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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. I totally see your points!!!! Being black and gay is a unique experience in that you experience so many barriers due to preference... of course there were guys that didn’t like be because I was black... then there were other blacks who didn’t like me because of my complexion.... add in all of the other characteristics that people use to judge you, and it creates a huge wall of questioning ones self-worth. I drilled in my head over and over not to care about others opinions of me and it saved me from a lot of heartache and poor decisions. I truly empathize for those who have not Learned that valuable lesson yet. I live in DC, and there are plenty of white guys who can’t stand blacks... I laugh when I go to my predominantly white gay gym daily and get the “what are you doing here”, dirty looks from white gays, and the competition of the sprinkles of ethnic guys to get their attention and validation. I take my fabulous black ass in every cycle, yoga class and weight room and fry the place up, and pay all of these people’s delusions, stereotypes, isms, preferences, insecurities and issues absolutely no mind, and throw shade with dignity and class. ???? ??
  2. I totally see your points!!!! Being black and gay is a unique experience in that you experience so many barriers due to preference... of course there were guys that didn’t like be because I was black... then there were other blacks who didn’t like me because of my complexion.... add in all of the other characteristics that people use to judge you, and it creates a huge wall of questioning ones self-worth. I drilled in my head over and over not to care about others opinions of me and it saved me from a lot of heartache and poor decisions. I truly empathize for those who have not Learned that valuable lesson yet. I live in DC, and there are plenty of white guys who can’t stand blacks... I laugh when I go to my predominantly white gay gym daily and get the “what are you doing here”, dirty looks from white gays, and the competition of the sprinkles of ethnic guys to get their attention and validation. I take my fabulous black ass in every cycle, yoga class and weight room and fry the place up, and pay all of these people’s delusions, stereotypes, isms, preferences, insecurities and issues absolutely no mind, and throw shade with dignity and class. ???? ??
  3. I agree that my stance could have been softer, as this is a touchy subject.
  4. I agree that my stance could have been softer, as this is a touchy subject.
  5. I both agree and disagree with you. 1.) Our “preferences”, are prejudices 2.) “Preferences” aren’t fair, but it doesn’t matter. When it comes to whom someone sleeps with, they owe no explanation. 3.) Who we are attracted to, does play a significant role in how we deeply feel about that person’s race as a whole, which is why so many ethnic snow queens seek the validation of white men. It’s not just a preference for them, it’s a deep seeded, euro-centric validation. A white man’s acceptance will make them feel better about who they are . 4.) There’s no such thing as “just a preference”. Every single last one of or so called preferences are shaped by social/environment, influences that start at our upbringing. We truly don’t own many of our decisions. Lol.....
  6. I both agree and disagree with you. 1.) Our “preferences”, are prejudices 2.) “Preferences” aren’t fair, but it doesn’t matter. When it comes to whom someone sleeps with, they owe no explanation. 3.) Who we are attracted to, does play a significant role in how we deeply feel about that person’s race as a whole, which is why so many ethnic snow queens seek the validation of white men. It’s not just a preference for them, it’s a deep seeded, euro-centric validation. A white man’s acceptance will make them feel better about who they are . 4.) There’s no such thing as “just a preference”. Every single last one of or so called preferences are shaped by social/environment, influences that start at our upbringing. We truly don’t own many of our decisions. Lol.....
  7. “Just a preference”, is a myth. Our preferences are shaped by centuries of propaganda and environmental influence. Although I think this guy is gorgeous, I do understand that my belief of his “beauty”, is shaped by social influence of beauty, shaped by Eurocentricm, colorism, featurism, and a standard of “preference” of light skinned “black” or alleged “bi-racial”’people.
  8. “Just a preference”, is a myth. Our preferences are shaped by centuries of propaganda and environmental influence. Although I think this guy is gorgeous, I do understand that my belief of his “beauty”, is shaped by social influence of beauty, shaped by Eurocentricm, colorism, featurism, and a standard of “preference” of light skinned “black” or alleged “bi-racial”’people.
  9. I’m obviously black and I think the class action lawsuit against Grindr is total bullshit. 1.) you cant force someone to be attracted to you, by way of law. Getting laid and “being attracted by”, aren’t part of any “Civil Right”, in the constitution. 2.) Instead of being angry at white guys who say “no blacks, no Asians, etc.” , why not ask themselves why they are seeking the validation of white men, and desperately seeking their attention and affection? 3.) I wish more guys would post exactly what they like and don’t like on those apps. It saves me a lot of time in my searches ? I’ll never support a self-hating snow queen. They are just as cold and vile to their own race as the white men they are rallying against. ??
  10. I’m obviously black and I think the class action lawsuit against Grindr is total bullshit. 1.) you cant force someone to be attracted to you, by way of law. Getting laid and “being attracted by”, aren’t part of any “Civil Right”, in the constitution. 2.) Instead of being angry at white guys who say “no blacks, no Asians, etc.” , why not ask themselves why they are seeking the validation of white men, and desperately seeking their attention and affection? 3.) I wish more guys would post exactly what they like and don’t like on those apps. It saves me a lot of time in my searches ? I’ll never support a self-hating snow queen. They are just as cold and vile to their own race as the white men they are rallying against. ??
  11. Why are you shocked about Asian girls preferring white men? Gay Asian men are the same way. Hence, why Asian gay men have persecuted white gays for their “No asian”, posts on their dating profiles. Here’s my thing: If you’re a white guy and you prefer white guys.... then it’s all good. You’re white and you are attracted to your own likeness. What cracks me up are gay blacks, Asians, Latinos and others who shame white guys for liking only white guys, when they don’t even like the guys of their OWN race. It’s flat out hiporcisy.
  12. This makes sense. For Straight men, the priority is getting pussy. Opening up to various ethnicities increases their chances of getting laid, since not all women are easy... it’s a numbers game for them. For gay men however, especially in larger gay metropolises, the options/opportunities are in abundance, and leaves them more room to be a picky, prejudicial, and unreasonable as possible. However, I don’t particulary judge guys for their preferences, I’m not bothered s by not being someone’s “type”, because of my race, body, etc. This is just sex, not employment, housing, banking, or voting.... as long as I’m not discriminated based on those factors, I could give a shit about someone's racial sex preferences.
  13. Agreed!!! I was watching a YouTube video (on another subject), and the vlogger said that “there’s no such thing as ugly”. Our views of beauty and attractiveness are programmed into our heads based on our environment and those influencers... I’ve been literally considered butt ugly and extremely attractive if many instances and when I was younger , I was confused and didn’t know what the hell I was. Once I realized it was all relative and subjective, I stopped giving a fuck, and let people see what they chose to see...
  14. Those apps are a joke, and provide so much irritation, which actually supports the views of the OP. Those apps are filled with: 1. Useless chatting 2. Social retards who have poor communication skills 3. Frauds and catfishes 4. And a few serial killers The “microwave” mentality that apps are promoting is not good for dating, or hooking up.
  15. TRUTH!!! This is why most of these so called relationships, are “open relationships”.... No judgment.... just calling it what it is... most couples are just two companions who benefit from the double incomes.... they aren’t even committed to each other. So if people can be in these “compromised partnerships” together, then others can live a convenient life of occasionally having an escort if he chooses, without judgment
  16. Hello, When you get a chance, please shoot me a PM on Miguel as well. Thanks!!!
  17. With your recommendation, I think I’m going to book him. Shoot me a PM for any additional details when you have a chance.
  18. One of my favorite masseurs!!! I’ve used him numerous times.
  19. Lmao!!! He’s lost his damn mind. I’ll just treat myself to something nice, shopping, have a nice meal at an expensive steakhouse (Mastro’s ?) , and go home and “massage” myself.. No one is hot enough for a 400 dollar massage!!!
  20. Please be safe. I feel better knowing you’re not traveling alone on the road anymore.
  21. I don’t think the standards of “beauty” are regional, but more so demographic, specifically in “straight” world vs. “gay” world. A gay man’s “ugly”, is a straight man’s “average”. A gay man’s “average”, is a straight man’s “good looking” A gay man’s “good looking”, is a straight man’s “unattainably gorgeous”. I always tell people that there are two areas of life where you will spend your entire life being scrutinized for your looks and feel the pressure to maintain your looks until the grave: 1.) being a professional model, and 2.) being a gay man. The reason why gyms are packed with gay men isn’t because they are health conscious... it’s because they have to maintain a certain standard of physical attractiveness in order to have a sex life and find a mate (for a friendship, relationship, random sex, etc.) Those who get out of the matrix of superficial bullshit either do onenof the following: 1.) say “fuck it”, and let themselves go and live a happy life, without seeking validation, and just orders escorts. 2.) Says “fuck it”, and goes into a vice: (drugs, food, alcohol) 3.) Says “fuck it”, and becomes a hermit. 4.) Says “fuck it”, and goes into a depression Or ..... Says “fuck it”, exits out of the matrix, reprogrammed his values and sense of reality, lives his life to the fullest and focused of self-value, authenticity, and is clear of seeking the validation of others. ☺️??
  22. Another point I’ll make, is that there is a possibility that the escort doesn’t see himself in the same image that many of the commenters see him. Just as many men in general have warped perceptions of themselves. It’s a screwed up cycle of men in general. Many guys think that they look better than they actually do.... this is why we commonly see the following: 1.) men lying about their age, when they obviously look older than their ACTUAL age 2.) men chasing around “hot” guys they never seem to get, all the while ignoring men who look JUST like them. 3.) men on apps tearing appart and objectivfying the looks of an escort/masseur, to such extremes, while not taking into consideration their own faults and flaws. Everyone has types and preferences and that’s fine.... but many of you guys are waaaaay to bratty and bitchy about it... and only correct your ways when you are suddenly on the receiving end of the “troll treatment”..... This is why lesbians are so damn happy.... no men... lol???
  23. Good Post!!! I think what bothers me most is how shallow, arrogant, delusional, and entitled men can be (both gay and straight)... a guy can be a “2”, and will affirm with ultimate confidence that he has no interest than anyone below a “7”. On dating apps, there are fat old men, who strictly demand the company and dating of only slim, young men. Although people have the right to have whatever preferences they choose, it cracks me the hell up how so many guys reach beyond their own “standing”, and absolutely degrade those that are actually their equals... Now I’m a 39 year old black guy in average shape.... I find other black guys in my same age range in the same shape attractive.... do you know how many of these clowns in my same range refuse to even acknowledge my existence because they are reaching “higher”.... (yet never get what they are asking for) ??????? I just think that men in general have an extremely deluded sense of true self-awareness......
  24. This goes to show how shallow and delusional men are.... I actually commend this overweight escort for his confidence. What’s ironic is that he looks no different that most of the customers that escorts have. Yes, I said it!!! Many of you all will fat shame and judge someone else, but demand “respect”, and consideration when the “troll shoe” is on your foot... Many of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
  25. People are such hipocrites... and the “customer is always right”, mentality is pure toxic bullshit. If customers can post commentary on masseurs (many people tear them down and unfairly trash them with ill intent), then why can’t a masseur address an issue he had with a client? He didn’t mention the person’s name or any other identifying information. As a customer, it makes my blood boil, how some of you think that just because you are paying for a service, that you have the “right”, to have one-sided benefits that cater to your egoes. Some of you don’t realize it, but some of you are BAD CUSTOMERS and teeter along the lines of social retardation. “Lavender Guy”, stalked this masseur on another site, then after being rejected, finds out he is a masseur, and then books an appointment with the intent of manipulating him into sex. When the masseur doesn’t fall for the catfishing, he then lies about an allergy and demands a refund. This dude is beyond “involuntary celibacy”, and creeped me the hell out. There’s no way he should be excused for his behavior, nor should the masseur keep quiet. Actually, he should warn other masseurs about this guy... he’s a safety risk!!!
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