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Posts posted by Stormy

  1. 6 hours ago, tenderloin said:

    It is rather unfortunate that we have a real "tar and feather" approach to accusations of sexual misdeeds.  Absolutely no presumption of innocence.

    Many years ago, someone in my family who worked in education was accused by a troubled teen of sexual misdeeds (not rape). The accusations were never vetted or validated, but his career was ruined -- forced to resign, couldn't get another job anywhere; the stress and worry destroyed his health, and he died prematurely.  

    That’s terrible.  I agree too many assume the accused is guilty without knowing all the facts.  I don’t like this pile on accusations of Kevin Spaceys sexual advances.  I think they have exaggerated what really occurred 

  2. 4 hours ago, nate_sf said:

    I take a 50MG trazodone each night. I’m told it’s a relatively mild medication, and has been around for a long time. It does the job and I don’t feel groggy in the morning. I tried some of the newer prescription sleep aids but felt I didn’t get good sleep, it felt more like hypnosis. For me, trazodone seems just right and I feel I’m getting good sleep. Could be worth asking your doc about it. 

    I took Trazafone for many years and then it just stopped working.  

  3. 53 minutes ago, spider said:

    Depending on where you are, major medical centers are popping out clinics all over the place and most have primary care doctors, new ones will need to build up a client base. They tend to be younger, but that's OK by me, and I figure if they're part of  major medical center they should be good. The places I'm familiar with all the websites that list the physicians with pictures, where they trained, specialties, etc. The one I'm looking at trained in the US and at a major world-renowned medical center in London. And there's a button to push to make an appointment. There's a new one right around the corner from where I live and I'm about to make the move. And, they're in plan.

    I finally found a doctor I’m happy with. 

  4. I will also watch the 2nd season but I do agree the series should have focused on character development.  It seemed these friends were rushing from one fabulous event to another.  We also don’t know a damn thing about Michael Lawsons ex boyfriend.  It would have been nice to show a slice of his life outside of the relationship 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Daniel_D said:

    Hey guys,

    I fantasize on men with athletic body I can touch, sniff and kiss. But escorts I’ve been with looked very reluctant to fake being affectionate. It seems that only women can fake interest when straight guys hire them. The guys I’ve met wanted to give me a hand job to finish the session and get it done with. I feel that guys can do the mechanical work of hand job, penetration, massage, but they are not able to look affectionate or have the initiative to hug me. After such sessions I feel so empty and rejected, thinking that “money can’t buy you love” even for one hour. Am I asking too much of these guys? Did I choose the wrong escorts? Maybe the more muscular they are the more difficult for them to fake interest in less attractive people?

    pls let me know if you have a solution or other feedback…


    Daniel D.

    Sounds a lot like applying for jobs.  Rejection letter after rejection letter until you land a job.  Keep looking and the right boy will appear one day 

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