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Everything posted by samhexum

  1. http://static-yourtango-com.imgix.net/sites/default/files/image_list/monkey_in_bath.gif?h=225&ixlib=php-1.1.0&w=400&gifq=60&fit=crop http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ynxoO3kG1iU/VeYI2Ad6dII/AAAAAAAAUeM/-Yr5QOw6llY/s1600/JB40217.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/072/f/2/__wet_sexy_boy_bubble_bath_0514783_by_leesanfran-d5xysle.jpg http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/men/2015/12/18/CR6DKX-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqZgEkZX3M936N5BQK4Va8RWtT0gK_6EfZT336f62EI5U.jpg http://s.quickmeme.com/img/36/36f78fab1bde61cff288663ba18b50419cffb96f3c582eed625a32e56567ad83.jpg
  2. http://covermenmag.com/wp-content/uploads/marlon-teixeira-for-agua-de-coco-ss-16-3.jpg http://www.franciscolachowski.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Marlon-Teixeira-Ton-Heukels-H-M-Summer-2015-1-877x1024.jpg http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/8621416/675full-marlon-teixeira.jpg http://covermenmag.com/wp-content/uploads/Marlon-Teixeira-2017-Gentlemans-Journal-003.jpg http://s2.glbimg.com/Kb9_QuCOVYk7Cn8zNwkvXs68g7o=/g.glbimg.com/og/gs/gsat5/f/original/2016/06/17/marlon-teixeira-620-03.jpg
  3. http://sight-management.com/uploads/models/000/180/712/original/3.jpg http://covermenmag.com/wp-content/uploads/marlon-teixeira-for-agua-de-coco-ss-16-3.jpg http://www.franciscolachowski.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Marlon-Teixeira-Ton-Heukels-H-M-Summer-2015-1-877x1024.jpg http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/8621416/675full-marlon-teixeira.jpg http://covermenmag.com/wp-content/uploads/Marlon-Teixeira-2017-Gentlemans-Journal-003.jpg http://s2.glbimg.com/Kb9_QuCOVYk7Cn8zNwkvXs68g7o=/g.glbimg.com/og/gs/gsat5/f/original/2016/06/17/marlon-teixeira-620-03.jpg
  4. Both apparently run in the family. Shaun's also supposed to be 'gifted' and Shirley Jones has written how Jack Cassidy (not David's father) was quite well-endowed.
  5. It's Jake Gyllenhaal, actually... Hugh Jackman and “Spotlight” director Tom McCarthy hosted a special screening of Jake Gyllenhaal’s film “Stronger” in Soho on Tuesday night — and we hear Jake headed straight from the event to prepare to personally cook dinner for his family. Spies said that Maggie Gyllenhaal and hubby Peter Sarsgaard were at the screening along with “O.J.: Made in America” filmmaker Ezra Edelman, “The Sopranos” creator David Chase and Joel Grey. Jake plays inspiring Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman in the film, and Bauman was at the screening as well. The actor and the film’s subject have become very close and are in touch daily. After the attack, Bauman, who lost his legs and helped authorities ID one of the terrorists behind the attack, is now speaking all over the world and studying engineering to learn to design prosthetics for other amputees, we hear. Jake’s getting Oscar buzz for his portrayal. After the emotional film, he headed straight from the screening to upstate New York, where he’ll make Thanksgiving dinner for sister Maggie and Sarsgaard as well as his screenwriter mom, Naomi Foner, and other friends and family. “Jake’s an amazing cook,” says a Hollywood pal. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6g0ktRRO_sA/VKjNqMDrUuI/AAAAAAAAXPM/gUTtK_wQ9-c/s1600/Brokeback%2BMountain%2B5a.jpg Meanwhile, sources said that Jackman was headed to the Hamptons with wife Deborra-Lee Furness to celebrate the holiday.
  6. He needs more uppercut in his swing.
  7. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C46mZdzWYAApz9u.jpg
  8. samhexum

    Multi Tasking

    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-B1svEEDoUBY/Vez2-LDxhiI/AAAAAAAAVAQ/M-zk89vB5JQ/s1600/auto+boquete+fellatio+auto+selfiesucking+amigo+ajuda+2.jpg https://i0.wp.com/www.queermenow.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Austin-Wilde-Dominic-Santos-Gay-Porn-8.jpg?fit=700,933&w=640 http://pornkypig.com/index2/images/stories/blogpics/randyblue/DominicSantos_raw_AustinWilde/34.jpg http://www.lucasent.com/blog/LVP216_02_Drae_Axtell_Tomas_Brand_Logan_Rogue_06.jpg
  9. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9f/93/e7/9f93e7e0cddddad5ae58d4beaa917086--sexy-men-hot-men.jpg
  10. Are you sure? We can play as long as you want Maybe some European football? We can play until it gets dark I know you've loved wearing shoulder pads since you used to watch Dynasty http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hE0TRpE-p8U/TBsFHRNHxBI/AAAAAAAAlLo/Rph_TyKfMEs/s1600/9cf34a7+0b2f1a9d94.jpg Rugby, maybe?
  11. http://66.media.tumblr.com/e02de77bfd3a8b58f807212ee1f2ea2f/tumblr_obzbixC1N41sn5lxco1_1280.jpg
  12. DEAR ABBY: Over the last 13 years in his job, my husband developed a "very friendly" relationship with a clerical person. Now that he has retired, she wants to continue it by meeting with him (and me) for dinner. We have had dinner together once, and when they began to talk shop, I became the odd one out. Although I interjected myself into the conversation, it was clear there is real feeling between them. He says she's "just so nice." She continues to send emails addressed to both of us and asks me (since he is not computer savvy) to relay that she misses him greatly and he was her "ray of sunshine" every day when he would walk in the office. Should I be worried, jealous or envious? It is only now I have become aware that she was so important to my husband at work. I had no knowledge about their relationship before. -- UNCERTAIN IN NEW JERSEY DEAR UNCERTAIN: I don't think you have anything to worry about. That the conversation at dinner revolved around the office is not surprising. The office and the job were the basis of their relationship. Because she's sending emails addressed to both of you, I doubt she's trying to slip anything past you or make a play for your husband. Be patient, and with time, I suspect she will adjust to the loss of her "ray of sunshine." DEAR UNCERTAIN: YES!!! DEAR ABBY: I live with my fiance, and we are being married in eight months. When I asked him if he would go and stay with his parents or some friends on a weekend when my girlfriend comes into town so we can have girl time, he got highly offended and said he isn't leaving "his" house. I pay more than he does in rent, and I don't feel I should have to rent a separate place. He doesn't understand girl time: drinking wine, watching chick-flicks and talking about our lives. I want to dedicate all my time that weekend to being a good friend, but he doesn't get it. I have told him that if he ever wanted me to go stay with friends or visit my parents so he could have a guys' weekend, I would have no problem with it. Am I asking for too much? -- NEEDS GIRL TIME IN NORTH CAROLINA DEAR NEEDS: Yes. I think expecting your fiance to leave when your girlfriend comes to visit is a bit much. Do you plan to make the same request after you are married? Regardless of who pays more rent, the house is home to both of you. I would think that the idea of being subjected to one of your "girls' weekends" -- the wine, the chick-flicks, the gossip -- would motivate him to make other plans. However, because he is unwilling, you and your girlfriend should consider splitting the cost of a hotel room for the weekend, which might be more enjoyable for all three of you. DEAR NEEDS: Your fiance knows you're a drunken slut and probably figures there will be some girl-on-girl action at some point over the weekend. He at least wants to watch and probably hopes he'll be invited to join in. Rent him some lesbian porn and tell him to go watch it with his buddies (unless you'd be afraid that would lead to some guy-on-guy action).
  13. http://www.queerclick.com/caliente-img/images/2012/06/culazolatino04.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tYa18stuAoo/UpjFSy7dOII/AAAAAAAAJAw/FTk3wq37Jjg/s1600/tumblr_mvm7joPuGA1r86gcro2_250.gif
  14. http://www.queerclick.com/caliente-img/images/2012/06/culazolatino04.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tYa18stuAoo/UpjFSy7dOII/AAAAAAAAJAw/FTk3wq37Jjg/s1600/tumblr_mvm7joPuGA1r86gcro2_250.gif
  15. http://i0.wp.com/www.adam4adam.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/8a8aec190f333c8b5b28c9175fc3ebde.jpeg
  16. http://www.queerclick.com/caliente-img/images/2012/06/culazolatino04.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tYa18stuAoo/UpjFSy7dOII/AAAAAAAAJAw/FTk3wq37Jjg/s1600/tumblr_mvm7joPuGA1r86gcro2_250.gif
  17. See what happens when you beat it too fast?!?!? http://i.huffpost.com/gen/4106392/thumbs/o-NAKED-COOKING-570.jpg?8 I'd like to lick that... I think his mom made a mistake when she sewed his name on his underwear I'll trade you an apple for a really big leaf! I do my second-best work in the kitchen http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/04/24/article-2611926-1D201FD300000578-260_634x711.jpg I said bake the buns until 'golden brown.' Do they listen? Nooooooooooooooooo! Anybody want a bite of my banana? Looks like more than the turkey needs stuffing This market has the best melons! http://ic.c4assets.com/brands/naked-and-invisible/series-1/episode-1/1b4a2be2-7255-4e13-839d-2c04de8cb304.jpg?interpolation=progressive-bicubic&output-quality=90 Gotta work off that extra piece of pie! http://25.media.tumblr.com/2ff19d385359329725ea808364583b90/tumblr_mm8dxoBaGw1qk2y2so2_400.gif I want a BIG chocolate bar for dessert! http://78.media.tumblr.com/24bc3de0dde2362b27045b9ee16ade9c/tumblr_o8ozttzQBM1s4eldpo4_540.gif http://78.media.tumblr.com/6db615c09c4ea8c0191ed546b3eeeadf/tumblr_o8ozttzQBM1s4eldpo9_540.gif
  18. This guy grew up down the block from me. He's a few years younger than I. I once blew his gorgeous older cousin (a few years before that cousin jumped off their building's roof after being beset by mental problems). Interesting family... the cousin's sister wrote pornographic novels & their father died of Lou Gehrig's disease. MARCH 28, 2014 David Tarloff, a man with schizophrenia who bludgeoned and stabbed a psychologist to death during a botched robbery six years ago, was found guilty of her murder on Friday by a Manhattan jury that rejected an insanity defense. The verdict in State Supreme Court came in the third attempt to convict him. A year ago, a mistrial was declared after the jury announced it was deadlocked. The first trial, in 2010, stalled during jury selection when Mr. Tarloff became unstable. Mr. Tarloff, who appeared with long, scraggly hair in a dingy sweatsuit, betrayed little emotion as the jury forewoman rose to read the verdicts, reached after seven hours of deliberations. The jury found him guilty of first-degree murder in the attack, with a meat cleaver and a rubber mallet, on the psychologist, Kathryn Faughey. He was also found guilty of assault and attempted robbery formaiming Dr. Kent D. Shinbach, a psychiatrist who shared an office with her. In the audience, members of Dr. Faughey’s family who had attended most of the monthlong trial hugged one another and wept as the verdicts were read. “The ordeal is over, thank God,” said Owen Faughey, her brother. “We got justice for our beautiful sister Kathryn.” As in last year’s trial, the critical issue was whether Mr. Tarloff, when he killed Dr. Faughey, was in the grip of a psychotic delusion that prevented him knowing that what he was doing was wrong. Mr. Tarloff’s lawyers, Bryan Konoski and Frederick L. Sosinsky, argued that their client had a long history of delusions about communicating directly with God. He told doctors who examined him that his plan to rob Dr. Shinbach — which spun out of control when Dr. Faughey confronted him first — had been sanctioned by the lord. But the lead prosecutor, Evan Krutoy, argued that Mr. Tarloff’s mental illness never grew so severe that he could not distinguish right from wrong. Nor, he argued, did Mr. Tarloff show signs he was out of touch with reality on the day of the killing. Mr. Tarloff faces a maximum term of life in prison without parole when he is sentenced May 2. Had the insanity defense succeeded, he could have been ordered held indefinitely in a psychiatric hospital. His lawyers said they would appeal. The defendant’s brother, Robert Tarloff, said, “I am hopeful now that the Faughey family has some peace, that it’s finally over.” Mr. Tarloff, 47, told the police he went to Dr. Shinbach’s office on East 79th Street on Feb. 12, 2008, to rob the doctor of $50,000 for a far-fetched scheme to kidnap his mother from a hospital and move with her to Hawaii. Jurors said they were convinced that even though Mr. Tarloff at times had delusions about communicating with God, he still knew that the robbery and murder were immoral in society’s eyes and understood that he had committed a crime. “He’s sick, but I feel like he knew what he was doing,” said a juror, Dana Torres, 27, a construction worker. “For me, if he had said Satan told him to do this, it would have been a different story.” Another juror, Emma Pulitzer, 27, said the narrow rules governing the insanity defense left the jury little choice but to convict Mr. Tarloff, because even during psychotic periods he was obsessed with religion and morality. Still, she said, Mr. Tarloff belonged in a mental hospital, not a prison. “I felt like there needed to be one more box,” Ms. Pulitzer said, “the box for the obviously crazy people who know right and wrong.” At the start of deliberations on Thursday, only two jurors were leaning toward finding Mr. Tarloff not responsible because of insanity, jurors said. After heated discussion, the holdouts were persuaded to join the majority. One of the jurors initially on the fence was Tiffany Brown, 38, a city employee, who said she thought Mr. Tarloff “might have snapped” when he encountered Dr. Faughey. But Ms. Brown said she eventually decided that the defense had not offered strong evidence of Mr. Tarloff’s state of mind during the attack. Also, she said, he seemed rational during a videotaped confession to detectives a few days later. “He understood what he did in that interview,” she said. “He started off being apologetic.” Other jurors agreed that the videotape had been critical to their decision, offering an unfiltered peek into Mr. Tarloff’s state of mind shortly after the crime, and months before he told doctors that God had sanctioned the robbery. “His mannerisms, his way of speaking — he knew what was going on,” said Kevin Berry, 48, a flight attendant. “I believe he’s sick to a certain degree, but not sick enough to not know right from wrong.” Believe it or not, this used to be a cute, blond teenager.
  19. “Chicago P.D.” lead Jason Beghe was investigated by NBC and Wolf Entertainment in 2016 for “inappropriate behavior” when the actor faced complaints from several members of the cast and crew that some said constituted sexual harassment. “When it was brought to our attention that there were concerns about inappropriate behavior on set, we promptly began an investigation in partnership with Human Resources and all parties involved,” the network, Universal Television and Wolf Entertainment said in a statement to Deadline today. “As a result of the investigation, we have already taken action, and it is a situation we continue to monitor very closely to ensure all of our employees feel safe and supported.” Beghe, who plays Sgt. Hank Voight on the series, was the focus of numerous accusations from cast and crew members on the NBC show. He apparently has used highly aggressive and sexually suggestive language consistently as well as intimidating postures and more, we have learned. “I am deeply sorry for my behavior, which I know has been hurtful to my friends and colleagues,” Beghe said in his own statement today. “I have struggled with anger issues for some time, and over the past year, I have been working with a coach to help me learn how to mitigate my temper. It’s an ongoing process, and it has been a humbling one.” He added: “It is a source of great pride for me to be part of Chicago P.D.’s incredible cast and crew. I have personally apologized to anyone who I have upset, and I am committed to doing what is necessary to make up any damage that I may have caused.” Last year, NBCU was made aware via cast and crew of a number of issues on the set of P.D. involving Beghe, according to sources. With senior executives actively involved, the Human Resources division opened an investigation into the complaints, and outside counsel was brought in. These complaints and the investigation were focused on anger issues — yelling and screaming by Beghe that members of the production found deeply offensive. As part of the conclusion of that investigation last fall, as Beghe alluded to in his statement, the network provided the actor with a couch to address anger issues; that coach continues to work with Beghe. A note of reprimand was placed in the actor’s personnel fie as a result, and there were other consequences, we hear. In recent months, star Sophia Bush left the show and at least one other actress and a crew member seemingly have been written out of P.D. or reassigned to another Wolf production. With the testosterone-heavy “Chicago P.D.” set having been described as a tough environment for a female performer, Bush’s exit, exclusively reported by Deadline in May, was rumored be in reaction specifically to Beghe’s conduct. We hear that the other two departures also were related to inappropriate behavior by the actor. Representatives for Bush and the other two women did not respond to Deadline’s request for comment on the matter. One Tree Hill” actress was one of those who offered support earlier this month to writer Audrey Wauchope’s sexual harassment allegations against “OTH” creator and showrunner Mark Schwahn. Schwahn was suspended from his showrunner position on E!’s “The Royals” on November 15 by show producer Lionsgate following the claims. The next day, 25 crew members and actresses on The Royals penned a letter accusing Schwahn of “repeated unwanted sexual harassment of multiple female members of cast and crew” on the Universal Cable Productions series. Filmed in Chicago and hence a bit removed from corporate oversight, “Chicago P.D.” debuted in January 2014 as the second show in Wolf Films’ Windy City franchise. An original cast member, Beghe is represented by APA, which also reps “P.D.” co-stars LaRoyce Hawkins and Jon Seda. http://campblood.org/Newblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/jasonbeghesmalls-480x165.jpg
  20. Unfortunately, with my bad back, I pretty much live life sitting down http://assets.amuniversal.com/e4db3510a0870135f935005056a9545d And I feel every year! http://synd.imgsrv.uclick.com/comics/cl/2017/cl171121.gif
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