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    Mydavid reacted to + Coolwave35 in Newbie Questions on Gay Relationships   
    I’ve been with my husband 12 years and married 7 and a half. When we met, around the 3rd or 4th date, I told him upfront that monogamy wasn’t for me, and that I’d never want children. I said everything else was negotiable. We continued dating.
    Before we got engaged, at the 4 year mark, I reminded him about those two conditions though he said he remembered.
    We did 11 months of premarital counseling where we worked out how our open marriage would look, from boundaries to specific people that were off limits and a whole host of other things that come up around open marriages. We worked out how our finances would look commingled, how we’d spend holidays, whose name would change etc. We talked about jealousy, how sexual desire for another person made us feel and we confronted all of it.
    We also attended a great workshop by Dave Allen called embracing your desire which helped us express how to ask for things sexually.
    With all of that ground work, I still think I have a bad marriage. He’s absolutely, beyond a doubt, my best friend, he’s fiercely loyal and we look out for each other, but there is something missing. With all the marriage has, there’s also much that it lacks. I can’t imagine my life without him, but I don’t see him in my future it’s really weird.
  2. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Charlie in Newbie Questions on Gay Relationships   
    Monogamous gay relationships can work if that is what both partners want, just as with male/female relationships. However, most men are sexually attracted to multiple other men, and the factors that encourage monogamy in straight relationships are weak or non-existent in most gay relationships. Until recently, gay men didn't have the legal ties of marriage to complicate their relationships. They also didn't have the social pressures, from either the general public or the gay community, to be sexually "faithful" to their partners that a male/female couple have. Until fairly recently, they also didn't have children to complicate their formal or informal relationships (and didn't have to be concerned about getting casual sex partners pregnant). The social normalization of gay couplehood is probably pushing more gay men to act like straight couples, or feel they should act like straight couples, but sexual promiscuity will probably always be more common in gay relationships than straight ones.
    My spouse and I met back in the dark ages when it was illegal to engage in homosexual relations with anyone, and the relationship between two men was usually knowledge shared only with close friends. We were monogamous for about two weeks, after which we both admitted that we wanted to be free to indulge our lusts for other men, because monogamy felt unnatural for us. We also agreed that if one of us became emotionally attached to someone else, the other would step back and let that relationship develop however it did. Each of us had a few passionate affairs with other men over the years, but always concluded that our relationship with one another was more important to us than any other, and we ended the affair without regrets. And we had lots of just casual sex with others. It worked for us--it might not have worked the same way for another couple.
    I have known couples who evolved into "thruples," but they have always been awkward situations that usually ended with one person leaving or being pushed out, or at least being unhappy with the situation.
  3. Like
    Mydavid got a reaction from + Yellowrod in ESCORTS WHO CANNOT GET IT UP   
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    Mydavid reacted to + purplekow in Here we go again.   
    This afternoon at work, I was called to an emergency meeting . As with the most of the rest of the country, CoVid cases are on the rise in NJ and many of the surrounding hospitals have already been seeing large numbers of patients. There are several communities in this area in which for reasons both political and social, social distancing and mask use have not been embraced. As a result, while the rest of the state was relatively quiet, some of the local hospitals have continued to have a significant number of CoVid patients.
    The meeting today was to inform us of the planned changes to bed distribution which will be made this weekend. This bed distribution will once again include an additional ICU and one CoVid assigned floor and one floor held empty for overflow of CoVid patients. The neighboring hospitals had reached near peak capacity and there are plans to transfer some of the more seriously ill patient to our temporarily underutilized ICU. The five local hospitals each had thirty to forty patients with CoVid in the hospital and about half of those were requiring intensive care.
    The hospital at which I work had ten patient with Covid, three in the ICU. Just last week we had only 2 patients with CoVid, none in the ICU.
    I am taking care of two CoVid patients now after going most of the summer with none.
    There is a different feeling to the whole operation this time. Much more organized and matter of fact. Less panic but there is certainly a level of apprehension. Some have expressed doubt as to their ability to go through this again, but off course they will.
    We have protocols whereas in the spring we had clinical trials and seat of the pants attempts to stem the tide of the infection. He have more equipment and p[ans to conserve that equipment and methods to insure that the equipment is used to its best efficiency. We have clinical experience and a working familiarity in the vicissitudes that any patient's course may take.
    I. am confident that this time we will be better prepared and just as determined to care for these patients with every diligence.
    The two patient's I am caring for now do not fit the mold of what many would consider the expected CoVid patient and each has had a rock course. One of the patient's is a 22 year old man of Haitian descent who had just began having success as a fashion model. He has been ill for three weeks and was first tested positive at that time. He was treated at another hospital, While there, he developed problems with blood clot formation which has led to failure of several organs. The CoVid testing is still positive but the acute symptoms have resolved, but the clot issues remain. He is a young 22 year old. He is not at all worldly and his only concern expressed irelates to his discharge and his return to modeling. The damage he has suffered will likely be permanent and I can see that it is very likely he will need a transplant in the not too distant future. He will be one of the under recognized victims of the chronic effects of this virus.
    The other patient is a 42 year old woman who worked at a local fast food restaurant and who had been sick for almost two weeks when she came to the ER with a high fever and shortness of breath. When I first examined her, I experienced the deep in the gut expectation that she was not going to do well. Apart from the fever and the shortness of breath, she was otherwise medically stable. By the second day, she was requiring higher doses of oxygen and was breathing even more quick. Her chest muscles were obviously being called upon to work harder. These accessory muscles of respiration are called into use only in times of significant respiratory compromise. I spoke with her husband. I explained the situation and tried to offer hope to him that I did not have myself. During the night her condition worsened and it seemed likely that she was going to need to be placed on a ventilator. The vast majority of patients with CoVid who require that kind of support rarely live to leave the hospital. And then, in the morning, unexpectedly, she was better. Not totally better but much improved. She has gone from the brink and has returned. Breathing more easily, I expect her to be home by the end of the weekend, It will be heartening to see her leave that isolation room, even if that bed will be filled with another victim in short order.
    So gentleman, please be safe. Please act as though your life depends on you being very respectful of this virus, because it does.
  5. Like
    Mydavid reacted to NewEnglandguy in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    In my twenties I'd have wet dreams like once a month..it was a " rude awakening" and not exactly pleasurable ( albeit the dream had been) . I learned if if I gooff t regularly the dreams were infrequent
  6. Like
    Mydavid reacted to big-n-tall in Busting One's Nuts During Anal...Is it for Everyone?   
    - I usually have intense orgasms topping (I mostly top), bottoming, or going solo? So, I can’t say if it’s any different or better. I will say I have had tops really get turned on that I orgasm while they top me. However, it’s not because of them solely. I have to jerk off to cum while bottoming. For me, it just doesn’t happen from bottoming without manual stimulation.
    - Some people just aren’t wired to cum from bottoming. Just like some people get really turned on from nip play and can actually cum from that and others hate their nipples played with. So it could be physical and there is nothing much he can do about that as far as I know. It could also be a mental thing. That he wants to orgasm while being fucked so very much that it’s always a thought in his head. Which, ultimately makes it an impediment to it happening. Also I hope your friend isn’t using porn as an example/guide as to how things will or should happen in a live session. A lot of times the scenes are edited to seem as though the bottom is cumming from anal stimulation solely. Hell, some of the tops can’t cum from strictly topping. Lol!!
    - The best thing I can suggest is to try not to think about it. Let go and enjoy the session. At the very least he can jerk off while bottoming and that may help the situation. I don’t know if your friend already does or not.
    - To reiterate not everyone is wired the same. We get turned on by different things. Just because one particular person can cum from strictly bottoming doesn’t mean everyone will be able to. He should enjoy the moment and stop stressing over something that may or may not be achievable for him.
    I hope that helps.
  7. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + MysticMenace in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Am all about prevention. So let me do 21 times a week for good measure
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    Mydavid reacted to Bargara Leatherboy in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    You should blow a load 21 times a month to avoid prostrate cancer .....
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    Mydavid reacted to Daverwr in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    I’ve had a wet dream maybe twice in my life. Now, I’m lucky if the provider laying next to me has morning wood... at least sooner or later! ?
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    Mydavid reacted to Epigonos in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    At soon to be 80 I can't even remember when and if I ever had a wet dream. I wake up nearly every morning with wood but only because I need to piss unfortunately it has nothing to do with a sexy dream!!!!!
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    Mydavid reacted to EastbayMike in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    I'm 59. Still have wet dreams two or three times a year. Not tied to frequency of sex. I've had wet dreams the same night I've had sex with my husband to the point of ejaculation. Morning wood is very rare.
  12. Like
    Mydavid reacted to Islesguy in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Having wet dreams outside of my bed was always disturbing. Typically, I would wake up in the middle of the night when everyone was still sleeping so I had a chance to clean up before anyone noticed.
  13. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Italiano in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    I am 60. Morning woods often, but almost always they have nothing to do with a sexy dream. I used to have wet dreams with frequency when I was an adolescent and in my 20s and seldom later, and as I used to have huge ejaculations (alas, pre-Flomax...) I hated it because it was messy as hell.
    I will never forget once that I was staying at acquaintances' house for one night and I stained all the sheets....Embarassing!
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    Mydavid reacted to liubit in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Lasting morning woods happen less and less often ?. I had frequent wet dreams as a teenager, but not anymore. The closest was a few days ago, when I had a very very intense erotic dream which I vividly remember -boy, was it hooooot-, but I didn’t cum.
  15. Like
    Mydavid got a reaction from marylander1940 in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    When I was young, I had a morning wood every day, but now, only a few times per month.
    In my whole life, I only have 3 wet dreams, my last one was at least 20 years ago.
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    Mydavid reacted to Mjonis in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Morning wood almost every day
    i may not remember all but I’m guessing wet dreams about 10 times in my 48 years. Last one was maybe a year or two ago. I had one though that was probably the most intense orgasm but when I woke up nothing was there other than a rock hard cock. LOL
  17. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + nycman in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Morning wood? Daily.
    Wet dream? Only twice in my life.
    My first year in college when I had a roommate and didn’t beat off for 6 months.
    And again at 32 when I ended an serious relationship and didn’t get off for 6 months.
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    Mydavid reacted to + Hoover42 in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    I don't think I've ever had a wet dream, but I have morning wood every day. Sadly, it doesn't stick around for long.
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    Mydavid reacted to Islesguy in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Morning wood less and less often. Wet dreams happened for me quite often until 30 probably because I was constantly aroused even with the amount of jerking off I did. It's been a while since my last one. I'm pretty said about that. I have very vivid dreams and sexual ones were some of my best.
  20. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + Axiom2001 in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    When I was younger, I had the most intense hardons; ...loved the feeling. Unfortunately, today my penis is mostly flaccid in the morning and throughout the day. The same goes for wet dreams.
  21. Like
    Mydavid reacted to CatDaddy in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    I take 5 mg of Tadalafil daily, so morning wood often. I have not had a wet dream since the earth was cooling. Oh well............
  22. Like
    Mydavid got a reaction from liubit in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    When I was young, I had a morning wood every day, but now, only a few times per month.
    In my whole life, I only have 3 wet dreams, my last one was at least 20 years ago.
  23. Like
    Mydavid reacted to + MysticMenace in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Are wet dreams common for adults? I could only remember having one when I was 10 or 11 but not since when I learned to jerk off. I do enjoy the morning wood every morning, so I am cherishing that until it starts to happen less frequently for me.
  24. Like
    Mydavid reacted to KrisParr in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Wood a few times a week, usually in the middle of the night when I need to take a piss. Wet dreams? Rare.
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    Mydavid reacted to + outlaer in How often do you have a morning wood and a wet dream?   
    Woof every day now I take cialis. One wet dream when I was 12
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