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Posts posted by GregM

  1. The rainbow pride flag has appeared in many forms and versions over the years since Gilbert Baker created it in 1978. His original design had two colors, pink and turquoise, that he removed because they pink was too expensive to mass produce. I've known people of color who were LGBTQ who said they felt invisible in "gay culture." Even the original black trans and poor protestors who helped start the modern gay rights movement at Stonewall have largely been glossed over until now. Shouldn't they feel welcome in the movement they started? Since the flag has been heavily modified over the decades, why not make it more inclusive? In this historic time when the historical contributions of black trans Americans are finally being seen, they deserve visibility on the flag of the movement they helped start.


    Of course the poc trans people should be celebrated for what they started and accomplished but making the flag about race when that wasn't it's intention is stupid. Put a statues, properly recording the remarkable accomplishments that the poc trans and non trans in history books would do more to highlight them that adding a brown and black stripe on a flag.

  2. Could they have risen the prices to cover the cost of masks, extra gloves and cleaning supplies? I've heard some places adding on a surcharge to cover the cost of such things. My barber raised his prices to cover the now extra cost. Which unfortunately means I will be seeing him less. He was already a little high.

  3. I had the virus Greg and my doctor can't tell me if I'll have any long time complications from heart or liver problems. My doctor can't tell me if my antibodies will wear off in a couple of months and whether I could be re-infected in the fall. Who's your doctor that's giving you such great news?


    There are always going to be extreme cases, like the double lung transplant I think a month or so here in Illinois but the vast majority have a mild discomfort and then get better in a few weeks. Maybe you'll be an extreme example maybe you won't. But I'm not putting my life on hold for a few hundred thousand deaths. ?‍♂️ Not sorry.

  4. It's 88 in Chicago today by the lake. I don't have central air so there's no thermostat to set (my condo building is almost 100 yrs old) but I do have my ac on. We just recently just turned the ac on when it was in the high 80s low 90s.




  5. I'm not in favor of the alphabet soup mumble jumble. LGBTQ is more than enough. Just like I'm not in favor of making the pride flag about race. The meaning of the different colors was never about race in their meanings. Oh another one that gets me is Latinx. Latinx is supposed to be all inclusive but its only the stupid Americans that really use the term. People are getting absolutely stupid with this shit. I can't wait to get my hacienda full of cats in remote Mexico and be far far away from people and their stupidity.




  6. I’ve found that those you have a relationship with offer you a lower rate than if you’re suggesting traveling together as you’re first time together. I’ve also found some guys will expect the ON rate multiplied over the trip while others give a lesser rate. I think it’s all over the board...


    Sounds about right.




  7. Not to cause a pity party or anything, but when someone tells me they want me to rape them. It takes me back to being a child and my uncle holding me down with his friend all those nights. Or when I was drunk with a person I thought was my friend and I couldn't move. So, he penetrated me when I told him to get off. And it makes me feel weak being a giant who was taken advantage of. I think that's why it should be considered. Because you don't know what type of trauma you're bringing up when asking someone to rape you or when you make it a fantasy that you want them to do


    I've been guilty of using that word. But after reading what you've written above and throughout this post I'm not going to any more. To be able to come out and tell a little bit about what happened takes a lot of strength. I hope that you are able to help others with any struggles they might having with coming to terms with such trauma.




  8. I noticed twice within this week someone has @ me but there was no notification. It seems like I remember I used to get notified if someone did that.




  9. I was listening to a gay podcast this morning and they were talking about educating the gay kids today and they mentioned truck stops back in the day. Got a chuckle and thought about this thread. Feel a little bad for young bi/gay men today, the apps just don't have the same feel. The rush of horniness, crusing, the thrill of it. If I only knew then what I know now, lol.


    With these apps it definitely lessens the thrill of the chase and catch. It's not as fun any more. Often times I feel like I'm at a job interview if that makes any sense with all the 20 plus questions, even if I put the info in the profile.




  10. That’s one of the reasons I prefer a site such as rm that requires everyone have a profile. That way before the provider responds to you they can check your profile. I find it a huge turn on when I can tell in the provider’s response that they first read my profile.


    When I used to use RM many clients didn't fill out the profile. While in the past the only time I've turned work down is when the potential client wanted me to pnp. That is an absolute deal breaker.




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