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Tarte Gogo

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Posts posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. The problem is when you project your needs and your self esteem to everyone else and pretend to be the voice of realism. You are wrong. Even if you do not find older men attractive, even if I do not, there are plenty of young men who do.

    As someone else said before, ultimately age is an after thought. You feel attraction or you don't. Another label to blur our understanding.


    I was talking about myself, and who is attracted to me.

    I think I know who is attracted to me better than you.

    To tell me I'm wrong is ... odd.

    Unless you have lived my life for the last 10 years?


    I didn't want to be snappy, but contradicting people who speak about themselves, when you have never met them, it just gets to me.

  2. But since they themselves are men over 30, I always wonder what they must think of themselves, since they belong to this age group that they find so repellant.

    Repellant is a little stronger than how I feel, but yeah, in short: I don't think I'm sexy. I would not have sex with myself (or a clone, or an equivalent of me, whatever you imagine) unless I was in love.


    I can however, have sex with men I find very sexy even though I'm not in love with them.


    This is why I pay them, in my case, it is so I can have sex with much more sexy than the guys my age. I pay them, in part, because all the guys their age do not find me sexy enough to have sex with me for free. They agree with me: I'm not very sexy, but they'll do it for money.


    Call that self loathing if you want, I call that realist, and it seems the world agrees with me (on my lack of sexyness).


    When you are in love, however, all bets are off: My husband is roughly my age.

  3. My knowledge of French is more academic than practical, but isn't it really the case that there should be NO stresses in French? Except of course for expressive emphasis in a sentence - and particularly at the end of a sentence? So that technically it's neither croissANT nor CROISsant, but croissant?


    English has very defined stresses, so yes, countering the usual stress (i.e. going more for CROISsant) would be an effective "correction," but wouldn't that really be just as wrong in true French?

    It would be an over correction, but don't pronounce the t in any case.


    In fact, as a rule of thumb don't pronounce the last letter of any word in French, you'll be far more likely to get it right than if you pronounce it.

  4. I am only providing living quarters with no cash payments involved on my part. He is providing sex, it is part of the contract. Besides the sex we are going to have every time both of us want to (he is actually into older men, he specially loves my dick), it is explicitly agreed that during the 2 weeks trial we will have sex at least 3 times a week. If we prolong the agreement, the minimum requirement is once a week. And I do not live in a fancy flat in Manhattan. My condo is an average 2 BR, 1 BR, in a humble neighborhood of DC.

    Of course part of the arrangement is developing a warm and mutually supportive friendship, I was focussing on the raw deal.

    I am a sexual being, a sex freak some would say. Sex is always part of my conversations since the very beginning, I would not be interested in any kind of arrangement without it.

    Wow, well if he is hot enough, that is a very nice deal you got yourself.

  5. I'm curious, in the instances of a guy topping a client, was there a signal sent that this would be ok, or was it actually discussed?

    It went like this: more and more mutual touching, then I am sucking him, then he is fingering me, then he climbs on the table rubbing his body against me, then kissing me, Then I open wide, then his cock is touching my ass, while I basically never stop moaning of pleasure all the way through, so he knows I have not objection to going further.


    The only words were when he was too close to be safe, I said "Condoms! here!" (reach out for my bag) "Put this on.", and that was it.

  6. Fun fact about English dialects:


    To confuse things even further, in Britain, "Asian" = { Indian or Pakistani or Bengladeshi or Nepali }, while "Oriental" = { Chinese or Vietnamese or Thai or Korean or Japanese or Filipino or Burmese or Mongolian or ... (I am sure I am forgetting someone here)}.

    Oriental people are also sometimes called East Asians in Britain.


    Can be easily confusing for Americans who just turned up in England.

  7. I'm wondering if there's a way to verify these guys? I'm traveling to hk in a few months.


    Not that I know of.

    You basically set up the appointment and if the wrong guy turns up, don't open your hotel room door.

    But remember, this is Hong Kong, prostitution is legal and regulated, so they cannot pull a "I'll go to the police and you get arrested if you don't pay me".

    I spent 2 years there, all my experiences there were good or average, never a single bad service or theft or anything like that.


    @Stone Bridge Horse is still there I think, so he will have more recent experiences.

  8. I never see a proper Indian-looking guy escorting, except if you look up cities in India on RM.

    I was once in Mumbai on a business trip and tried to find some guy on RM but had only bad vibes from them, and I didn't want to risk a scandal at my hotel, so gave up.


    Young Gay Immigrants in the US from India don't ever seem to make the jump and start advertising, unlike Latino immigrants, Chinese immigrants, Eastern Europeans, or even Middle Eastern immigrants, which you can find.


    It doesn't seem to be something they would consider as a serious thing.

    Am I missing them for some reason? Have you guys seen or hired Indians before?

  9. Oh wow, don't mean to be a spoiler but I would never use any agencies, especially http://www.chinagayescort.com


    It is essentially just answering the phone, hook you up with an independent escort that you can already directly contact, and charge you a mark up for their "services" that can sometimes double what you should be paying.


    This is how they work, at least in Hong Kong - most of the guys you see on the pages are Mainland Chinese men. They can only stay in Hong Kong on a visa for usually no more than 2 weeks at a time. They are therefore highly mobile and would like to take as many clients as possible during their stay.


    Most of them advertise independently in here: http://www.gayhk.com , which is fill with banner ads that will lead you to their pages where they show their photos and contact info. They are also very active on any number of online dating apps like Grindr, etc., I will teach you how to find them there below.


    So essentially the "agencies" are adding no value at all. The worst part though is that the photos and info are misleading, as many of the escorts being shown on the pages are actually not there or no longer working or simply just other people's photos. It gives the impression that they have many choices, but in reality only a handful are actually in town (because of the mobile nature of their stays). So when you call they will try to talk you into hiring the ones that are actually there and the ones that are more cooperative with them.


    The only benefit they provide is probably translation, as this site is obviously catering to non-Chinese speakers. No locals or other regional Chinese would ever use this one. But I know many experienced travellers have been able to negotiate using online translation and texting.


    You can find out how much this site will ask, and compare that to the going rate of an incall as low as HK$800 to maybe up to HK$1,200-1,500 if you contact them directly. A note though - I won't pay anything more than HK$1,000, as their fee is often negotiable, depending on busy they are.


    I would also be very careful with photos - many of their photos are so outdated that some could be more than a decade old. Whether it's through a middleman or direct, insist on asking for recent non-photoshopped photos. Or ask them to just take one on the spot and send it over the phone. Don't believe in anything you see online.


    While there are definitely good quality guys with the looks, body and attitudes, my take is that at least 2/3 of them are there to make a quick buck and they won't mind cheating by using doctored or old photos, sometimes even fake ones to lure you in.


    Also NEVER give them the room number to go meet you directly, because if the photos are fake you would have a hard time getting rid of them. Meet them in the lobby or at the entrance. They don't know how you look. If they look totally different, just run. If they insist on going up to the room it is also a sign that they're likely to be dubious.


    That's the situation with hiring Mainland Chinese escorts active in Hong Kong. I suspect the same with their listings within China. Note also the going rate is also similar, like around as low as RMB600 to anything between RMB1,000-1,500. Again, IMO, nothing in China worth more than RMB1K, or USD200.


    Not that they're bad looking. From my experiences the services are very rarely as professional as those in US and Europe. The attitude is more about the hustle than anything. You can tip if they are really good, but you can never ask them to charge less if the services are lousy.


    Back to Hong Kong. So how to find escorts on Grindr, etc.? Most of them are active in the city center, mainly in the area between Tsim Sha Tsui and Jordan subway (MTR) station in Kowloon. If you're traveling its likely that you will be passing through this area.


    Actually you will be able to see not just Mainland Chinese, but also escorts from Thailand, other Asian countries and an increasing number of Western ones. However, for the Western ones you can just go to the usual sites like rent.men to find them.


    There are also many local Hong Kong Chinese working as "masseurs". Unlike the Mainland Chinese and other nationals they are more shy and won't advertise publicly. Some do on rent.men, Grindr, etc but most are working in "spas" or "massage parlours".


    The locals usually go there to get a rub down followed by happy ending. Those places are also advertised on http://www.gayhk.com


    I hope it's useful. But really, stay away from http://www.chinagayescort.com


    Thanks for the rates! So not much change in 7 years.

    One thing surprised me: you can do incalls with guys in HK now? Like a proper incall, at his bedroom, not in a massage parlour?

    When I was there, the guys would always explains that they stayed in a place were there were too many of them, and so they were only doing outcall (that was still great, my HK apartment has so many hot memories).

    What does incall look like: some shoddy, really small bedroom?


    I think this will be useful to many people who are just traveling there, but I am not clueless, I used to live in HK and I did hire 40 different escorts when there (+many repeats for some of them, + many HE or full service in massage parlours).

    I hired many times through gayhk.com (agree that is the best way) and other times through the various agencies, so I already know the tricks.

    And sorry to contradict you, but even though some of these agencies were useless, some were reliable and were doing quality checks on the guys that they listed, and those only started to list them when their visa was available.

    I also know that an agency has got the guys that I wanted to cross the border from Shenzhen just for me (when they could, with the idea that the escort would then be available for other clients for 2 weeks).


    "Services rarely as professional as US and Europe"? I had the exact opposite experience, they usually were compensating for their lack of English with a lot of hard work in bed, seriously, and they were never on the clock. In US or EU, I often had the feeling of being just another job. In HK, that was not the case they cared about getting me happy. Maybe because I had a reputation for nice tips. Also they all look so young and fresh (if you chose well) not like the US and Europe, where the majority start escorting after 25, and, as far as I am concerned, well past the "hot" age.

  10. I am just coming out of hero men spa. There is a very cute-faced Chinese 22 yo guy called Tom, who is very much into his extras. He seems to be enjoying himself while doing it.


    Unfortunately he is a little bit chubby and don't go to him for the massage itself as it is kind of limited skills there, and in my case I shortened it to make room for longer extras.


    He will look straight into your eyes with his own beautiful eyes at several well chosen moments.

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