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Posts posted by hypothetically

  1. I mean, I understand the why.

    Speaking personally, you can imagine one who does sex work does get desensitized to porn featuring two cis men. I think audio porn could be hot if creative, but it’s needs to be like ASMR and it needs to be nasty. Hell, I watch regular porn on mute, I can’t with all the “fuck yah” and whining.

  2. I reached out to him. He clearly has the terminology incorrect. I gave him the correct definitions of some terms and I gave him some pointers on how he can get his profile in the right area. I got a "Listen don't tell me what to do bro" response. ?


    He does know how to block someone though!


    I feel sorry for anyone he hires. He has a strong lack of communication skills. Hopefully that will be evident in their initial messages.


    Kudos for trying.

  3. I always get a kick out of the porn stars that look down on escorts. Umm..ok. You both get paid for sex. Yeah, except one has a camera filming it. I guess you could say the same of trophy wives/husbands too.


    Honestly it does seem weird but then why should anyone expect a porn star is going to be great in bed with you and not the hottie that he usually gets paid to be with. I think escorting is more the fall back position after the film work dries up.


    I’ve pursued working exclusively as an escort and never ventured into porn for the simple fact that I do not require the validation most young men seek from filming. I’ve always felt one pursuing a career as a porn actor wants the accompanying visibility, access, the “fame,” the attention. I feel the escort, who works exclusively as an escort keeps himself at a slight remove from the vortex that is the porn industry. That is not to say that escorting is less treacherous territory by any means, but I certainly do not feel gay men, already susceptible to mental health issues, benefit any from being a porn actor. Consider all of the unfortunate suicides that have occurred in the industry.


    I do not look down upon porn actors but I do feel those who escort bear an exclusive element that no porn actor can ever obtain once his first film goes live. The world over has digitally fucked you once you’ve had sex on film. Escorts can say, not everyone has access to them, nor has everyone had them (digitally), and they, we, get to choose who has access to us. Our privacy is still very much in our hands. There is still exclusivity, there is mystery, and the only expectation the escort has to live up to is the one a prospective client has created in his mind, not one that is meticulously crafted and that can be streamed on PornHub innumerable times until the allure is gone.


    Has nothing to do with resting on one’s laurels when the porn runs dry, and while a valid point, everyone’s reasons are individual. I think porn actors look down upon escorts because it requires a skillset they do not have. And if this forum is to be a receipt, reviews of porn actors are usually less than stellar. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

  4. Getting high in Central Park Rambles...we always found lots of guys looking for a quick hookup...I met a tall..thin..muscular mulatto man..so beautiful...with a huge piece...we had incredible sex..afterwards i could barely walk home..of course that was in the 70 s.


    Pity I missed that era. Of course I’ve had sex in the park, but sans the cruising experience which really makes the experience what it is.

  5. At 5'8" you would be looking down at me. When I was a child, 5'8" was within the range of average height for adult men. My nephew is the only one in the immediate family to crack 6' (he's 6'2"), but that's from his mother's family (likely his maternal grandfather, who we've never met).


    Your post piqued my curiosity, and I noticed your links a the bottom of your post, so . . . I looked. You're strikingly handsome. And your posts here make you even more attractive.


    Thank you @former lurker, I appreciate that :):):)

  6. I never said he didn't have a "rotten personality". However, pointing out someone is too short and not that attractive sounds like an attack to me.


    Christ. Comprehend. Read slow.

    No one said you said he had a rotten personality. My statement that began “generally speaking” simply posed a question per how “beautiful” one could possibly be if they had a rotten personality.


    But if you couldn’t gather that from a simple sentence then I also wouldn’t expect you to wrap your head around the fact that calling someone “short” in the context that @Poincare did is not an attack. I’m 5’8” (ish), if someone on the forum said I was short I wouldn’t think someone was attacking me. If someone said I was “less attractive in person,” while an opinion, it is not an attack. The person wouldn’t be saying I was ugly, but rather, my photos did not live up to their expectations. Again, an opinion but certainly not an attack. Why I am explaining this to someone likely twice my age, I do not know lol.

  7. Attacking his looks is making you look like one as well.


    Pointing out that someone is “short” and saying someone is “much less attractive in person” is HARDLY attacking. No one called the boy a gremlin.


    He is attractive, yes. But generally speaking, as I have not had the “pleasure” of meeting Topher, beauty equates to what when you have a rotten personality? Answer me this.

  8. I guess you mean Paris :p?

    I've read good things about Brussels here, and it attracts me much more than the french capital, that's why I was thinking going there.


    Did you provide a link to the correct thread? That thread, from 2015, contains a singular sentence that hardly gave Brussels an honorable mention. I wouldn't define that as "good things." Markets change, rapidly.

  9. Found this really hot guy but noticed the phone number has a couple of digits added. Is this normal for international guys? I looked the number up and it’s a Chinese phone number. The guy says he’s from Chile. https://rent.men/AlejandroLatin


    Any help is appreciated.


    If he has an international number he is likely here in the states traveling for work. His profile does say "world tour," meaning he is not based in NM, but that is simply his "home location" while he is working in said city. Notice the travel dates also.

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