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Everything posted by LaffingBear

  1. So, he has an outstanding reputation. One of this Board's favorites. Super polite and accomodating in planning. Except, he's repeatedly canceled, or changed plans, throughout all attempts to schedule. He may not be aware of the repetitive cancels. They've been months apart, across several years. So, its not like some guy jerking me around. And I genuinely believe his reasons. He's undoubtedly busy. This time, I actually expected the cancellation. And I was correct. It was polite, and included a request to reschedule, one hour before appointed time. I'm not going to trash the guy. He's been on my list for years. I will be disappointed to abandon the experience. But I'm beginning to think the fates have ordained it will not happen. And so, without hostility, but perhaps fatalistic protection of my expectations, I'm thinking I should just reply "ya know what? I dont think it's meant to be. Best of luck."
  2. Yes, he was on RM. I haven't looked recently. I can confirm hes a nice, friendly guy... but cant say anything about services. He contacted me... long story involving craigslist, his web search, and a mixup between SF Bay and Tampa Bay. I always wanted to meet after that, but opportunity never arose.
  3. My bests, some no longer avail: Alec Martinez Jon Vincent (who actually gave me lessons!) Eric in LongBeach Im sure there were more..... Glad to read one of the names above, due to pending plans; eager to confirm Most recent issue: they've learned to say yes to the question, then render dry, pursed-lip, pecks or brushes. Three most recent guys provided such service. Frustrates me. How detailed must my screening questions be?
  4. Totally agree. For comprehensive context. I gave part up front, and showed I had rest. Also... a very well-reviewed guy.
  5. Whether this question, or other rentguy-related questions Go with your gut. There's a high correlation between regrettable decisions and choosing not to go with your gut
  6. Mixture of factors 1) I'm probably over-sensitive to feeling potentially disrespected in the business transaction elements. He'd texted me multiple times "are you coming?" Told me "text 10 min before you arrive." I did. He took 15 min to acknowledge, said "I'll be right down" then kept me waiting in lobby another 15-20 min. 2) the experience itself was mediocre. After the prepay-or-not discussion, he checked his phone for the time and announced the end time to the minute... to occur 55 min later. He matched his photos perfectly, had been friendly in advance, confirming on Whatsapp. But his performance was lackluster. His phone pinged, buzzed, and rang throughout the session... he got up once to silence it. But we were done, both bored, well before the hour was up. And then he was on his phone in 30 seconds, then hustled me out the door, telling me his next client was arriving and he didn't want us to cross paths. I checked in the elevator... 45 minutes total. I shoulda left when he became instantly indignant when I wouldn't prepay and he responded that I should leave, hand on the doorknob. Maybe he meant it, maybe he has been scammed, or maybe that's a tactic that gets hesitant guys to prepay.
  7. My craziest experience wasnt a behavior, fetish, activity. It was a guy who gave me a runaround for 10 hours, showed up for an hour session, stayed overnight, voluntarily waived his fee, told me he wanted to see me again, asked to borrow money as I drove him home, started to cry, bolted from my car, and ran off. And while it was an insane ride, I must admit that the hours in my hotel room were some of the best ever spent in this pasttime.
  8. This topic was an issue for me only 4 days ago. After keeping me waiting 20 min in hotel lobby... guy was ready just as I was ready to move on. Up to room, he immediately asked for money. I refused. Showed him I had money, offered to put $100 on table. He refused, told me we should just cancel. Explained prior client refused to pay after. I responded Id had several experiences of guys grabbing the money and ending things. He repeated his insistence, I repeated mine. We worked it out, proceeded. I did NOT pay in advance. In hindsight, wish Id moved on.
  9. I suggest not overthinking it. There are many responses correlating the behavior to CP. People engage in irrational, time-wasting behaviors online all the time. They engage in online arguments.. seek confrontation on social media, have tweet-fights, etc. Why do guys ask some of the inane questions we see on here? There are people who never have and never will hire a rentguy, but are fascinated by the topic and active here. In all likelihood, he's not wasting your time with pointless arguments because he has CP; he's wasting your time with pointless arguments because he has access to the internet.
  10. Someone whose mother has his 5th place trophy and the certificates of effort on display in the bedroom where he grew up.
  11. 1) over. The obvious images aside... consider this. Skin has natural oils. Rub your clean dry fingers over the same section of wall 1-2 times per day. Eventually you'll see grease-like marks on the wall. The configuration that minimizes likelihood of skin contacting wall is best. Same for paper towels on wall mounts. 2) as noted in previous post, despite being marked flushable, wipes dont really break-down. The local sanitary districts in many regions discourage use of wipes, even engaging in anti-wipe public info campaigns.
  12. I will be in FLL for a brief stay soon. Pineapple Point was recommended by local friends. But I decided against because The video tours I saw online present the basic rooms as small, and queen-kitschy, (eg beaded lamp shades, feather boa trim, etc.) and old-apartment style bathrooms. I arrive late one night and leave very early morning 30 hours later... so upgrading to villa would seem wa$teful. Previous visitors: am I getting the right impression based on the video? Last time I went to gay guesthouse was Big Ruby's Key West in 2001. It was nice. Im not seeking playtime at the pool, or knocks on my door... but I do enjoy communal breakfast, chatting with other guests, etc. So, wondering what the place is like. I hate that their reservation policy is $50 non-refundable fee, even if cancelled months in advance. FLL is inexpensive compared to other tourist destinations. Im booked in a nice hotel for well under $200/night. Same would cost $350+ here in SF, or even Miami. But now I'm reconsidering.... Update: after posting this, I looked through several travel sites and decided to give The Cabanas a try. And they have a 4-night minimum. No-go.
  13. Im trying to decide how I feel about the NYDN article in the initial post. Most things are habit. Parents expected fresh undies and clothes and off to school, or camp, or play or..... just assumed everyones' parents/adults did same. I have no issue with any response on here... but I wonder who (at least among those with means, homes, etc) isnt raised to don fresh undies daily? Or who transitions into adulthood and chooses same undies on consecutive days?
  14. I used to tell friends, as we walked through Castro, that if I ever went into Twin Peaks, bury me! Renowned as one of the first with windows permitting views inside, it eventually attracted an older crowd and became known as The Glass Coffin. I dont know if its still there, or if it has same clientele. But Im thinking of taking a ride and checking it out one of these days
  15. Im surprised and intrigued by this thread. Been to LV four times in past 16 months. Going again next month. Stayed at Aria, Mandalay, Wynn, Caesars, Vdara. Used the gym at all... but never the spa. Perhaps I need to reconsider my leisure priorities. Instead of turning on Grindr & Scruff, instead of perusing and contacting guys on RM, perhaps I should just head to the spa. Next stay: Bellagio. Anyone with any intelligence about that spa? I'm not a cruisy guy, pretty reserved in my behaviors. In prior stays, never saw a guy Id approach in any of the fitness centers, and hardly any eye-candy at the pools. Perhaps its time to change my attitude.
  16. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-arrests-las-vegas-man-who-allegedly-wanted-shoot-jews-n1041031 Does this keep people away from gay bars?
  17. I wonder if anyone still goes as well. But I also acknowledge that my interest has waned based on my age. I was actively going 17-20 years ago. But now, I just feel to old to deal with the scene. That said, I found myself in SF a few times this year. Accidents/traffic on my route home.. or just curious. And my haunts were empty at what were formerly prime hours. Sunday 5pm beer bust hours. Or Friday night approaching 11pm. I like to think its social progress. That younger folk are out and about in establishments where patrons dont care. Where two gay guys with three straight and one bi- buddy are all hanging together, and any one of them could find a hookup there.., or discuss attractions. I'm ok if gay bars are dying due to progressive lack of demand. Far from naive, I worry a bit that theyre losing business in MAGA-regions because people are aware of hate behaviors.
  18. Bought it a week ago although a slightly smaller version https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MG7YLQG/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B01MG7YLQG&pd_rd_w=PzNTX&pf_rd_p=8a8f3917-7900-4ce8-ad90-adf0d53c0985&pd_rd_wg=zw5om&pf_rd_r=R87A3BC4N0D0QBRXK3F7&pd_rd_r=18f71721-a755-4eb2-aab8-95a62dca8b5f&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyS1dPTEJQMTgySENJJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTcwOTgwSkhYQkwxME1NNDdHJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNjk1NTgzTlRENjhYSzBPWkJXJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== Bigger than I want for airline carry-on luggage. And heavier. If they made it so the handle folds in, it would be better. Haven't used yet. I may return. I may keep because my job has me on the road for 1-2 night trips... where the hotels max out at 3-star, and coffee in the room and the lobby is horrid. I dont mind packing an extra little duffel, etc when road-tripping. But for 2-3 night plane trips, I try to stay in a carry-on suitcase and a laptop backpack.
  19. I have a travel french press. In generaly, one pours boiling water over coffee grounds, lets it steep, then lowers the plunger. I suppose I could try boiling water then adding grounds... not sure if pouring boiling water onto grounds releases that flavor/crema. Still need a way to boil water
  20. You bring a nespresso brewer? Or the pods and find a way to use the coffee?
  21. I will use an in room drip coffeemaker . I will use an in room K cup brewer and procure my own kcups if the hotel doesnt provide any dark roast. I'd pay a fee for in room brewer if the coffee was decent. It was $12 for 2 k-cups at a recent place. Paid it once, but after tasting the nasty result, I went and bought my own french roast kcups. For pay or for free... Ive learned not to bother with the tiny single cup brewers that have a teabag-like coffee pod as they produce swill. I dont care who sees me, colleagues, etc. Ill stop for a cup or two, pay resort prices, wait in line for coffee after I'm up and out, perhaps a few times a day. I just want that first cup of the day to be tolerable and in my room.
  22. Anyone still use an immersion heater? I'm considering for travel. I want my morning coffee... strong french roast coffee... in my room before I face the world. Can't order it, cant buy it. In-room coffeemakers, even K-cup brewers, are disappearing. Dont want to run downstairs and stand in line for the first cup of the day. I have a travel pour-over from some stays in places with a kitchenette. I just ordered and received a travel kettle... but its bigger than anticipated... I may use it for local travel-by-car... but too big and heavy for carry-on air travel luggage. So, considering an immersion heater. Thought they'd been eliminated as fire hazards... but apparently not. Any advice?
  23. Just a gimmick How different is it from eating at the sushi boats or conveyer belts? Some now include robots. People like novelties. If it enhances the experience... why not? Teenage friends and I got a kick out of a local diner where we ordered our meals from a phone at the table. Robots deliver room service now... people are more inclined to order for the novelty Automats are making a comeback Would I be influenced by one of the depicted roller coaster spots? I would not. But I'm considering the following for Vegas next month
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