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Tarte Gogo

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Posts posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. so bad I missed him during my visit to NYC the past weekend, he told me he is out of the country for some auditions or modeling, I really think he is great in what he does, he left a good taste in my mouth and I need a reapeat.


    Can't forget those lips, grrrrrrrrr!

    If you find him on instagram, you can know exactly where he is nearly every day, he likes to tell the world. Also, many more gorgeous pictures.

  2. Looks like Yeison has also setup an onlyfans account recently, with several videos up already.

    Could this become a provider's trend?

    After all, if rentmen call them porn stars, might as well act in some porn videos. ;)

  3. Just tried him, he is not my type but I read on other threads that he was a power bottom, so I went for it. He is Really good at what he is doing. Perfect hygiene, and he will not hesitate to lick all these these hard-to-get places on your body.

    He takes his time and makes you feel like he is really into you. I'll write a review.

    Strangely enough, he doesn't seem to have any here. Unless it is under another name?

  4. Lots of comment, two informants were enthusiastic, one other one appeared to be a "promoter". One other cancellation . There's a pretty good chance that you're setting yourself up for another disappointment........

    Yeah, the kid's too busy posting videos on instagram!

  5. C'mon, don't be a drama queen.



    Alright, re-reading this thread a week later, and I can only admit I was being a drama queen.

    Why does the internet do that to us? Or was it the lack of sex (now thoroughly resolved)?


    Anyway, to try to redeem myself, I have decided to (finally) make a donation to Daddy as per these methods https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/the-data-are-what-the-data-are.126213/

    (I hope I won't discover that I was being talked about in the Cabana :oops:)

  6. I know you're just trying to figure out the rules of the game, but rule #1 is that this is not our sandbox. We are allowed to play in it and given quite a bit of latitude, but we have no rights with regards to this free service.


    Everyone who is interested in the boy knows his other (stage) name. Continuing to challenge and provoke the administrators, will just get this very entertaining thread locked or even disappeared. I apologize for making the joke that added more fuel to the fire, but really, it's best to let it go. They do not owe you an explanation, and when one is given it is often accompanied by a timeout. I'm just sayin....


    I am just trying to stay out of trouble while at the same time remain able to be as useful as everyone else, for example provide links to valid information. If that becomes impossible because I don't understand the rules, then I'll leave and you guys will sure have just as much fun without me.

  7. Under the name that will not be mentioned.

    Lol, this is getting beyond ridiculous.


    So if I understand well how the rules are applied, we are allowed to link to his RM account, where his other stage name is clearly visible, but we are not allowed to link to his onlyfans account where he performs openly sexual acts on video for anyone with 30 bucks to see and where his other stage name is also clearly visible.


    But on the other hand, we are allowed to post a link to any porn site we want ... except his.


    So is it that the porn sites of an active escort is not permitted to be linked to, unless we never mentioned that he is also an escort and not just a porn star?


    But wait, many porn stars have been mentioned as "also escorting" on this forum...


    Sorry, administrators, I can't see the logic through which you read these rules.

  8. Can anyone speak to his bottoming? Does he seem to enjoy it, or is he going through the motions? I ask because nothing is more frustrating than an escort who wants to please the customer, but his heart (or ass) aren't really into it.

    I am also top and enjoy myself a lot each time I visit him.

  9. My friend, do not take it so seriously. Life is too short. You are wasting time and energy you could invest in hiring Justin_Teen. Or at least on masturbating thinking of him.


    You are wise and correct of course.


    I'll just block @LookingAround, since by calling me names (Miss Naive) he has violated the TOS, specifically the one that says "please do not attack, insult or disparage others".

  10. As it happens, it's in the lower right of each page, link "Terms and Rules".

    I had never seen that. Thanks.


    I note the following: "Personal information that an individual has publicly provided may be allowed in some cases"


    So apparently there is a court somewhere that @LookingAround needs to take me to, in order to establish if my case of repeating some very publicly available information "may be allowed".

  11. Don't play Miss Naive. You know it's against the rules to give an escorts real name. I call you out on a hidden agenda. And you can't seem to stop posting about it.

    Where can I find those rules?

    In another one of these 3000 threads I am supposed to have read before I started posting?


    Yeah, and my hidden agenda is that I would like to hire this escort.

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