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Everything posted by LaffingBear

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTsLaTFm7ro
  2. +1 Dont get it. For me, substitute " distractingly-nasal" for "boring"
  3. General rule for any transaction or life occurrence..... If something seems TGTBT, it is. One of the most common elements any time something goes wrong in life.... the victim or "sufferer" says something like "I knew it seemed fishy," or "against my better judgment," or "I had a feeling...." Instincts are good - don't suppress them.
  4. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didnt tell your primary care doc anything relevant to current and potential health matters. If he reacts badly, get a new doc. And, how do you know your new doc isn't gay?
  5. Like Susanswerphone? Think Mom gets texts?
  6. Not worried, not stressing. Fixated was probablypoor choice of words. Just noticed. And, since called the 1000. He hasn't responded.
  7. Admittedly odd thing to fixate on. As I'm researching for an upcoming trip, I find I'm ruling-out a couple of guys I find interesting, but with oddly-commercial phone numbers. For example, two equally interesting guys. One advertises XXX-555-7654. The other advertises XXX-555-1000. (Hypothetical numbers, of course) Unfounded, I know. And I suppose it could be coincidence. But there's something about the 1000 number that triggers a cautionary reaction for me. Any telecommunications experts out there with thoughts on this? How likely is it that an individual can secure such a mainstream, commercially-desirable phone number?
  8. I dont have a therapist Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group Only the OCD Support Group
  9. Wondering how it went. I arrive LV as you depart @keroscenefire
  10. Ive never rented a human for conversation-only or non-physical companionship. Ive spent platonic time with guys who escort. Met with visitors to SF Id seen in past, but they just wanted a break from their cllient schedule, to hang out or sightsee. Ive scheduled escorts, decided not to proceed based on the mutual lack of attraction but hung out with them. Very infrequent, but its happened. I had a guy show up in Vegas once... wasnt as described by an agency... he was super understanding, apologized, spent an hour in the hotel lobby bar with me, and even went through the old LV Bugle ads and helped me choose another guy. All in all, its 10-15% at most, but Ive found that being considerate, friendly, has resulted in off-the-clock time such as meals, sightseeing, etc.
  11. You'll never know. Don't obsess. Or choose to use it as basis for some daydreams.
  12. LaffingBear

    Ask Me

    I've learned not to take anything on the internet seriously. SERIOUSLY!
  13. All good advice. If you paid with a credit card, call the issuer. Open a dispute, first step in a chargeback. Even if you dont finish the chargeback process successfully, you'll get Seller #1's attention. And, if you're using an "upgraded" card, (often labeled Gold or Platinum) you may have some enhanced warranty or return features.
  14. I've been told the same thing. And even posted it in other threads. One of the first times I heard it: a wise rentguy said it to me when I asked him about a very dramatic experience I'd had with another rentguy.
  15. As I'm searching the local SF theater website for Hamilton tickets, I see a statement from Hamilton. I missed this news story from this past Friday night. https://people.com/theater/hamilton-performance-medical-emergency-injuries-san-francisco/ Statement Released By HAMILTON And SHN The producers of HAMILTON and SHN are reviewing the events that brought an abrupt end to the performance in San Francisco last night and resulted in alarm and confusion for the audience at the SHN Orpheum Theatre. Uncertainty in the auditorium about a medical emergency taking place near the end of the show spread quickly and prompted the upset. Along with SHN, the owners of the Orpheum, we remain dedicated to protecting the safety of our audiences and our own company members in every city where HAMILTON plays. Is this the new norm? Are we now so conditioned that we believe any disruption is gun violence?
  16. I personally don't believe Trump causes it. My hypothesis is that we've moved into an era of unrestricted reaction, or impulse behavior. The cellphone addiction both reinforces and exemplifies it. Its ok to say outrageous things, ok for kids to shame and bully on social media. Trump legitimizes it with his tweets, and has helped kill basic civility. Is hate and intolerance on the rise? I believe so, or at least expressions of hate are permissable. We also have moved into an era where attention-seeking behavior is a legitimate pasttime or even a career. Humans are impressionable. The more we see hate and violence; the more we are conditioned to communicate without consequence; the more people behave in a manner thats intended to shock and draw attention..... the more prevalent insulting behavior becomes.
  17. I saw him about six months ago. Best therapeutic massage I ever had. If I lived in SF and could arrange outcalls, I'd want to see him regularly.
  18. I can relate. With the semi-exception of well-reviewed rentguys Ive seen in the past, Ive come to have very low reliability expectations for the guys. Even guys Ive seen 4 times previously have ghosted. Or disappointed with uncharacteristic performance. I can recall multiple times that I allowed unfulfilled plans/hopes to undermine my satisfaction. Thinking back, most of my bad experiences arose from unplanned choices after initial plans fell through. Or, I just felt frustrated. Not a recommendation for others, but I'll admit that I manage by having skeptical, low expectations. Hires are now categorized as extras in my planning. Like one of many excursions on a cruise. When planning any trip, I seek out other pasttimes, whether hiking, sightseeing, entertainment, dining, etc. Ive intentionally moved hires down the list. The opposite of centrepiece of my trip, its an add-on. Its my way of not letting my crotch determine how much fun or satisfaction resulted from travel.
  19. I need to learn more about PS as a tourist destination. I last visited 25 years ago for a conference out at the Westin Mission Hills. The 1-2 times I tried venturing into town were uninteresting. I took the tram up Mt Jacinto, and was so put off by the admonition to stay on the paved path, I took the next tram down. I flew back to SF a day earlier than planned. That was then, this is now, and 25 yo older makes for different perspectives; Ready and interested in trying PS again. Anyone recommend a good travel guide? The only thing I know I want to do is Joshua Tree.
  20. Geez. Why anyone lets anything posted on any social media site get under their skin is beyond me. I recommend: I take it before considering anything I read online. All are welcome to share
  21. I'm headed back to LV soon. Was very interested. But unless something's changed since last Fall...... .
  22. I saw that. Good piece. Reminded me of something Ive posted here once or twice before - a local County Health official told me that the biggest challenge facing them is isolation.
  23. Something similar happened to me many years ago. Early internet days, a rentguy was enthusiastically describing internet access for travelers. In response to my show of interest, pulled out his laptop, demonstrated wifi, etc. Wasted 25-30 minutes. I was actively engaged during that time. But then, 25-30 minutes into interactive time, he announced "time's up." And when I expressed concern the internet stuff was a waste of time, he replied that time is time, doesnt matter how its spent. Technically, he was right. But, I learned an important lesson about retaining focus, controlling time, in these situations. ============================= Time management efforts over the years: Turn on the old fashioned clock radio in hotel rooms to play 60-min music. Music stops, "times up" reminder Ive frequently offered off-the-clock time to guys. Guys visiting town will accept a ride to the gym. Or a tour of SF. Accompany me to a restaurant... or to get their protein at Whole Foods, then eat in-store with me. I ask politely, offer a friendly service to a visitor. I'd estimate 75% decline. But quite a few have said yes when I ask as preparing to leave their hotel room in SF. Never ask if I'm in their city, and they're at my hotel.
  24. I dont think its malicious. I think its just that I did a poor job trying to edit the link ... as it was to my specific id invitation.
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