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Tarte Gogo

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Posts posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. So I knew about a guy on Instagram that I found cute and I thought I would ask on this forum about him, to see if your guys knew if he escorted.

    But I did my homework beforehand, I did a search on this forum for his first name and then on his last name (as he uses it on Instagram.)

    Nothing. Nothing at all from those searches. This guys' name was never used on this forum.


    Then only after checking, I created a thread about it.


    Some people kindly redirected me here, but others (you will recognized yourself I guess ) said the following:


    There is already thread, why are you asking here?

    Because that other thread uses a completely different name that has nothing to do with the name that I know.

    How am I supposed to know this other thread is about the guy I am asking for? I m supposed to be just super lucky and stumble upon it among the 3000 threads on this forum?


    Where have you been for the last 6 months?

    Duh, I have been living my life, what are you? constantly stuck on this forum, waiting for a new post? Sorry, I have no intention to read everything you guys post. If that is a mandatory requirement, then I'll leave.


    Why are you using his real name?

    That is the name I know him by. That is the name he and other people call him on Instagram and Facebook and tumblr. What, am I supposed to know all the aliases of everyone?


    What game are you playing at?

    Just trying to get some information, what game are you playing at?


    Anyway that thread was deleted within 30 minutes. Apparently there is a problem asking about an escort that, as it turns out, publicly uses his own name on his own RM page...


    Check it out, you will find a link in the description to this:


    I can't believe you guys gave me shit about using any other name other than Justin_teen, when he does that himself on his RM description.


    I think we need to establish a new rule on this forum: assume good faith.


    Admin Note: TOS Violation. No personal information.

  2. I choose Ren and 2 other guys that are no longer available and they looked exactly like their photo. Tokyo and Yokohama usually have the same guys since they are like 30 minutes away from each other. Shinjuku-gyoen-mae Station is literally around the corner from the Tokyo location and about 2-3 blocks from to Shinjuku-ni-chome.


    Good to know it is reliable at least for the looks.

  3. Anyone recently tried some of the boys at Tokyo Kids? Are these young men really as hot as they look on their pictures?




    They now have branches in other parts of the country.

    Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka

    What I really like about their website and service is that the rules are extremely clear (even though written in not so good English).


    I may be able to go soon.

  4. I have a normal name, but unfortunately, I have 2 middle names, and one of these 2 is double barrelled. That was fine in Europe and in the US because there I just used first+last names everywhere, simple. But when I moved to Hong Kong, I realised that every single form I filled in had to, by law, have the same full name as my what is on my passport. And when you are just emigrating in a country, there are lots of forms to fill for about 2 months before you arrive, and at least 4 months after you have arrived. So much time wasted in total, it adds up.

    I was not happy with my parents' choice at that time.

  5. I'm just leaving from supermen spa, Sameet was my masseur. If you like Turkish hairy bearded guys, he is great: gave me the same extras and interactivity as Kenzo, but on the shower bed.

    The massage was great too.

    And he is a lot more muscular and lean than Kenzo.

  6. Don't worry too much :) here people come and go :) once the escorts goal is completed, they retire! Their place is taken by some new one. The process keeps on going! Very rarely do they become good friends and stay on! After all, the show must go on !

    I don't think InterestingGuy is worried, he is just asking for accurate information about an escort.

  7. Great!

    Kevin Slater said :"report back." I did earlier on another thread but if anyone is watching this one, I'll copy the section where I answer Kevin's request:


    Now that daddys is accepting reviews again I will submit the details to the review section, but just a quick, happy note here. Of the three twinks I hired in New York City only one was a native New Yorker. (Brooklyn). The other 2 were visiting. Not my plan but it worked out great for me. Each guy was great in his own way. All were fun, enthusiastic in the sack, and did everything but a song and a dance to please me!

    Great bodies, great attitudes, and everything I hire twink escorts for!

    If you are a twink lover, check out Jesse, the sole New York resident (https://rent.men/JesseTwink)

    Sean from Boston( https://rent.men/dreamboyy) and Jake from Toronto (https://rent.men/jakobd).

  8. Ok he is real, not a scam.


    I'll write a formal review when I find the time, but for now:

    - even cuter than his pics.

    - perfect hygiene

    - excellent bottom, could take me all the way in without any fussing about.

    - kissing but without tongue

    - other skills: terrible, remains very passive and was just laying down in bed, while I was enjoying his cute body.

    - Asked for his fee before the action

  9. To me, it's a useful way of looking at the world - the idea that your spoken word has the power to influence your reality. So that if you go around saying "my life really sucks," sure enough your life sucks.

    Well, I don't care much for solving problems by thinking yourself to "be happy anyway". I face the reality and go solve it by doing something real. I like facts, because they lead me to take actions that actually change things.

  10. He told me that he prefers to top, but I am sure he wouldn't refuse to bottom, maybe for more $$. Just ask.


    I have contacted him, he did not confirm if he does incall at his NY hotel, but he says I can top him for $500. I will pass at that price.


    I'd rather try to catch @Yeison again, if he is back in NY soon. :p

  11. He told me that he prefers to top, but I am sure he wouldn't refuse to bottom, maybe for more $$. Just ask.


    I have contacted him, he did not confirm if he does incall at his NY hotel, but he says I can top him for $500. I will pass at that price.


    I'd rather try to catch @Yeison again, if he is back in NY soon. :p

  12. "Argue in favor of your limitations, and, sure enough, they are yours."

    I am not sure what the advice is here.

    • Do not try to find out what are your limitations?
    • Find out, but then ignore your limitations?
    • Know your limitations, but never talk about it to other people?
    • Know your limitations, but then only ever talk about it in a negative way?
    • Something else?


    About this whole discussion, @Rudynate

    You were asking how we felt about ourselves. I tried to provide an answer, using the only example I know well enough: myself. You could just have said "thanks for being honest, your situation doesn't apply to me but now I understand better how you and I are different".

    But all I read is attempts to tell me I am wrong.


    Guys, if you are feeling sexy, great! Fantastic, even! Enjoy it! I will never tell you you are wrong. Since sexiness is highly subjective, that would be completely insane of me to tell you you are not sexy.

    And since I have never met you, that would be triply insane, since I can't even judge you by my own standard, let alone by your own standard!


    And to all the older escorts: you are beautiful, guys, in the eyes of many, many clients. Not me, but I am only only one client among tens of thousands. I don't even hire that much. Please do not consider what I think to be significant for your plans.

  13. "Argue in favor of your limitations, and, sure enough, they are yours."

    I am not sure what the advice is here.

    • Do not try to find out what are your limitations?
    • Find out, but then ignore your limitations?
    • Know your limitations, but never talk about it to other people?
    • Know your limitations, but then only ever talk about it in a negative way?
    • Something else?


    About this whole discussion, @Rudynate

    You were asking how we felt about ourselves. I tried to provide an answer, using the only example I know well enough: myself. You could just have said "thanks for being honest, your situation doesn't apply to me but now I understand better how you and I are different".

    But all I read is attempts to tell me I am wrong.


    Guys, if you are feeling sexy, great! Fantastic, even! Enjoy it! I will never tell you you are wrong. Since sexiness is highly subjective, that would be completely insane of me to tell you you are not sexy.

    And since I have never met you, that would be triply insane, since I can't even judge you by my own standard, let alone by your own standard!


    And to all the older escorts: you are beautiful, guys, in the eyes of many, many clients. Not me, but I am only only one client among tens of thousands. I don't even hire that much. Please do not consider what I think to be significant for your plans.

  14. But you said yourself that the world seemed to agree with you.

    Yes. I was being sarcastic to @Eric Hassan .


    He implies that "You think it is true that you are not sexy, therefore you look for evidence of that in the world".


    But I point out that, given that I am not getting free sex with young guys, I do have the most obvious of the possible types of evidence. Unless he implies that I reject opportunities of sex with young guys.

    And to what purpose would I do that ? Just to make a point about being right?


    That would be silly. I am not rejecting sex when I can get it.


    The simplest explanation is the most likely:

    I'm not getting free sex from young guys because I'm not very sexy, to most of them (not all, I know, I know).

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