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  1. Eye Roll
    + nycman got a reaction from socurious in Anthony Flex in Philly   
    I love how you put a positive spin on everything.
    The man charges in here like a raging bull, behaves like a 5 year old brat, and you invite him to afternoon tea.
    You must be delightful at dinner parties (I’m being serious). 
  2. Applause
    + nycman got a reaction from Clt704guy in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  3. Applause
    + nycman got a reaction from Hot4latin in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  4. Confused
    + nycman got a reaction from marylander1940 in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    A blessing is not a virtue. 
    Be thankful.
  5. Confused
    + nycman got a reaction from Luv2play in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    A blessing is not a virtue. 
    Be thankful.
  6. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from Whippoorwill in Ballet Dancers   
  7. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from Whippoorwill in Ballet Dancers   
    There can be only one……

  8. Agree
    + nycman reacted to pubic_assistance in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    Depression is real.
    It's is worthy of empathy.
  9. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from ApexNomad in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    It can be truly hard to have empathy for something we don’t fully understand….
    but we must try. 
  10. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from + sync in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    It can be truly hard to have empathy for something we don’t fully understand….
    but we must try. 
  11. Agree
    + nycman got a reaction from Bokomaru in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    It can be truly hard to have empathy for something we don’t fully understand….
    but we must try. 
  12. Applause
    + nycman got a reaction from pubic_assistance in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    It can be truly hard to have empathy for something we don’t fully understand….
    but we must try. 
  13. Sad
    + nycman got a reaction from marylander1940 in One Direction singer Liam Payne dies in Argentina after fall   
    It can be truly hard to have empathy for something we don’t fully understand….
    but we must try. 
  14. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from thomas in Ballet Dancers   
    There can be only one……

  15. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Ballet Dancers   
    There can be only one……

  16. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from jackcali in Hungmatt NYC   
    Maybe he thought you were poor.
  17. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from Harryinny in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  18. Haha
    + nycman reacted to samhexum in I'd have given different advice   
    DEAR ABBY: My husband and I used to play in a band together. He played guitar, and I sang. He now has another female singer in his band, and I can hardly contain my feelings. In the beginning, he was invited into an existing band she was already in, and he accepted. But then, that band broke up and reformed, and he kept the girl in it. He knows how badly I have wanted to sing again. I tried endlessly to resurrect us as a duo or a starter band, but getting him to work with me was like pulling teeth.
    I was a singer in my own right before him and since, but he has never been honest with me about why he doesn’t want me to perform with him again. This has affected my confidence so much I have virtually given up singing. It kills me that I’ve relinquished my artistic identity over this. The thing is, he’s just a local player — this is not the big time. He had his heyday years ago, and she’s just average. They don’t have a following or crowds lining up to see them.
    I have tried to be supportive because he needed the confidence. But I’m like two people — the supportive wife and the manipulative green-eyed monster. To add insult to injury, she’s made clear that she doesn’t like me by unfriending me on social media. She named the band after herself, and posts provocative pictures of herself in the band all over the internet. I hate feeling like this. I don’t like who I am. Do you have any advice? — JEALOUS IN PENNSYLVANIA
    DEAR JEALOUS: Although the band was your husband’s in the beginning, at the end of your letter you state that the vocalist has named the band after herself — which leads me to believe the band is now hers and he is her employee. The fact that this new band isn’t doing particularly well may mean that it won’t last much longer. You had a singing career before you met your husband. It may be time to consider resurrecting it and reclaiming your own artistic identity. THIS IS GOING TO SOUND LIKE A BROKEN RECORD (get it?!?), BUT KILL THE BITCH… AND REALIZE YOUR HUSBAND IS A SAINT FOR NEVER TELLING YOU THAT YOU MAKE YOKO ONO SOUND LIKE CELINE DION.
    DEAR ABBY: Our daughter was widowed a number of years ago. She’s now getting married for the second time. She and her fiancé are financially stable. They both have good jobs and are financing the wedding themselves. They have plenty of furniture and other household items.
    My question is, what can we give them as a wedding present, or how can we help them? Would it be appropriate to offer to pay for the wedding cake and champagne for the reception? Any other suggestions would be appreciated. — PARENTS OF THE BRIDE
    DEAR PARENTS: Why not propose your idea and ask if your daughter has any other ideas about how you can be helpful. Because she and her fiancé have good jobs and are financing the wedding themselves, consider offering to buy them something for their new home, such as an appliance, or to contribute toward their honeymoon. ASK THEM WHAT THEY WANT AND STOP WASTING MY TIME WITH THINGS THAT AREN’T PROBLEMS?
  19. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  20. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  21. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from TorontoDrew in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  22. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from BonVivant in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  23. Agree
    + nycman got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Girth Enhancement?   
    Although I certainly haven’t had it done, I’ve seen it more than a few times. It always looks like a disaster. Fat without being sexy. Chubby without being hard. Pretty useless at the end of the day. Love your penis boys. Don’t inject shit into it
  24. Applause
    + nycman got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
  25. Haha
    + nycman got a reaction from + DynamicUno in FIVESTARLATINOO - Math ain’t mathing   
    That depends, do you wanna discuss the Pythagorean theorem with him…..or do you wanna fuck?
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