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Everything posted by LaffingBear

  1. 2018... went out shopping with family after turkey dinner. Fairly boring and unpleasant experience... my first-ever and hopefully last-ever Thursday or Friday Thanksgiving brick-and-mortar shopping experience. I've never understood the appeal. Walked through, bumped, wended, sidestepped and fought back the urge to push the crowds for hours. I bought a bottle of diet soda. 2019: Friday, I bought a few lightning deals on Amazon. Set aside my skepticism and bought a Ninja Foodi and a light therapy fixture for my office. I enjoy shopping. Will engage in retail therapy. But turkey Thursday and Friday crowds are something I'll avoid.
  2. Excellent film... worth watching. Didn't see the actual report ... teaser on the news today: "Netflix in trouble? How will they respond to new Disney and AppleTV threats?" Internet search seems to indicate that there's room for all players in the streaming segment.
  3. Nope. But I've SASHayed immediately after applying talcum powder.
  4. "Trade" 2019 is most likely in some shared rental flophouse selling their services by broadcasting via Chaturbate... or trolling Grindr for GEN. What's a street?
  5. Add me to the list of guys hiring less. My reasons: 1) I've become very skeptical of anything promoted online.... and, sadly, my skepticism is increasingly proven to be justified 2) I've hit an age and confluence of a)decreased libido, and b) my brain's ability to override stupid or impulsive decisions generated by my crotch All in all... I find myself thinking "I'd rather read a good book"
  6. Pissed me off too. And that they rolled it into a sports package that includes nothing I'd ever watch irritates me further. (And I'm an NFL & MLB fan)
  7. Armchair psychology: I suspect people are more in need of an emotional connection then they realize. That their partner will enjoy himself, and demonstrate it, is an important part of the experience. And, in general, top or bottom, people are wired to please; they want evidence its working.
  8. I wondered about that. I also wondered what would happen if someone asked about the less-traditional gender pairing. Big sister to a guy, big brother to a girl?
  9. Consider being a big brother https://www.bbbs.org/
  10. Ever feel a little self conscious about your purchases? Feel that $300, $400, $500 an hour is excessive? 30 million Americans will spend $490 million dressing up their pets this Halloween! I don't have a pet. But I'm feeling a little more indulgent about who I want to pet.
  11. Just meet him in the lobby. Or at a public place just outside. Unless its a tiny boutique hotel, no one's gonna notice you. And, there's the additional benefit of venue-screening. A scamner, with very old ad-pictures, or the recent addition of 65 lbs of flab or swastika face tattoos, wont meet you in the lobby. Neither will the guys who intend to rip you off. All of the above types rely on the privacy of your room to intimidate your cash into their pocket. A good guy wont hesitate to meet you in the lobby, or by the Starbucks on the corner. I admit: I like meeting in public. I like seeing a good looking guy on the move, how he carries himself, are heads turning.... Every recent Las Vegas hire, I've met in the casino before going up to my room. Every recent home hire, Ive met on the street outside a coffee shop on my corner.
  12. I'm probably not the target clientele for such places Living in the SF Bay puts me in an environment where gay is passé; I don't need a safe gay place I find nudity entirely unintriguing. Unlike many my age and a little older, I have never fantasized about gay resorts with blowjobs on the pool deck, or random knocks on the door. Its just not how I'm wired. I stayed there to try something different, because the people I was visiting live 1/2 mile away, and because I hoped for some level of comfortable, platonic companionship when alone. I achieved the latter. It was great to chat with guys at breakfast, at the bar in the afternoons, and go out for a drink with one at night.
  13. I did not hire while there. And noticed no play among other guests.
  14. Just left Cabanas after 2 night stay. My reaction is mixed, mostly excellent. Its spotless and well maintained. I happed to be there when the owner arrived and walked around noting the little details. Shades of Leona... I heard him tell someone to go clean the outdoor shower fixtures til they shine Tim the manager is as friendly and efficient as reported. So was the new guy who checked me in. The best thing was the friendliness of some other guests along with staff members. I felt very comfortable as a solo traveler I finished my stay with a massage in the spa, which was outstanding. The pools are nice. I never used the main pool... didnt like the location across the driveway/parking lot. The smaller saltwater pool and hottub were great. The grounds are lush. The little tiki bar area was friendly. Breakfast was more than adequate. The clientele is older. And the manager noted that they're aware they aren't attracting younger patrons. The dated setup adds to my expectation that its part of the dying gay scene. I dont wish it on them, but I couldnt help feel its a dying industry segment. Young gay guys dont need the safety of an all gay resort. My room was comfortable and clean. But basic. However, all other recent stays have been in high-end resorts. It made the differences more apparent. My bed was a mediocre mattress on a wood slat frame. Sad in comparison to the pillw-tops in other hotels and at home. The bathroom so tiny, my thigh knocked the TP off the wall-mount every time I moved. The shower was phone-booth sized... i could not bend to wash lower legs. A noisy wall mounted window air conditioner ran nonstop. I suppose one doesnt choose such a place based on room features. And, if the ability to hang out nude is a desirable attraction... its there. As is being surrounded by aging gay men. I chatted with others who participate in these forums, albeit infrequently. And it was nice to openly discuss the local male dancer clubs and rentguys Nonetheless... I enjoyed my stay. I might return, although I recognized that, visiting after a 15-year absence, I am not a fan of Florida. But if I needed to visit FL, I might spend a few days at Cabanas. I'd recommend it to the 55+ set on this board.
  15. Only addition I can think of, is that I see the word cloudy often. I assume its marijuana seeking... could be something else. Pergaps 420 no longer has meaning. Whats missing are the emojis that realistically convey Grindr users' behavior or attributes. Perhaps they could use a squirrel emoji, ora walnut, for "nutjob" How about alternating eggplants and cameras for guys fascinated by and collecting dick-pics Alternating clocks and trash cans would be appropriate for many. Is there an emoji that could be auto-applied for the scam-bots? Or the "im deployed in Afghanistan, want love and LTR, and oh can you send money?"
  16. Im on G right now. Telling me a guy is 1 foot from me Now maybe same room # different floor. Or directly beneath in lobby, meeting room I dont trust the grindr GPS. But its a handy screen. When a guy is 3 miles away, then 4389 miles away.... its a bot or live-scammer
  17. I admit it. I know it's baseless I'm not sure where I picked up the impression... perhaps dumb blonde dames in old movies.... I believe active gum-chewing conveys less-intelligence.
  18. Body odor. Man musk. Pit smell. Etc. Everyone has preferences, tolerances. Won't share most of mine. But will admit nothing turns me off faster then leaning in and getting a strong whiff of bowel. Someone less than thorough in wiping their ass.... And, equally disgusting for me.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnTKXf_caiU
  19. I'll add a different perspective, responding to one element of original post. Perhaps too much emphasis on the comment... ... given the prevalence of scams in this marketplace, if dishonesty interferes with your enjoyment... maybe you're not wired for the hired.
  20. What's Kiatsu? I googled it... not much online. An 11 year old video series that looks like acupreacupressure or thumb-pressing Asking, because masseurs in my suburban neighborhood are rare. But theres a new one, and he charges 50% more for Kiatsu Candidly, his rates are higher than I want to pay... but locals are so rare, I may indulge.
  21. Thanks. Watched Cabanas promo videos online. Booked it. Canceled the local Hilton. Then read this message. Nice reinforcement of my decision.
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