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    Justice reacted to + Lucky in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Cooper quite possibly saved Daddy's life. That is an accomplishment rare in life. Kudos, @Cooper!
  2. Like
    Justice reacted to bostonman in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have just become aware of this thread. Thank you to Cooper and to all of you who have helped. Prayers for Daddy and hoping he indeed will be ok.
  3. Like
    Justice reacted to + LS299B in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Late to the convo on Daddy/Guy Fawkes. I feel like I've joined with a virtual group of amazing kind hearted folks here in our support for a gentleman whom I've never met, nor seen. Daddy is certainly in my thoughts and prayers for another speedy recovery. . . and gratitude to Cooper for your life saving action. Love this site and love you guys too!
  4. Like
    Justice got a reaction from + robear in how about penis surgery   
    Although I symphatize with you, I think that you should adopt the very refreshing attitude adopted by LA Escort Rod Hagen. He's very proud of the small size of his "Rod" ;-). (He admits to being 5".) He's a top and judging from his reviews has nothing to be ashamed of!
  5. Like
    Justice reacted to samhexum in Christmas Cards   
  6. Like
    Justice reacted to Luv2play in Christmas Cards   
    I send and receive a small number of cards each year. Either with family who I don’t see often or ever and a few friends from decades ago that I have kept in touch with but see only infrequently. It’s nice having these links and Christmas is the only occasion we correspond this way. And I have a few cards I can put on display in the living room.
  7. Like
    Justice got a reaction from thomas in Squiggy has gone to that great brewery in the sky. Lenny mourns.   
    He struggled with MS for years. One of my cousins husbands has MS. They live in the UK, so treatment options may be different from here, but from what I've observed it's a very cruel disease. Rest in Peace, David. Thanks for the memories and the laughs.
  8. Like
    Justice reacted to JayCeeKy in Squiggy has gone to that great brewery in the sky. Lenny mourns.   
    “Go ahead and laugh. Just like they laughed at Columbus right before he discovered Ohio.”
    -- Andrew "Squiggy" Sguiggman
    “Lenny and I have two very respectful women upstairs, and we'd like to settle down to a nice, quiet orgy.”
    -- Andrew "Squiggy" Squiggman
    “Ahhhh, sleep. Nature's way of saying... lie down.”
    ---Andrew "Squiggy" Squiggman
    RIP David "Squiggy" Lander
  9. Like
    Justice reacted to taecfan in NY Mayor: Don't Arrest Sex Workers   
    This isn't really just limited to the US but serious answer here: decriminalization would open the door to allow those that have been trafficked into sex work to seek out help without fear of getting arrested. It's terrible how these victims are the ones that get penalized by the law when they were literally put into that spot without any agency or real recourse to get out.
  10. Like
    Justice reacted to + azdr0710 in Birthday "outing" on Facebook?   
    I'm still happy I never joined this social media thing.
  11. Like
    Justice reacted to Chuckball in Being taken advantage of...   
    The reaction by @rainyday conforms with the position of many who have been sexually assaulted. Did I do something wrong?
    I can well understand why he may not want to report the situation but for his psychological well being he needs our support. He didn't do anything wrong. He was taken advantage of.
    Hopefully he got tested and all results were negative. Any masseur that would do this is deplorable and should be made to know that others will find out.
  12. Like
    Justice reacted to + Avalon in Did You Pay Your Parents For Room And Board?   
  13. Like
    Justice reacted to P Gren in Did You Pay Your Parents For Room And Board?   
    Child support shouldn't be paid by the child
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    Justice reacted to + FrankR in Being taken advantage of...   
    You always have the right to say ‘no’ or ‘stop’. This is not a typical massage experience. If you have not been tested for STDs recently, I recommend you do so. It does not sound like, nor should you feel like you did anything wrong. The fact that you refused to play when he offered his dick for oral should have been a clear sign to him that you have boundaries. There is a word for sex without conset: rape. The guy took advantage of you. Name him and shame him. Be well.
  15. Like
    Justice got a reaction from caliguy in Colonoscopy ?   
    As others have said, the actual procedure is no big deal. (I took the subway home.) They found some polyps, so I get to do it again this year. Oh, joy.
    The preperation was awful. I didn't mind the no solid food the day before -- apple sauce, lemon jello, and some Ensure, etc, etc., but the liquid that your supposed to drink (even with the addition of the "cherry" flavor packet was awful. It took forever to get the taste out of my mouth. I drank massive amounts of ginger ale (which was allowed according to the instructions) and vented to a friend about how bad the taste was in between trips to the bathroom.
    I know 7 people who had colon cancer. Three of them died. One of them was only 38. It spread to his liver before they found it. Another friend was just diagnosed, she's only 43. Unless you have a family history (I have a friend who has to get a colonoscopy every year because her father died at 55 from colon cancer), or unless you have some sort of symptoms, insurance won't pay for a colonoscopy until you reach a certain age. It's a very expensive procedure. The gastrointerologist billed my insurance company over $2,000 (my co-pay was $40) and that doesn't include the $2,000 bill from the anesthesiologist. (Again, my co-pay was $40.) I also had a $25 co-pay for the vile substance that I had to drink. Given what my friends (and their families) are going through (or went through) paying $105 in co-pays, drinking a vile liquid, and living in the bathroom for a couple of hours is a small price to pay.
    Everyone who is over certain age (check with your insurance company first -- mine won't pay until your reach 50) should get colonoscopy. As unpleasant as it is, it can safe you life.
    Just my $0.02.
  16. Like
    Justice reacted to TruthBTold in Roseanne reboot...   
    Michael Moore came out with a missive about his friendship with Rosanne and the recent events plus . . . .
    Trump-Roseanne 2020...a letter from Michael Moore

    I have known Roseanne Barr for over 25 years. I've known her as Roseanne Barr, Roseanne Arnold, just "Roseanne", then back to Roseanne Barr. I've spent time in her home, criss-crossed the country with her to help remove George W. Bush from the White House, appeared on her shows, been there for her when she needed something, and connected her with one of my producers who did an insightful, one-of-a-kind documentary into the genius and the tragedy that is Roseanne Barr.
    On Tuesday Roseanne posted hateful, slanderous tweets directed at four people: George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, Chelsea Clinton and me. A few hours later, she was fired by ABC.
    For the past few years, Roseanne has been posting the craziest stuff on Twitter, like claiming Hillary was part of a child sex abuse ring being run out of a DC pizza place. She's claimed that the Clintons have murdered people. And anyone who criticizes Benjamin Netanyahu is a "nazi."
    Roseanne seems to be suffering from some sort of madness. It's more than just saying she's a racist. She operates in the same sewer of lies, conspiracy theories and bigotry that's been rising in America for years and that has now succeeded in electing our current president. Totally nuts.
    Here's who's not crazy: Donald J. Trump.
    Trump, though he shows all the signs of being absolutely bonkers, is not insane. He's the real deal. His racism and hate is real, it's well thought-out, he's the true master of manipulation, a brilliant performance artist, and an evil genius. He outsmarted a nation of liberals and Democrats and won the White House by losing the actual vote of the people. He neutered and then destroyed the Grand Old Republican Party. He knows exactly what he is doing.
    Roseanne, on the other hand, is a person who long ago broke through and brought an authentic voice of working women and men to television via one of the greatest TV series of all time. It was groundbreaking because the TV industry had historically either ignored, ridiculed or patronized those of us who grew up in the working class. Roseanne changed that.
    But she is also a damaged soul. Most people don't know that she has suffered her entire life from a massive head injury she received during a serious car accident when she was a child. Her brain injuries were immense and she spent months in the hospital struggling to recover.
    I also have no idea what it was like to grow up, as she did, as a Jewish girl in Salt Lake City. Not a tolerant state, to be sure. She told me how her parents, who owned an apartment building, were asked by the U.S. government after World War II if they would be willing to house Holocaust survivors who had come to the U.S. as refugees. Her parents took dozens in, and Roseanne's childhood was spent with these survivors as her "family." "The stories they told me," she said, "were filled with unimaginable horror. I've always wondered what effect that had on me as a little girl."
    Now, sadly, for the past few years, Roseanne has been in a downward spiral, ranting like crazy on Twitter, spreading conspiracy theories, attacking the people she used to love, supporting Trump, and being just an outright hateful and racist person. It has been a difficult decline to witness. She has repeatedly attacked me, and on Tuesday, after calling George Soros a "Nazi" (he's a Jew and a Holocaust survivor), Valerie Jarrett an offspring "of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes," and saying that Chelsea was "married to" a Nazi relative of George Soros, she then retweeted a disgusting new word for me because I have spoken out against the Netanyahu government and its killing of Palestinians -- "#JewHater". Nonstop insanity and sickness.
    I guess there might be 20 million Americans (out of 320 million) who probably agree with her. She has thrown down with the lowest of the low, and who knows if she’ll ever recover from this descent into her own personal hell.
    To close, I want to say just how great the new Roseanne show was. It was funny but brutal to watch because it showed how our system of greed has hurt millions of families like the Connors of Illinois. On the final episode last week, Roseanne was addicted to opioids because she couldn't afford the knee surgery she needed, so she suffered along in agonizing pain. Dan, her husband, in order to raise money for her surgery, decided to take a non-union job -- and Roseanne berates him for doing so and letting his union brothers and sisters down. There are a couple quick knocks on Trump, making it clear that the real Roseanne was not writing or running this show. For the past 9 weeks, the new Roseanne show has shined a powerful and necessary light on what it means to be working class in 2018. Her blended family on this new series was white and black and LGBTQ, and her generous neighbors next door were Muslims who forced her to confront her own bigotry.
    If only her art could have helped her in her real life.
    (Also, let me say this: There's no reason the show has to go just because she's gone. Over the years, TV has found ways to bring Bobby Ewing back from the dead on “Dallas”, forced us to accept the two Darrins on “Bewitched”, and found ways for hit shows to survive when their stars bolted after a year or two [David Caruso on "NYPD Blue", Pernell Roberts on "Bonanza"]. The smart people who were writing this Roseanne series can surely find a way to let the non-bigoted portion of the America's working class [which I can tell you is the VAST majority] have their voice heard on network television. Why should it be silenced by one lost soul?)
  17. Like
    Justice reacted to rvwnsd in Mickey Mouse does not like Escorts at Disney World in Orlando   
    With all the talk about privacy, using burner phones, special email accounts just for contacting escort sites, VPNs, cash only for fear of tracing credit card transactions, and the list goes on why in the world would anyone open Rentmen or this site in a public place? Anyone looking over your shoulder will see what you are doing. Not to mention that the wifi in a hotel lobby is not secure.
  18. Like
    Justice reacted to EastbayMike in Mickey Mouse does not like Escorts at Disney World in Orlando   
    It's not a public facility. Their wifi, their rules. Happens to me all the time at many, many businesses. Turn off wifi and use cellular, problem solved. I never get bent out of shape by it.
    When it comes down to it, rentmen is a site that facilitates illegal activity. You really can't fault Disney for blocking access to it and similar sites. And no, I'm not a prude; I do hire. I also sat on a jury once for a prostitution-related case after telling the judge during jury selection that I thought prostitution should be legal.
  19. Like
    Justice got a reaction from BabyBoomer in Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen, Happy New Year...a real dud.   
    When I was a kid, in the days before cable and the internet, etc., everyone watched Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, ring in the New Year, live from the Waldorf Astoria in New York. (It was in black and white when I first started watching.) They cut to Times Square in time for the ball drop and then it was back to the Waldorf and us kids were usually sent to bed. (Usually after we made a Happy New Year long distance call to out of town family.) Now that I'm an adult, and have a wide array of choices thanks to cable and the internet, I can't remember the last time that I've watched an entire New Year's Eve show. (I never saw Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin's show. In fact, I never heard of her until the brouhaha over the picture. I've since You Tubed her and decided that I haven't missed anything.) I spent yesterday afternoon at a family New Year's Eve Party. I got home around 7:30, had some left overs for dinner, watched a couple of You Tube videos, and turned on the TV at exactly 11:57 (the cable box was already on ABC and I was too lazy to change the channel) and counted down the New Year with Ryan Seacrest and Company. I turned off the television as soon as the ball dropped. I sent and replied to a handful of Happy New Year texts and went to bed. I strongly suspect that I'm not the only once who turns on some random New Year's show just to watch to ball drop.
  20. Like
    Justice reacted to tolsty17cm in So long, Gomer: Jim Nabors Is Dead at 87   
    I am new to this site and I have seen more negative comments here then I have seen on other sites.
    LOTS of angry people on here.....and not sure why.....
    I met Jim and worked with him many years ago - and he was always a gentleman and kind. I am sorry to see he passed away and even sadder that so many people feel the need to bash someone who is no longer here to defend themselves. He made decisions on how he wanted to live his life - and while many of you may not agree with that decision - it’s was HIS decision. I think if someone is closeted and in a position of power and is bashing gay people or making laws which discriminate against LGBT people that is a different story. He had the right to be closeted if that was what felt right to him. Just because he was a celebrity doesn’t mean it’s his responsiblity to be out.
    Sorry there are so many angry people here! Just my 2 cents.
  21. Like
    Justice reacted to Larstrup in So long, Gomer: Jim Nabors Is Dead at 87   
    I understand your anger toward those of whom have come before us. But you're blaming the wrong people. A more in-depth understanding of why they were the way they were during this time is not so easy to dismiss if you're being honest with our own gay history.
    Two days ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized to the entire LGBTQ2 community of Canada for Canada's decades of discrimination and suffering due to their oppression and fear of people like you and me. And while some of this apology stems from, and is directed to, specific Canadian atrocities against their own LGBTQ2 community, most of it mirrors our own nation's oppression and hatred toward all us for decades.
    We have all come a long way from where we once were. And it's now because of moments like this, coupled with our own personal stories and understanding of our past that we can now more fully understand the pain and silence of those who came before us. Please understand that the silence of many of our elders is perhaps most certainly far more painful to them than that of the anger of which you feel toward them today.


  22. Like
    Justice reacted to + GregM in So long, Gomer: Jim Nabors Is Dead at 87   
    Why are some of you beating up this dead guy? How do you know he didn't quietly donate money to gay related charities? Who cares if he didn't come out till much later in his life? That's the path he felt was right for him. I'm glad this is a fairly anonymous board cause I'm quite sure some of your paths are less than angelic and pure. Smh.
  23. Like
    Justice reacted to Epigonos in So long, Gomer: Jim Nabors Is Dead at 87   
    He lived in his shoes and we live in ours. He had a gorgeous voice and he made many people happy. May he rest in peace.
  24. Like
    Justice reacted to + WilliamM in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    I know it's unfair to just point to critical twitter comments, but not much else yet:
    * Dan Savage: ''There's no amount of drunk or closeted that excuses or explains away assaulting a 14-year-old child.''
    * Billy Eichner: ''Kevin Spacey has just invented something that has never existed before: a bad time to come out.''
    * Frank Rich: ''This is changing the subject. Rapp's charge is pedophilia.''
    * Ben Shapiro: "Sure, I may have tried to rape a 14-year-old boy when I was 26, but I'm gay!" is a pretty horrible defense.
  25. Like
    Justice reacted to Whitman in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    "I'm sorry, Mr. Spacey, but your application to join the gay community at this time has been denied."
    — Dan Savage
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