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    MichBoyBlake reacted to maninsoma in Be friend with regular escorts/masseurs   
    I made one friend out of the many men I've hired, and it's someone I hired significantly more often than anyone else. If I made a list of all the men I hired, there would probably be only a few guys I hired more than two or three times, though, and I wouldn't expect a friendship to develop with someone I only met a couple of times.
    A friendship between a provider and client needs to be a two-way street, just like any other friendship, and it cannot be forced. There has to be a genuine mutual interest in each other outside of the business relationship for it to work.
  2. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Cannon in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I prefer advanced planning as well. Ideally, just a day or two of notice in advance is all I need to accommodate schedules.
  3. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Mocha in Traveling   
    Ah I see. Well, you learn that you don't really need a reason beyond clients. It's just like when these business travel guys do: they go from the airport, to their hotel room, to the meeting downstairs, back to the airport and back home. I mean, the money is the main motivator for me.
    Sometimes I don't even like feeling obligated to do touristy things when visiting cities. Especially the 1st time. I remember visiting Denver for the first time, I didn't even go to the mountains. It wasn't until a few months later when I returned, and only because a client had called me up to visit him out there. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Most scenic drive I'd ever had, at time.
    Of course if you want to do other things, by all means. But don't feel obligated to have other reasons to go somewhere. When it comes down to it, most cities are similar. I usually just try to go to a club or bar and meet guys offline when I have spare time. It gives a chance to meet new people, and expand your horizons and have people to take the mind off business. If business sucks though, I won't even bother and will just keep it moving.
  4. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from Mocha in Traveling   
    If this was as much of an income source for me as I think it is for you.. (I promise I don't mean any shade at all I'm just guessing that based on the limited interactions I've had with you on here and obviously I fully support this as a viable career), then I'd definitely get pissed about that kind of thing happening too. That does make complete sense to me.
    I think it's really cool how people set up travel dates and even do like tours and such, don't get me wrong, it's just not the thing for me.. at least for the time being.
    I'm much more interested in like, finding enough of a work excuse to visit random places here and there, especially this summer since it's been killing me how little I've been outside of my own area lately. But I'd really hate to try and drum up business, and then decide it isn't worth it and cancel, because on a personal level it'd feel unprofessional to me. I PROMISE I'm not at all saying that others who use that tactic are unprofessional.. I just wouldn't be comfortable with canceling traveling dates like that.
    But I also can't think of any way to find that excuse without planning travel dates and then canceling if I decide there isn't enough interest to be worth it. So I'm kinda having difficulty figuring out how I'd want to go about planning and setting this sort of thing up haha.
  5. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Mocha in Traveling   
    Welcome to the club. Sometimes business getting drummed up in another city doesn’t always promise the desired outcome.
    However, I’m confused as to what you mean by find a good excuse to travel? Personally, I would make it very clear that the trip is specifically to see clients, even if it's not specifically him. But even if it is. That way a deposit can be made. I wouldn't make excuses like you're traveling to do other things, otherwise it's going to give the flakes less accountability.
    I have mixed feelings re: The cancelling travel dates when not enough business is expected. A good client may get really pissed off about that, others can be more understanding. Regardless, some of those may or may not reschedule. But when push comes to shove, it's going to be the escort who's stranded miles from home if shit doesn't go accordingly. So, if you think you can break even and have the money to atleast go and come back, by all means go. Sometimes, you may not get the responses you want until you actually get there.
    Even on this roller coaster Washington D.C. Trip...I came with only 1 advanced appointment from a regular, and just been riding the waves with spur of the moment sessions. I like to let people know that wherever I'm going, is usually strictly for expected client visits. Even getting a hotel is for clients only. That way, they understand I'm not just on vacation having fun. If they think that, they'll cancel and change plans whenever they feel like it.
    Who cares if it makes you look needy or aggressive. After paying $3 a gallon and more for gas, and $100 a night for hotels to get somewhere, I'm obligated to feel a bit needy and aggressive. Traveling is not a joke. Gas is too high, hotels too expensive. When I hear about these guys getting all expenses paid trips to stay at 4 star hotels by THEIR job, I would feel like a goddamn clown to be traveling around like a chicken with no head...paying for my own hotels and expenses, while people flake and play games. Oh HELL no. I have 0 tolerance.
    Now, if Rentmen was paying for all my travel, hotels, and lunches and dinners...AND paying me a $100,000 salary a year like these corporate dudes are getting, I wouldn't complain as much. But that's all fantasy.
  6. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from Bearofdistinction in Ask A Client   
    I hope this is an ok place to post this, it seems like it makes more sense than any of the other topics, but idk.
    I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in seeing like a "ask a client" section on this forum, essentially the counterpart to the "ask an escort" section? I sort of want to put it out there as a suggestion, but I'd rather not let that bother mods too much without knowing whether or not enough people on here are interested.
    As a provider I feel like having a section where I could bring up questions for clients to discuss would really help me out a lot in terms of improving and getting a better understanding of viewpoints and thoughts from the guys on the other end.
    Just a thought!
  7. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from AJ Doyle in New to escorting   
    Congrats on the review! I STILL haven't been reviewed but I also feel weird asking for a review and I think most clients don't like to write reviews, at least where I am lol. Especially since there's also this thing where plenty of escorts prefer to not have reviews, even if they're good ones.
    You already have a great collection of pics! AND a good video! Better than the pics I currently have posted to my RM ad at the moment lol. Looking at your ad makes me feel like an amateur haha.. I've been meaning to fix my profile up for a while now and this is definitely gonna motivate me to step it up lol. It looks like you're definitely off to a great start!
    Try to learn something from every client about how you want to be perceived by clients, how you want to interact with them, how you want to handle all sorts of different situations that may come up, etc. I guess it all depends on your niche but I feel like interacting positively with clients is a lot more important than performance in the sexual part of it, although bad performance is still not great and it doesn't at all hurt to be good at a number of different things in bed
    I'd also say don't worry about 'branding' so much. In a way it's similar, but think more about what niche you'd like to fill, rather than what your 'brand' looks like. One thing I really like about this work is that I don't ever feel like I'm competing with others in my area really, because most people fill a different sort of niche, and even if that difference is very slight, it still makes a world of difference to most clients.
    As for rates, it's very much dependent on your area. Some people might take it the wrong way but, if you're having trouble figuring out what your normal, standard rate should be.. I wouldn't hesitate to contact other escorts near you, explain that you're new and figuring it out, and ask them what they charge. Just don't let it bother you if anyone gets bitchy about it.
    Also, I promise I only mean this in the nicest and most flattering possible way. You're young, in great shape, and have a very nice body. You're objectively and conventionally very attractive. Don't let that go to your head. Experienced clients will smell that from a mile away, although some might be into that... (to be fair being a bit full of yourself in that way could totally be part of a niche). Just don't get the idea that you can charge significantly more than other clients purely based on looks. Everyone sorta finds and fills their own niche. No tea no shade, there are plenty of conventionally unattractive escorts that still do quite well. Idk about how things go in the huge west- and east-coast US cities that have tons of providers and clients all over the place, but from what I know experienced clients tend to expect your rate to be relatively similar to others in the same area, and having a higher rate usually has more to do with having more reviews, being more well-known, etc. Since you're just starting out I'd even suggest low-balling a bit at first, not to undercut people but to give clients a little incentive to try out the 'new guy'.
    Before this gets way too long even though it already has, the only other thing I want to add is if you haven't already, put more thought into putting up one or two face pictures. That's completely up to you though -- you'll see clients posting on here about how they would never even click on an ad if the first picture didn't have the escorts face in it, but really that's only some clients. Not having a face picture up might hurt your chances of being hired a little bit, but in general I believe it's always worth it to do whatever feels right for you, even if it's something that you're worried about hurting your chances of being hired, because in the end doing whatever feels right for you just helps you fill a more and more unique niche.
  8. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from Zapped in Ask A Client   
    I hope this is an ok place to post this, it seems like it makes more sense than any of the other topics, but idk.
    I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in seeing like a "ask a client" section on this forum, essentially the counterpart to the "ask an escort" section? I sort of want to put it out there as a suggestion, but I'd rather not let that bother mods too much without knowing whether or not enough people on here are interested.
    As a provider I feel like having a section where I could bring up questions for clients to discuss would really help me out a lot in terms of improving and getting a better understanding of viewpoints and thoughts from the guys on the other end.
    Just a thought!
  9. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from jcmiami1 in Ask A Client   
    I hope this is an ok place to post this, it seems like it makes more sense than any of the other topics, but idk.
    I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in seeing like a "ask a client" section on this forum, essentially the counterpart to the "ask an escort" section? I sort of want to put it out there as a suggestion, but I'd rather not let that bother mods too much without knowing whether or not enough people on here are interested.
    As a provider I feel like having a section where I could bring up questions for clients to discuss would really help me out a lot in terms of improving and getting a better understanding of viewpoints and thoughts from the guys on the other end.
    Just a thought!
  10. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to + Funguy in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I always have 'advanced planning' by up to a few weeks. Massage and escort.
    They all seem fine with it and I've never encountered even a hint of being pissed off.
  11. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to + JEC in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I'm also a "planner".
    The worst response I've had is "can you contact me closer"?
    If I make contact 1+ week before I'll usually say "I know it's early" and close with "I'll txt you a few days before to confirm".
    Better a planner than a time waster
  12. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Shawn Monroe in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    It’s not easy for us to be generally available 24/7 either as most of us do have other things we like to do outside escorting, or to deal with different communication styles and preferences of providers.
    I do appreciate that you at least try to stay within the bounds of the escort as many guys don’t. But it seems that the overwhelming majority of us prefer appointments to be booked in advance. In fact, I’ve cancelled trips if I didn’t have enough advance appointments booked in advance, and the guys that like to book on a whim would text me and ask why.
    All that said, I find it odd that anyone would object to an advance booking - it’s easy enough to schedule it and reconfirm closer.
  13. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Ryan Roman in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    Even if "I'm available" I'd likely need a couple of hours before I could meet a client. I'm likely doing other activities concurrently and not just sitting at home waiting for a client to book me... And I do prefer advanced bookings whenever possible so I can plan for it accordingly .
  14. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to LJNYC83 in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I definitely prefer advanced bookings. It’s way easier for me to schedule something than to randomly be ready to run. Especially since I’m very much willing to travel anywhere in NYC, but certain parts can certainly take time to get to by train from wherever I’m at.
    I feel like I tend to get contacted by people who are looking for right now. I believe I missed out on at least two clients this week because they reached out to me while I was at my day job and they were looking for right now. Ah well.
  15. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Rudynate in Advanced Planning Vs "Same Day" or "Now"   
    I always book in advance, usually at least a few days.
  16. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from + Kufrol in New to escorting   
    Congrats on the review! I STILL haven't been reviewed but I also feel weird asking for a review and I think most clients don't like to write reviews, at least where I am lol. Especially since there's also this thing where plenty of escorts prefer to not have reviews, even if they're good ones.
    You already have a great collection of pics! AND a good video! Better than the pics I currently have posted to my RM ad at the moment lol. Looking at your ad makes me feel like an amateur haha.. I've been meaning to fix my profile up for a while now and this is definitely gonna motivate me to step it up lol. It looks like you're definitely off to a great start!
    Try to learn something from every client about how you want to be perceived by clients, how you want to interact with them, how you want to handle all sorts of different situations that may come up, etc. I guess it all depends on your niche but I feel like interacting positively with clients is a lot more important than performance in the sexual part of it, although bad performance is still not great and it doesn't at all hurt to be good at a number of different things in bed
    I'd also say don't worry about 'branding' so much. In a way it's similar, but think more about what niche you'd like to fill, rather than what your 'brand' looks like. One thing I really like about this work is that I don't ever feel like I'm competing with others in my area really, because most people fill a different sort of niche, and even if that difference is very slight, it still makes a world of difference to most clients.
    As for rates, it's very much dependent on your area. Some people might take it the wrong way but, if you're having trouble figuring out what your normal, standard rate should be.. I wouldn't hesitate to contact other escorts near you, explain that you're new and figuring it out, and ask them what they charge. Just don't let it bother you if anyone gets bitchy about it.
    Also, I promise I only mean this in the nicest and most flattering possible way. You're young, in great shape, and have a very nice body. You're objectively and conventionally very attractive. Don't let that go to your head. Experienced clients will smell that from a mile away, although some might be into that... (to be fair being a bit full of yourself in that way could totally be part of a niche). Just don't get the idea that you can charge significantly more than other clients purely based on looks. Everyone sorta finds and fills their own niche. No tea no shade, there are plenty of conventionally unattractive escorts that still do quite well. Idk about how things go in the huge west- and east-coast US cities that have tons of providers and clients all over the place, but from what I know experienced clients tend to expect your rate to be relatively similar to others in the same area, and having a higher rate usually has more to do with having more reviews, being more well-known, etc. Since you're just starting out I'd even suggest low-balling a bit at first, not to undercut people but to give clients a little incentive to try out the 'new guy'.
    Before this gets way too long even though it already has, the only other thing I want to add is if you haven't already, put more thought into putting up one or two face pictures. That's completely up to you though -- you'll see clients posting on here about how they would never even click on an ad if the first picture didn't have the escorts face in it, but really that's only some clients. Not having a face picture up might hurt your chances of being hired a little bit, but in general I believe it's always worth it to do whatever feels right for you, even if it's something that you're worried about hurting your chances of being hired, because in the end doing whatever feels right for you just helps you fill a more and more unique niche.
  17. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from + bashful in Am I the only one having difficulty accessing ads on Rent.Men?   
    I was on my phone and the first time I accidentally clicked the words privacy policy rather than the box -- which is a hyperlink to the page that shows their privacy policy. I think the terms of service is also hyperlinked. It also seemed like those hyperlinks were coded wrong and would flash the privacy policy but then quickly put me back to the page to check the boxes again. I don't mean to sound patronizing or anything but just make sure you're actually hitting the boxes, and then accept, and not hitting the hyperlinks right next to the boxes. That's just the only real problem I had, so if your problem is beyond that then I'm not sure how to help you.
    If you still can't get it to work and there are any providers in particular you remember that you wanted to try and contact, feel free to DM me with their name or whatever about them you can remember and I'd be willing to try and find the right people and give you their numbers.
  18. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to TruthBTold in A good question in another part of the forum   
    You can never type too much on this board. Well, maybe Steve K.
  19. Like
    MichBoyBlake got a reaction from TruthBTold in A good question in another part of the forum   
    I totally agree! I'm also very much not shy about having honest conversations with somewhat careful wording to make sure that whatever arrangement ends up being agreed on works out for both myself and a potential client. I list myself as versatile/bottom because I am both confident and comfortable with topping, but bottom just comes to me easier and more naturally, and I ultimately enjoy bottoming much more too.
    At first I listed myself as bottom, and after a while, thanks to some conversations with clients, I realized it's simply better for me to list as versatile/bottom, since when I list myself as just bottom, clients are very, very rarely willing to reach out and send me a quick message asking if I'm strictly bottom or if I'm able to take on a vers or top role at all. Just as you suggested about clients reaching out, I just find that clients are generally more willing to reach out this way. I would also never ask for a higher rate in that case, as I do stand by my rate being just for time.
    As you can tell I type way too much haha. I personally just like to talk things out a little bit and make sure that both sides are in agreement and everything will work out well. I do know I probably lose a fair amount of potential clients this way since I'm generally not all that thrilled about meeting without chatting a bit first to make sure I'm a good fit for the client, and to a lesser extent vice-versa.
    I don't think versatile/bottom is a dishonest way for me to advertise myself, but if I were to advertise myself as JUST versatile, then that would certainly feel dishonest to me.
  20. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to TruthBTold in A good question in another part of the forum   
    If you are naturally more of a bottom, then just state you are a bottom. I you put down you are versatile or bottom/versatile (or whatever we use nowadays) then you probably will be expected to act as a top somewhere along the way. Unless you have had an explicit conversation and you have made it known by only bottom. And in some cases, even if you list you are just a bottom someone might ask if you also top in some circumstances (like more $ or whatever). If you say "yes" then that is what is expected. However, I agree with you wholeheartedly that if something or nothing happens a discussion has to be engaged in. Hopefully an agreement can be come to as to the amount that the services that were rendered (assuming some were) were worth. In the end it is the client that holds the money.
  21. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Mocha in Finding clients   
    Oh gawd no. Don’t underestimate the Adam4adam. It’s one of the longest running, most consistent sites out. The fact that i still regularly pull clients from there speaks volumes. But actually, for awhile that had dropped off and I would stop using it for a 2-3 months. But, that was in Denver...a place that’s kinda annoying when comes to business anyway. I just don’t want them to continue falling into this censor train.
    At the same time, it’s not for the faint at heart. Don’t take it personal if out of 500 messages, you get 1 or 2 real clients. Madison Wisconsin is BAD for that. Then after a week, nobody hits you up.
    I think right now it’s been slow due to April 18th. Not everyone owed, but I’m definitely noticing a drop off since coming out of March. Always some fucking holiday slowing shit up. Easter. St. Patrick’s. Oh, well there’s no holidays until Menorial Day. Let’s throw in TAX day. Tomorrow is Arbor Day, where’s the hype for it?

  22. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Ryan Roman in Finding clients   
    What do you think the going rate should be, depending on the market?
  23. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to LaffingBear in Taking photos with escorts/masseurs   
    Its ok to ask anything. But its ok for them to decline.
    I'll admit, its a hot button issue for me, and was a bit of a negative in my hiring decisions. I met a guy who has fake pics on RM, but hes actually more attractive. Extremely concerned about discretion, with a back-story regarding embarrassment and exposure when he had used real pics.
    I have no interest in video or nude or even suggestive pictures. I dont seek attention by posting my activities on social media. But he wouldnt even take a head shot selfie for my phone contacts after 4 visits, including overnight. Walked to dinner in neighborhood with him, and noticed he behaved evasively at my front door due to security cam.
    I asked him if he'd like to travel with me. But Ive decided not to pursue it if hes going to be too cautious due to discretion concerns. Id probably still do hourly.
    At some point, my expectation of an ongoing client relationship includes at least a moderate level of trust and openness.
  24. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Zapped in Finding clients   
    You can get an inexpensive tripod that includes a smartphone holder and a bluetooth remote at Walmart for $20 or less, and have some more enticing photos up quite quickly. Good luck!
  25. Like
    MichBoyBlake reacted to Mocha in Is A4A even worth it?   
    Like I said, city dependent is what you’ll find a4a.
    You say you’re from Michigan, I’ll just let you in on a lil secret: rust belt cities are going to present their own challenges in the scheme of things. If your area lies within that area, you may notice what those “challenges” are.

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