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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. That’s not the only area where I own property, So nothing “explains” it. Even before I owned property in THAT area, I’ve heard the same rhetoric by people like you....
  2. I won’t engage any further in this topic (only because it makes my blood boil)... for those who live in DC, many understand that there is a long withstanding issue with neighborhood stereotyping, zip-code discrimination, and specifically in DC, Quadrant marginalization. And also what I call “neighborhood snobbery” . So typically, without reviewing actual data statistics, if an area where a person lives in is in the SE quadrant of the city (on the OTHER side of the river, it is automatically assumed they live in a bad, poor, dirty, crime-ridden neighborhood because the area is predominantly black, and some sections within it has high crime rates. Because of this, this entire quadrant is assumed to be “dangerous”, “unsafe”, and “ghetto”. Wanderoz is one of those people who has these ideas and that’s fine.... However, I have a property near Naylor Gardens (in Hillcrest to be exact), no crime, and the only critters that’s in my back yard were deer and raccoons...
  3. Shame on you for those old, archaic stereotypes of an area you know little about. If you’re in DC, I’ll gladly take you for a ride through this so-called bad neighborhood to see how wrong you actually are.
  4. 1.) Naylor Gardens is NOT in far Southeast. Far southeast extends to such areas as Congress Heights and others.
  5. His characterization is that’s its in the SE quadrant of the cotynon the “other side” of the river.... The ole SE stereotypes still prevails.... ironically, statistically, the Naylor gardens neighborhood actually has less crime than Columbia Heights in NW... but I won’t go any further on my rant on this one... lol
  6. We know good and well that “volor Thanks for the compliment ?
  7. 1. There’s no “social justice” saying “rednecks”, in this instance, because the OP has chosen to call himself a red neck. 2. “To sit and degrade him without knowing him is racist”....ummm... no one mentioned his race in the entire thread, or any other thread for that matter... you’re just searching for bait (and using the OP as a tool), to go on one of your passive-aggressive-racist-troll rants... We’ve seen your posts, and we get it: 1.) You miss the “good ole days”, where you could proudly use the “n” word and other racial epithets, without backlash, and proudly pound your chest on every ism that your vapid soul is filled with.... 2.) You’re frustrated that you can’t proudly hang your confederate flag without backlash and you’re mad that you have to be presented to websites, places and events that include diversity of gay men, that aren’t, blond, Nordic, and muscular.... 3.) We can also see that you are sick and tired of the so called “sensitivities” “exaggerated”, about racism towards blacks (you mentioned it here, I didn’t) and you want to be able to freely (and racially) insult whomever you want, whenever you choose ...(poor baby).... Well I am giving you ultimate FULL permission... you can say whatever you want about black people, fat people (since you grouped them together in another post, which is telling to what you think about both groups) and whomever else doesn’t meet your standards of “acceptance”... You have the right to be yourself. Stand in your truth!!!! ☺️? Just be MAN enough to accept the following: 1.) People like me will always be around waiting to provide the consequences. 2.) The “good ole days” are over. America will not be made “great”, again. 3.) You will always be addressed by someone who actually has some decency and sense.
  8. Very informative... I always thought that a good cuddling, oral session would be less work for the money, with less wear and tear on the body... But to each his own ?‍♂️
  9. In this case, the POSTER needs to be EXPOSED.. That’s the type of jerk that ruins things for everyone by destroying trust, and an overall code of sharing information.
  10. I’m sooo sorry for this experience.... but this is why I’ve always had that concern... Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys out here who are just creeps.. the kind with no type of social skills or redeeming personality traits, who masseurs loathe... the kind that probably never have a good experience with YMMV, because they are in-fact, the problem.... Ugh
  11. Good lord.. all I see are butts and thighs... ?.... I wanna sink my teeth into them
  12. To follow up... I found this clip of this trashy straight cruise from hell... yes, the straights are a HOT MESS too!!
  13. I totally agree with you... However, behaviors do change, based on the environment.... most douchey people adjust their level of “asshole”, in order to maintain jobs, and not get their asses kicked on a regular basis when dealing with others. But in concentrated environments that give them a bit more leverage to “show their ass”, .... could be disasterous. I also agree that straights are no different... a few years back... Former tight-end (no pun intended), Rob Gronkoswki, had a party cruise, filled with all of these young, trashy, fans.... ultimately disgusting!!!!
  14. Thanks, No crown deserved here.. ☺️ Just sharing what I’ve learned from some seasoned members of this forum. And just trying to be considerate of the masseurs who we enjoy.
  15. Also remember that your experiences with a masseur, may be exclusive to YOU. Giving explicit details to the wrong person could result in some jerk with no manners, reaching out to the masseur, hoping on his table, and literally asking for the exact same thing you experienced, as if he’s ordering from the dollar menu, and then saying “you did this for xxx”.... Definitely get a feel for the person who is asking the questions, and ensure they aren’t a jerk with involuntary celibate tendencies, before sharing such info...
  16. If your inner gut is giving you caution, then go with it... That’s your intuition.. Unless the person who is asking the info is a regular on this site, with a proven track record of providing commentary, I do not answer random detailed questions. Furthermore, I never EVER give details on a massage therapist who works in a spa. Their licenses can actually be compromised and their careers ruined. Please be aware that a simple google search of a masseur’s name could easily link to reviews and commentary on this site. The person inquiring could be one of many of the following: 1.) a peer or manager at the spa they are workibg 2.) a significant other 3.) a frienemy I’d suggest asking why they want such detail, and then checking to see if they have a track record of being on this site as a participant.
  17. Those type of “in shape circuit boys”, are the equivalent of H&M clothing... 1. Cute 2. Dispensable 3. Low quality 4. Only for short term use I wouldn’t waste vacation time on chasing circuit sluts.. Vacation for good experiences, good food, good drinks, and being around good people ☺️☺️
  18. No .... Protein bars, helpings of “pure for men”, and flavored poppers
  19. Oh hell no!!! Thanks for the insight. I’ve always wanted to go on a gay cruise, but if I attended that type of shit show, I’d probably be prosecuted for throwing tramps overboard ?
  20. I’ll be purchasing this today, to add to my reading list. Thanks for the post!! ☺️??
  21. Damn that man is sexy... Woooooooof!!!! ????? ? ? ? ? ?
  22. There was never any beef to call a truce. ☺️?? ... you’re cool with me ....? There’s nothing wrong with addressing things we don’t like (I did just that with my commentary on this thread).. I just feel that it needs to come from a constructive place. I never judge differing opinions, I only judge opinions that are made out of sheer malice, with no constructive purpose. ?
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