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Everything posted by E.T.Bass

  1. Fun stuff. With a little internet research I came up with these. One hears about Asheville, NC as an inclusive place to live. A quick search for affordability came back with Based on the Income that you entered, if you are earning $50,000 after tax dollars in CA San Francisco, the comparable after-tax income in NC Asheville is $25,155. Asheville is still not a cheap place, and I'd guess that is because so many people appreciate living in a gay inclusive, artsy kind of place near the Blue Ridge Mountains. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iowa City Iowa scored a perfect 100 on the HRC municipal equality index. The population is around 80,000 so not a gay hotspot. Des Moines, Iowa scored 97. The metro area is 500,000. Lot of arts. A rising hot spot for millennials and techies. Des Moines is a little more economical than Asheville. $50,000 after tax dollars in IA Des Moines, the comparable after-tax income in NC Asheville is $54,194. Huff post live offered insight about gay friendly Des Moines. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/11/most-lgbt-friendly-cities_n_5480806.html
  2. Conan O'Brien. Funny show! Conan's band was fantastic. They came up into the audience and played a short concert for us. Conan loves his fans! Father John Misty was the musical guest. He sang Nancy From Now On. Was quite awesome. Sara Silverman was one of the guests. She killed it. Came out to talk about her Disney movie and ended up getting Conan all embarrassed with a bunch of naughty talk. After the show, they brought out Kristen Stewart to tape a segment to be spliced into another night. Everyone had to act like it was another day, and the audience had to play along, sort of thing. I would do Conan again. Conan fans are a cool breed, if I do say so myself. [MEDIA=vimeo]207984374[/MEDIA]
  3. This cute guy from Northwestern, his cute friend and his song about Hamilton's love for John Laurens. A clever video and a fun song. I'm one of the last that hasn't seen Hamilton but I understand the musical does not do much about the depth of Hamilton's love for Laurens and so this young man has filled the void left by Broadway.
  4. I thought it was about 4 illegals trying to sneak in. One got mixed up with opium and made a deal to kill the opponent of an autocrat.
  5. Yeah, it's one space, with all due respect to those that took typing at school in the prior century
  6. James Wilby and Rupert Graves naked together in bed was nice. Hugh Grant is a great actor IMO. When Maurice gets with Scudder in the boathouse, you could feel it. Maurice wants his Scudder.
  7. When is "ask me" ok? What might it lead to that could be nice, hypothetically speaking of course?
  8. Foods like pickles and sauerkraut are good for the gut.
  9. I enjoy PS but never been there in the summer. I'm surprised it's marketed as a year round destination. Apparently in summer the golfers will tee off at the butt crack of dawn and get in at least 9 holes.
  10. My estimation of Lakeith Stanfield has plummeted from high places. Even if he is sorry he did it, I will always know he did. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/06/27/get-out-lakeith-stanfield-star-apologises-rap-fag-gay/
  11. I'm still glad I fired them. I should fire Chase to. Is there a bank that still stands by a code of ethics when dealing with their customers? Now that Trump is prez, consumer/customer rights at the banks are probably getting less and less attention from regulators.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Sonny and Will accidentally kill someone, then roll the body up inside a carpet? Either way, Salem is one fucked up town. I miss the good old days on soaps when the worst thing that happened was the doctor's wife trying to keep her past a secret, that she was a hooker.
  13. I watched the Netflix DVD (DVD.com). That version does show David Lynch as the director. Much of the wacky, crazy, psychosexual, masochistic stuff had his fingerprints all over it, I thought. For me the movie was strange (and not in a good Mulholland Drive kind of way) and a bit of a chore to watch. I was not left with the energy to watch much of the DVD extras although I did listen to Raffaella De Laurentiis discuss the special effects production and how difficult it is to edit so many effects into a coherent movie. I agreed on that point and then switched it off.
  14. That's a good way to put it, an expansive view. I get the sense that the end of the war (WWII) amplified it, especially in California, the soldiers returning, what many of these young men had been through, and the kind of world view they must have had compared to the rest, that they were more willing to admit to or not object to things that people in the heartland rejected or at least didn't understand as well.
  15. I don't open most e-mails. Although one time I did engage with this Nigerian that was in need of funds. I played along as the unwitting sucker that didn't understand exactly what they wanted and kept the convo going in circles, e-mail after e-mail. I suppose I shouldn't have done that.
  16. There are doubters and even those that want to detract from the man, as if there is still that defensive reaction the entertainment media has always played along with, even in the case of these individuals that reached their peak decades ago. The director spoke about evidence that corroborates Scotty Bowers, e.g. the details about his meeting J. Edgar Hoover. The movie opens Friday in Hollywood, and the following Friday in NYC. Depending on how well it opens will affect how many other cities will show the film. I imagine a lot of folks would be interested in this movie. https://www.scottymovie.com/
  17. This knowledge has been spouted for way more than 2 years. It's fucked up that such an unacceptable outcome is not being addressed effectively. Gee, maybe no one gives a fuck if we die. Could that be the reason?
  18. Yet some folks are still upset to learn Randolph Scott loved men. Until those peeps join Randolph Scott in the hereafter, they'll demand to cling to their beliefs and despise anyone that brings a different story.
  19. I read Timothee Chalamet may get the lead role in a relaunch of Dune. Link below. So I decided to watch the original last night. Can't say that I liked it. A little bit of David Lynch goes a long way. A less is more kind of thing I guess. Perhaps the relaunch will find success. Sounds like an exciting movie for TC. https://deadline.com/2018/07/timothee-chalamet-dune-denis-villenueve-legendary-frank-herbert-1202427315/
  20. I've noticed the same thing on canned dogfood at T. Joe's. Lotta dinged cans in the last few months. Was thinking about ordering Royal Canin from Chewy.com. My dog loves that stuff. Pricey though.
  21. I just didn't know, or it frightened me, what the straight boys wanted from me, and so what happened remained there, on the dark side of the moon.
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