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Everything posted by LaffingBear

  1. I used to provide my weight in advance when screening. I had a few rentguys tell me their table couldn't accommodate my weight. This thread makes me wonder about clients who are sooo nervous, so prone to avoid attention... I wonder what they would do if a table did collapse. If they got hurt. Would an injured nervous-nelly try to flee without seeking medical attention? Would a fat guy actually pay for a damaged table just to avoid confrontation?
  2. We're all different. The participants on this board could, undoubtedly, opine on a variety of sexual scenarios; some would find them alluring, others repugnant. Many years ago, at the recommendation of others, I tried a bathhouse in LA/WeHo area. I think it was Melrose Baths - not certain. Not only did I learn that bathhouses aren't for me... but, relevant to the thread: I went into the total darkness room. A pitch black room. As a hand... well, presumably a hand.... came out of the darkness and touched me, I loudly exclaimed "NO" and bolted from the room. My entire bathhouse experience lasted perhaps 20 minutes. My entire sex-without-sight experience didn't progress beyond 60-seconds. I'd bet others find the possibility of anonymous, non-visual, encounters intriguing, if not arousing. I dont.
  3. Hmmm... living in Central PA... it was the route to the NJ beaches. I knew it as the ShoreKill
  4. I try using a free texting service with VOIP number. It often fails... and I understand that rentguys have a legit concern about scammers and time-wasters. Concerns about police are probably off-base; law enforcement can get real phone numbers. But, for every legit potential client, there are probably multiple time-wasters There are the indecisives who repeatedly look but never follow through. After dozens of questions, they'll find a reason to decline. There are guys who get their jollies wasting time The contact is likely to be two 14-yo boys sitting in mom's basement howling at the hilarity of the chaos they believe they're creating. All of the above are probably more likely to protect their identity, thereby dirtying the pool for legit hirers just being discreet. So, there's probably some degree of justification in a hireguy believing a real sms caller is less likely to be fake. Getting a burner is probably the best advice. I'm unwilling to carry two phones... so I'll continue with my voip approach and accept the diminished possibilities.
  5. Many good answers already...particularly those that convey "be respectful" As a consumer: Trust that little "too-good-to-be-true" voice in your head Don't let yourself be a victim Don't let your crotch make decisions your brain will regret.
  6. It helps if you hum "Dance: 10 Looks:3" as you start reading this My last massage experiences in SF were "Massage:10 Environment:3" and "Masseur: 9 Place:0" If I lived in SF, Id hire either guy for an outcall at my place. I wont return to see either at their place. As a suburbanite, I generally need to drive into the City; most wont consider my locale even for a travel fee. Are there any recommended pros practicing in nice SF environs?
  7. I posted about my interactions with him .... I think earlier in this thread. He was very polite, friendly and responsive. Ive "categorized" him. Most likely, nope... I'm not willing to pay what he quoted. Should I be in Vegas and hit an unexpected jackpot... I'll give him a call.
  8. Kinda surprised by this thread I assumed people buy a grand piano because they want a grand piano. If it appreciates in value, all the better - but thats not the reason to buy it. I have art hanging on my walls. I bought it because I love it. Some pieces have appreciated, others worth nothing. I socialized with a group that was into the signed, numbered lithograph/serigraph frenzy of the 80s. Bought several. Paid thousands for one piece and then 10 years later, walking through an outlet mall, found an outlet store from a well known gallery. And there it was, a matching signed, numbered print... for $125 Some of my stuff has appreciated significantly, I only find out when I update appraisals for insurance purposes. Some can be found on ebay or online art dealers for a fraction of what I paid. I still love having them all hanging on my walls. Anything related to arts, investment value is not MY primary objective.
  9. Lets see I'd like World peace An end to hunger To get folks to stop clutching their cellphone as if it powered their cardiopulmonary system To awaken tomorrow and find I have the abs of a BelAmi model I'd say all four have equal likelihood of happening.
  10. Ive had a guy finish a session with me and move into my guestroom overnight afterwards. I respected his privacy 100% after our time together. I literally didnt see him from 9pm until I showed him out at 630am. Had seen him previously, and offered the guestroom previously, which he'd declined. But he got jammed up on the subsequent visit and asked to stay. I think its important to expect a very broad and generous interpretation of the concept of paying for their time if considering these situations. Dont expect them to hang out, share meals, parade unclothed, etc. If they do, its at their discretion; not a lonely client trying to barter lodging for free companionship or eye candy. Once you know a guy, and demonstrate respect for the boundaries, you can have friendly time off the clock.
  11. I know that. And wouldn't change my reaction at that time. But still, for a pasttime that has me screening very carefully, and often choosing no-hire-at-all instead of yielding to a rash decision....can't resist a little pondering.
  12. Saw an RM ad that interested me. Sent a text to ChanceKentucky While awaiting a response, searched and found this thread Reply to my text: Yeah my place or yours and what time ? It's 340 for me or 680 for me and another stud Situation avoided. Perfect example of the value of this board!
  13. No advice regarding teaching... but in response to No career change. But at 53, I'd had enough of the BS that accompanied my job. And walked away, became an independent consultant. I'd lived frugally, within my means, and had the nest egg that afforded it. My earnings dropped, depending on the year, to between 30 and 60 percent of my former salary. Perhaps unjustified... but I was actually proud to tell others what I'd done. So many people grind it out in jobs they hate... its astonishing. Whether its the work ethic, a bizarre interpretation that quitting is failing, just being stuck in a routine, or the need for the paycheck and benefits... people get up in the morning, dreading the day ahead of them and trudge off to work. Its not worth it. I felt I'd struck a blow for the worker stuck in a bad job.
  14. As I read through this thread, I had to wonder if its the buyers' market thats changing. Being gay is changing. I found myself in San Francisco last Friday, 1030 pm, and stopped in at a former hangout. A gay bar with maybe 20 people in it on Fri night. Nobhill closed last year. The Castro neighborhood is less and less gay. I started hiring in my late 30s when I was able to afford it. Twenty-some years later, it occurs to me that gay men reaching the income level that permits hiring have a much different attitude about sex. 1) they're much less likely to have repressed their desires. 2) there're grindr-like apps by the the dozen. 3) no longer closeted, gay guys go out with straight buds, and can find a pickup in a mainstream venue. 4) while its no substitute for the real thing, its sooo much easier to just get your rocks off watching something online; and any specific desire or fetish is there for the wanting. 5) there is a fascinating cultural shift afoot in our country. While I believe our values are shifting towards more permissive in many ways... societal attitudes are shifting back towards puritanical. I never hid my hiring activities from close friends. I didn't broadcast my exploits to the world, but I told some - even regaled them with tales of pornstar sessions, or occassional scam disappointments. I wonder if a 40 year old guy today would feel differently about the need or desire to hire. If theres a "geez, you need to pay for it?" factor along with some judgment related to anti-prostitution or exploitation. Just random musings... whats happening on the promotional-supply side of the equation may have alot to do with the demand side.
  15. I immediately thought of the same thing. I love it for some dishes... my local Korean place actually charges an extra $1 to serve the bibimbap dolsot - in a clay pot. The crispy rice and the heat retention are worth it I too enjoy fajitas, various sizzling Asian entrees, and, even some old school dishes. French onion soup, some escargot presentations. Ive burned my tongue on a fondue skewer. Been warned about many a soup bowl, cassoulet, tureen, etc. Even coffee service using a french press. Beats food that should be hot served on a cold plate. Never been to Ruth's Chris. Not a big fan of steak. But there was that time that Victor Velasco served knichi.....
  16. Finally saw Hamilton. Its on extended run in San Francisco. Apparently, its the production that Miranda took to Puerto Rico. Thought it was excellent . Not the earth-shattering experience its hyped to be, but I enjoyed it. Prices in SF are very reasonable if attendees are flexible on dates and advance booking; I scored 5th row center orchestra Fri night seats for $150... purchased about 12 days prior. One thing left me confused. No curtain call. Is that planned now? Full house, Friday night, audience on its feet... one line of every performer, one group bow, and house lights on. Seemed abrupt.
  17. Goyim can touch Orthodox Jews' food. Just not their children.
  18. I love the show. Its my only reality-TV vice. I've seen every episode since season 2 (excluding celebrity versions). But, I confess that I have my own twisted and inappropriate reasons for watching. Its a fascinating study of human behavior in the 21st century. Just how much BS will people endure to gain attention? Look what social media and anything for attention has done to our norms! The contestants clearly hope to become social media celebrities. I sit and wonder "do these people realize just how exploitive the casting is?" I feel confident that the show is cast based primarily on psycho-social evaluation. I'm convinced houseguests undergo rigorous psych testing. That every year, the casting crew finds high-strung people prone to behavioral outbursts... before they consider looks and lifestyles. There are a couple of morons every year. A couple of egomaniacs. Always some very volatile folk. Always one older guy cast to be pathetic yet paternal. And there must be a litmus test for paranoia-tendencies. The show is my outlet for all things incorrect. My annual indulgence, where I can sit in judgment, pronouncing everyone on screen to be manipulated fools and idiots. Last year, someone became so illogically outraged, and started screaming in such an animated outburst, blood poured from her mouth. A few seasons back, the houseguests voted Josh the winner. He was clearly immature and unintelligent. Clearly undeserving of the win based on any reasonable criteria. His most frequent contribution to the show was to behave like an annoying 6-year old, marching around the house screaming unintelligible sounds while banging pots and pans. He irritated me no-end. I thought he was a horrible player. I cheered when he was voted winner. It was an obvious "fuck you, other finalists" vote by fellow houseguests. I dont watch Survivor. Never seen Real Housewives of Wherever. Saw one episode of Idol years ago. No Bachelor/ette for me. Tried Dancing with Stars during Mario Lopez's season and gave up. Big Brother is my vice: 180 minutes per week during each summer, where I allow myself to sit in judgment; In an age when the PC-cops would never permit freak shows, its my annual stroll down the circus sideshow midway. The rest of the year I watch Masterpiece Theater.
  19. I started watching, then binged the second half. I enjoyed it. Not as magical or captivating as the original. But, with very few exceptions dramatic sequels rarely live up to the original. I cant help thinking I missed either an entire series, or at least some Showtime series. Is Mona's death covered in prior installments? Remember feeling that Nina Siemasko's portrayal didnt approach chloe webb's . As I write this.... did I miss Further Tales entirely?
  20. Happened to me often... no unpleasantness whatsoever, not even awkward questions. Just plain ole ghosting or unexplained non-responsiveness. Not just in this industry. Its just the world as it now conducts itself: I've had contractors and/or servicemen do the same, even with signed work orders Had it happen socially with acquaintances Hired new employees, only to have them no-show first day, no-call, and no response to my calls, texts and/or emails. Ghosting is the new norm to communicate "changed my mind," or "not interested." You're going to waste alot of energy if you're wondering why people do things you wouldn't do.
  21. Contacted him. Was definitely interested. Indicated interest in following day...no specifics, just mid-day. Following day, midday, no response to texts for 2.5 hours. No complaint by me, just two texts, 1 hour apart. I assumed busy, gym perhaps..... He texted, explaining "I just got your texts"... to which I responded "wonder why, maybe tech problems?" Knowing my phone is temperamental. He responded he'd been at lunch, phone was charging, and as I was entering a text to say "no problem, lets confirm a time," he sent "I don't take clients with pissy attitudes. If that's you, contact someone else. Thanks" Heard nice things about him, I was definitely interested.... but if a guy is going to infer I'm dissatisfied or complaining, immediately jump to a negative interpretation, guess its best that I look elsewhere.
  22. Under 40 yo: no text, no communications. I know people who speak to their children in other states by phone only if they text first "call me" If I didn't text, I'd never communicate with a rentguy. And....as of today, texting isn't very effective either ... Texted yesterday, made a appointment for today. He isn't responding today in order to confirm. I dislike texting... but it's how things work. I dislike nonresponsiveness, but it's the way things are. Behavioral norms win! I've lowered my expectations for communications-civility.
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