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Everything posted by E.T.Bass

  1. I remember an earlier video where Mark went around campus asking guys if they thought he was gay.
  2. House broken into. Bicycle stolen twice. Front tire of bicycle stolen another time. Hit and run. Calculator stolen. Somebody took/ate my pop tarts in the break room at work.
  3. I was intrigued by El's pictures. Striking good looks and so fit looking. His reviews have been good. I finally got on his schedule and glad I did. His technique ranks right up at the top. Felt amazing. Also was very sensual. He has a quiet gentleness and is strong. El is a very lean guy and average height. I know we are not supposed to write reviews here, so PM me for details. I will return.
  4. Christopher Sean has left the show. So no more #dressingroomsessions. Too bad. These two were sweet together. Will had to give up trying to get Paul pregnant. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1119002348274470
  5. How soon will he remember cheating on Sonny with two other dudes, one of them the sweetheart that Will fell in love with during his recent amnesia? Wasn't Sonny also engaged to Will's sweetheart? Then dumped him when Will came back to town? :rolleyes:
  6. LOL. That would be an exceptional retirement home amenity. The Daddy room.
  7. My sense is that the industry is not going to be kind to Netflix. Reviews are mixed.
  8. I saw the west coast premier in Culver City a few years ago at the Kirk Douglas Theater. I didn't feel as much empathy for these guys as I was supposed to. I've seen worse plays and better ones. Would be fun to see Armie Hammer in this. I expect he's good.
  9. Chances are there is no useful advice for him. Of course Suzie Orman would tell him to use that money to eliminate his credit card debt. However, if he does not plan to live too many more years maybe she'd have some other ideas. The retirement books all say the same thing don't they? Your finances have a lot to do with how long you live, which can be difficult to predict. Sometimes it's hard not to worry about friends and family money issues. You might be better off letting go of it. But I hear you. I have coworkers in their 50s and 60s that have huge credit card debt and are not prepared for retirement. It baffles me. On the other hand I don't spend a second worrying about their choices.
  10. The thing about annuities, at least what I've wondered, if the underlying asset(s) go belly up, tank, crash or what have you, what then with your annuity? The people I've heard do their sales pitch were low enough rank that they didn't seem to grasp the notion that something might go wrong. That said, I've had insurance and finance peeps squeal about annuities, the darling of investments, for so long now. I expect that if the investments are federally insured, that provides safety. But thinking back to the Lincoln Savings disaster where Charles Keating (won't mention who was a close family friend of Keating since you asked to not make it political) put a huge portion of deposits into risky investments that were not federally insured, a lot of old Republican biddies in Orange County lost their granny panties. I grew up hearing that timing the market doesn't work nearly as well as dollar cost averaging in. Also was taught that no load index funds are best and to be careful what kind of financial planner you hire as far as their rates and fees. That is the advice I've followed since I was 24 years old and it's working. However, for anyone starting to save later in their career, I'm curious what the pro's recommend doing.
  11. Surfing around the internet I ran across an article about the brain that was really more click bait but also reminded me of the movie Children of God, a movie that's mentioned briefly on other threads. The article was about how the brain keeps functioning after you die, not new theory as the article headline might make one think, because it immediately brought to mind that the same theory was discussed very briefly in Children of God. Here is a link to the article. https://didyouknowfacts.com/brain-may-stay-aware-technically-die/?utm_source=Web&utm_medium=Partner&utm_campaign=AOLHP&utm_term=pubexchange-did_you_know-aol Here is a pic from the movie (not the article). It's good enough that Prime is charging to stream this one. I recommend watching it. Good film. http://www.altfg.com/film/wp-content/uploads/images/children-of-god.jpg You can watch it on Dekkoo, and Prime, and rent the DVD on Netflix. I don't know if it is on Hulu anymore but it was streaming there several years ago.
  12. Sounds like you recognize your mistakes and recognize your anger issues. Congrats on going for a mile walk. Keep it up!!
  13. Hey @easygoingpaul I ended up watching The Last Year instead Even though I liked bits and pieces of it, I'd really recommend watching Fair Haven again, or The Falls trilogy, if up for a worthy screenplay about anti-gay clergy. Latter Days would also be a good choice. The Last Year went a little too far with how awful the gay guys were treated by faculty, students, parents, church, and most of all the storyline. They couldn't catch a break. Going to that school was a nightmare when I think about how they had almost no fun times along the way, while facing relentless rejection and hatred.
  14. Continued with another Prime selection, Ander (2009). A Basque farmer and Peruvian immigrant. English subtitled. Good movie, but the scenery is way prettier than the players if that matters. Acting and direction was a cut above the other recent Prime selections. Looking at what's up next. I see Missing Link, about a gay caveman. Might wait a while on that one.
  15. I nearly purchased a farm when I saw the price of a ticket to see Duran Duran on their recent tour through Southern Cal. For an economical choice, one could see Neil Simon's Plaza Suite at the Little Fish Theater in San Pedro (LA) this afternoon for a song. Just hop on a bus Gus.
  16. I agree. Finished A Warm Wind. A reminder of those active-duty currently in harms way, and those that have returned that are suffering. Today's political climate does not give them much space to them if it ever did. Glad I watched it.
  17. How was Regarding Billy? My next try will be A Warm Wind. Another thread discussed Just Say Love. Last night I watched Arizona Sky. I appreciated it and wanted to love it. But it's not in the same league as Just Say Love. The story idea was interesting. There were some good scenes. I'm glad Amazon gives these LGBT+ movies a home even when they are not as polished as they might be.
  18. Watched Just Say Love on Prime based on your recommendation. I enjoyed it. Actors were good. Was like a play on film and afterwards learned it was actually an award winning play. I'd love to see this performed live. http://img6.bdbphotos.com/images/orig/t/b/tbttle2edwl2e2wt.jpg?djet1p5k
  19. Paul Williams wrote the lyrics for We've Only Just Begun and other hits the Carpenter sang. I love his You and Me Against the Word. Helen Reddy had the bigger hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxd-7dTsUfQ
  20. I love this way more than I should. Watching this live from the BBC version of Karen Carpenter's performance seems extra poignant to me.
  21. Ex male hooker would be an interesting storyline, about as far as a soap might go. Maybe one of Paul's ex teammates got strung out on opioids, having to earn cash to satisfy his habit by servicing Father O'Rourke.
  22. Lot of Christian and Jewish Persians in Cali. that got away when Iran turned.
  23. Sony Classics wouldn't have picked it up if CMBYN was just gay clickbait. Seemed to appeal to women. The guys were pretty much bisexual characters. I saw a German movie called Harvest that was good and from Netherlands I like North Sea Texas.
  24. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/36114/ I checked for reviews and for other threads but nothing found. Anyone tried Dwayne? He looks sweet, nice body.
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