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Everything posted by LaffingBear

  1. C'mon, the answer is simple. Its the characteristics we use to perpetuate stereotypes. Those arbitrary values assigned to behaviors, so we can choose to validate our judgments. If masculine is defined by brave, stalwart, muscled, hairy and baritone.... the most masculine thing I ever saw was a guy in drag who walked the pride parade in 4" spike heels... resulting in bloody feet.
  2. More than one rentguy in vegas has told me they collect roomkey keycards for all of the major casinos. The cards dont need to function, the guys arent interested in room access. People toss cards upon departure, etc... so theyre easy to acquire. All one needs do is flash a keycard to get to elevators. Few casinos require keycard to activate elevator, although most have card-accessible floors. I recall one resort turning on card access late at night, but disabling it daytime hours. The guys only want access to knock on your door - no dishonest intent. The elevator security is tighter in urban highrise offices.
  3. I've met multiple guys in Vegas casinos. Got a guy to meet me at Starbucks in one strip casino (not mine - his) just to say hi, decide if compatible. Hired later. Met a different guy 2 months ago in a Strip casino, just to be careful before going up to my room. I just sat at a slot machine, near elevator access point, awaiting his arrival, saw him approaching, said hello.
  4. Given the setup of the first five episodes, I suppose the conclusion was appropriate. At least the acting, the dialog, the pacing of the finale was ok. And yet, I wonder... will George RR Martin ever finish the series? Will someone try to produce Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time for the screen?
  5. There probably aren't records of such things. But, what must be the biggest TV-prompted waste of time ever: 'Game of Thrones' fans sign petition for season 8 remake Last Updated On 16 May,2019 06:20 pm Over 250,000 fans signed a petition against the story-line (Web Desk) – The most anticipated season of the HBO series ‘Game of Thrones’ has come under the fury of disappointed fans, who have started a petition for a rewrite of the entire season 8. Disappointed with the storyline, fans have raised their voice against the story-line, screenplay and the rushed episodes moving towards a crummy ending. Over 250,000 fans signed a petition against the storyline and the signatures are still pouring in. According to CNBC, an online petition started on Thursday, went from 15000 signatures to 250,000 in less than 24 hours and reached 304,940 signatures at 6:30 a.m. ET.
  6. The Caviar Concierge at Petrossian in the Bellagio Las Vegas... if that included anything consumable within the hour.
  7. Apparently they're setting up another mad Targaryen ruler. Who, of course, will be killed. The end of Qyburn was the best moment. A good portion of the episode seemed self-indulgent in use of effects and drawn out portrayal of violence. Repetitive. Kinda boring, and a waste of time considering its a six-episode season. Didn't think it was obvious last week, but now seems much more likely Jon becomes King.
  8. I dont know how it will end. I like all the hypotheses. Watching GOT and a recent news show segment (60 minutes? ) stating George RR Martin failed to meet several publishing deadlines, he himself acknowledges the show outpaced his books, and he's no longer writing the storyline -- I cant help seeing everything through the filter of the books. I find myself wondering about the books and the disconnects from the series. I read the books long before the TV series was announced, and as TV caught up and passed the books' storyline. Will Martin ever finish the series? Catelyn Stark was resurrected in the books as the series ran out of author's-steam. (Some interpreted her reappearance after the Red Wedding as becoming a White Walker; I didn't) Wouldn't it be fascinating if she reappears on the series? Rickon Stark is also alive in the latest book, although I dont expect him to be a factor in the series. There are seven major kingdoms/family-alliances in Westeros of the books. Dorne, in particular, has been reduced to a much lesser role on TV... Perhaps a Dornish character will return to play a part in another twist. I expect a Euron and Asha Greyjoy confrontation. I'm glad that Gendry finally reappeared. Fantasy authors and TV editors like shock twists, and killing off main characters is a new TV norm.... so I expect something out of left field to happen. Perhaps a missing Direwolf will be a factor. I wonder what happens to Bran... Does he morph into next King of North? I share the feeling of a rushed tying of loose ends as the series winds down. But its still good TV.
  9. Regardless of terminology... I'll be watching for it. One of my all time favorites. One of the first musicals I ever saw - I vaguely remember it was a school outing. And, although it wasnt a big success, one of the few movie adaptations that Hollywood didn't screw up by recasting all the leads. Per TCM, Nixon got Jack Warner to cut Cool Cool Considerate Men from the theatrical release; I enjoyed seeing that number in restorations. [side note... still fondly remember the St. Elsewhere episode when William Daniels visits Philadelphia, recalls he was "obnoxious and disliked" when attending medical school, and bursts into song declaring "its hot as Hell in Philadelphia!"] I've been to very few revivals or returns. Les Mis is only play I remember seeing twice. 1776 will join that list.
  10. Very little. RM reviews get some minimal consideration as part of a caveat emptor process. I'll look using VPN, reading the comments. My approach is to consider multiple sources of reviews... RM, Daddy's, other rentguy sites', and these forums... I look for indicators of who to avoid. Who might be a problem or disappointment. Might say I take a diagnostic approach, ruling-out guys to narrow, or even eliminate, the field.
  11. Add me to the list of those kinda hoping he loses. The spectrum-speculation triggers a "hmmm, that might explain it" for me. It's not just the forced smile. The all-in push motion, the weird daily double bets reportedly inspired by notable dates, and a few creepy comments, particularly about his wife, render him unlikable to me. I too believe a big part of his success is mastery of the button. I acknowledge the risk-taking of how often he puts it all on the line. Makes for some interesting TV. I rarely react to Jeopardy with feelings about the players; I watch to test myself in the knowledge. In this case, my reaction is "there's someone I have no desire to meet."
  12. After years of bewilderment, frustration, annoyance and even occassional disgust, I now just have the same reaction every time. Grindr pic, email, or even a rentguy whose main promotional picture is his member..... who wants to meet a dick?
  13. Only desire that triggered in me was to edit the promotional language accompanying the video "Here we have Volume 4 of our super huge giant Bodybuilder "Immense " This movie has everything, muscle domination, muscle worship & huge & super incredible huge muscles, starring our strongman champion, most handsome man,and also he is the tallest bodybuilder from the world Samuels The Immense Giant from Iceland, destroying of 2 averages men with a lot of surprises .Get full movie Now ! -----------"
  14. I've never heard dry skin is cause of anal fissures. Not trying to heal? If that changes, try Proctofoam. Eat fiber. If severe, see a colorectal surgeon.
  15. If and when I read a thread about chickens taking Prep - I quit the Forum
  16. "That sore on my dick is from a spider bite."
  17. PGD is not run on blood. Its the process of testing an embryo for genetic indicators. To my knowledge, its not used for paternity tests. The American Society Of Reproductive Medicine frowns on its use for gender testing. Its application in preventing implantation of embryos that result in challenged or terminally ill children is a fantastic development.
  18. "You don't have to be organic to be kosher," explains Davis. "You have to not have bugs, not have pest infestation; you have to go through the inspection." I can think of many things I'd like to see judged by this standard. Including the objects discussed in the Deli forum....
  19. Another version of same answers. 1 - believe most are scams. Particularly Grindr guys on active duty or training. 2 - for those that may be legit, Im not interested in penpals. 3 - don't know what unsupported means, but skeptically interpret it as a way around all of the Grindr prohibitions to mention money.
  20. I think it depends on what one can imagine worrying them.... Im not the least bit worried about blackmail. Im not closeted, and have zero fear of being outed. We live in an age where people like sharing stuff online. For no reason other than being able to do it. Maybe chuckle at the recorded behavior. Maybe just the peculiar 21st century thrill of doing what everyone else does. Go to a porn site. E,g. Xvideos.com. search "hidden" ... there are pages and pages.... every manner and scenario. I'll bet there are tens of thousands of clips. I'd be mortified if my naked ass or sexual interactions appeared online. And angry at the privacy violation.
  21. I had a rentguy arrive at my place. Scanned the room, touching, moving things, saying he was looking for cameras. Was concerned about the little LED light on my TV. Turned a few items around. Then refused to remove his shades and cap . I threw him out. While I was annoyed by that guy, particularly the hat and sunglasses, I think its a legit concern, for in or out, client or hired. For some unscientific evidence of hidden-camera prevalence... visit any porn website. My preference has always been my hotel room if traveling, or his hotel room if he was visiting my area. Never my home. I've rethought that, and have been willing to host at my place.
  22. If your scam-antennae vibrate.... move on. We developed those for a reason.
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