guys: I was wondering how those of you manage your depression when you're already doing all of the right things like a) taking your meds, and/or b) in talk therapy.  Oddly (or maybe not), being a service provider helped quite a bit with my depression in a couple of different ways.  But, since COVID began, and only having a few clients in the last 18 months, that 'depression relief valve' isn't really there. I've always been a lone wolf, so I don't have a circle of friends or 'tribe' like others do.  On top of that, my professional identity was shattered a month ago - just as I was entering the final stretch of my PhD. I still have a job, but it's not the job that I always strived towards.

    Its been tough on everyone over the last 18 months... I'm curious how those who suffer from clinical depression have found outlets that helped mitigate those feelings. 

    Thanks guys... Cheers!


  5. I am flabbergasted by the thirst here - why can't we just appreciate the athletes for their abilities instead of objectifying them? That being said...here are my picks in no particular order... preferably all together doing a train on me ????.

    • Cristiano Ronaldo
    • Fabio Fognini
    • Eric Decker
    • Thom Evans
    • Rudy Fernandez
    • David Beckham
    • Brady Quinn
    • Marat Safin
    • Tom Daley
    • Sam Mikulak
    • Sergio Ramos
    • Leonardo Bonucci
    • Guillaume Cizeron
    • Morgan Cipres
    • Andrew Poje



    The thirst is real ?

  6. The market is Toronto has been somewhat stale for a while now. The pandemic didn't help either and now it's tougher for providers in other areas of Canada to visit Toronto with new restrictions when crossing states/provinces.


    Some new guys have popped on the market recently with good reviews.







    He doesn't have a rentmen ad currently but I know he's still seeing clients... http://www.canadianmale.com/profile_details.asp?id=9325 and https://jock2go.eu/LoganClarkTO

  7. Would be interesting to get a reply regarding this, but I know years ago I went out to Seattle. It wasn’t exactly brimming with biz at the time, but I’ve posted there and seem to get hits. I was considering to go last month, but I favored a warmer destination instead.


    That said, it wouldn’t surprise me. One of my Seattle clients did tell me at the time, that people can be a bit uptight. He said Vancouver is a bit more liberal. I know in my experience riding thru Washington state, it’s gets a bit conservative there too once you get outside of the metropolitan. Though I have been curious to check out Spokane in Washington.


    Then again, it seems a lot of cities could be like that. I know Chicago and Atlanta feels like a “regulars only” town. Like you just have to be there all the time, to make it happen. And if you’re traveling thru, you’re just one of the many traveling thru. But I personally wouldn’t feel compelled to move to a city that I can’t do good visiting

    in, because who knows how long it could take to build a regular base.





    I think you summed it up very well: there is no best city. Just have to find the one that works best for what you’re offering. That should be good news, considering it could mean that one doesn’t have to spend a bunch of money trying to compete in major markets, they can likely make something happen near or where they are.


    I know in my case, I’ve pretty much just resolved to traveling. It’s my fantasy that I could own a private plane and just fly all over. Some cities (especially small to medium sized) end up drying up after a period of time, and unless you have an alternate gig in town tiding you over...a trip is a must.


    I go back and forth to 1 city currently. My phone will be blowing up when I post in advance, but after about a week or 2 of being there it starts to mellow out. After about 3 weeks, I usually ready to move on again because it’ll be bone dry.


    I totally agree about small and mid-sized cities. If I'm in a market like that, it's generally for other reasons, but I use it as an opportunity to see clients. And you're right, if you're in one of those mid-sized cities, demand will dry up after a few weeks. It'll be interesting to see what happens next once we get to 'herd vaccination' for COVID (no such thing as herd immunity with COVID).

  8. Like everyone has said, you won’t find a divinitie answer. Every city is different. Abs every trip to every city is different. Abs this goes for every escort. My best advice is to travel to cities where you stand out a little. But it may just be worth it to travel to see which cities stick.


    I agree with Shawn. Every market is different. But smaller to mid-sized cities don't have the number of escorts you have in larger markets. Also, know your brand and what you really have to offer. In smaller to mid-sized cities, you might fill an unmet niche There are markets (cities) I could never compete in, while in other markets I'm always surprised by how well I do. Probably not as definitive an opinion as others, but that's been my experience.

  9. I've been on 3 RSVP cruises. They were great. I would pick an all-gay cruise over an integrated cruise any day. I don't mind paying the higher prices, because the entertainment and guys on board are worth it! The only reason I don't do more gay cruises is the time of year or ports of call aren't to my liking on some of the itineraries.


    I truly wish there was an all men, Gay cruise. The extra effort to include the ladies really hampers the logistics. Half of the public toilets are reserved for about two dozen guests, while thousands of men wait to share the other half. Hundreds of men want to be naked in the spa, sauna, or steam room, but one lady objects so we got to keep it covered. Haven't been on Vacaya, but the ads look to promote a lot more female travels. For that reason alone, I will stick with RSVP or Atlantis. But please, someone let us know if I'm mistaken about Vacaya.


    I went on VACAYA's inoguluar cruise and had a blast. I the a split second of me in leather in one of the promotional videos. Entertainment was great, atmosphere was fun while also laid back, lots of different types of men to enjoy the company of. I'd go again

  10. i got my first Pfizer shot on Friday. Went well with only a little tenderness in the spot plus yesterday a very mild headache but really nothing requiring a Tylenol. It passed quickly. I’m only scheduled to get the second shot in mid July so really not much will change for me until then.


    I’m hoping the vaccine supplies will increase in June if the US meets its deadlines and they start to have surplus vaccine but who knows.


    Wow. Mid-July is quite the gap. I go back for the 2nd shot on 4/18. Getting the appointment was brutal but once I finally had one it's gone well so far... So far, so good.

  11. Damn, now I know what I'm ordering online today while getting my Pfizer shot ?

    Well, on my way out of the door, my boyfriend's hair stylist called. He's already had both vaccination shots. She's already had both vaccination shots. she tested positive for covid on friday. He had his haircut on thursday. Guess who's just now today going for their vaccination shot. The first shot. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think...

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