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Everything posted by DMICS

  1. Yuppers. Very interactive. They were at the top of my list. Was about to book them when they were visiting here a few years ago but in our text convos I asked if race is an issue, to which the response was they're only into caucasians. Moved on.
  2. His private video definitely confirms that
  3. Based on the hot teaser pics he posts on Twitter, I second that Kevin Slater would be a great choice for that.
  4. My 2 experiences were with both in 2019. MuscleVIP: https://rentmen.eu/MuscleVIP/ BoltonD: https://rentmen.eu/Boltond Simply heavenly to witness both sculpted bodies in person.
  5. Correct. If I'm looking to hire off Grindr, my headline is up until I find someone or stop searching. I try to keep it short and sweet and only have it up for 30 mins to an hour. After that I erase it. I always remove my headline before logging off. You're pretty much asking to be banned if its up for a long period lol.
  6. This happened to me a few years back. I was actually on my way to meeting a Grindr hookup and when I got near the location my profile was banned. Devastated because I had lots of great connections saved and guys favourited. Anyways, still in shock I pulled over and made a new account. Literally a few minutes after making the account I was banned again. I pulled over again and did pretty much what @lrbigdicktaker broke down a few posts above and made another account which was fine, but kept my profile and details blank. Luckily the guy I was meeting was still online so I messaged him and we met up at our usual spot for some fun. I honestly think a hater in the area I was hanging around reported my profile and Grindr immediately blocked me. It was your typical regular profile with what I'm looking for, straight to the point. But yeah, it's pretty easy to get around. I find Tinder a little harder to get around if you've been banned. Happened to me twice on there and getting a new profile was a headache. Getting straight to the point worked for me. Sometimes I'll message the guy and let him know I'm interested, what I'm looking for and mention I'm generous. Other times my Grindr headline will allude to what I want ("Gen4Musc") and I'll wait and see who messages or I'll tap guys that catch my eye and see who replies. I find the serious guys let you know their rate and time right away. The wannabes, flakes, scammers or guys just looking for a quick buck always ask "how much?" or "whats your offer?"....usually ends up to be a waste of time. I do recommend if your Grindr headline alludes to hiring to make sure you don't keep it up for long. I'll have it up for 30-mins to an hour. I don't keep it up for long in case someone reports my account. More and more I'm telling myself to ditch the iPhone for an Android. Just so much more possibilities and always ahead of the curve. I'll have to try Bluestacks for Mac (if its even possible). I'm taking notes. I may try this on my secondary Grindr profile.
  7. I always thought the diamond meant drugs, specifically crystal. In my experience, I've come across a handful of local RM providers on Grindr. In most cases if you go through Grindr they quote a lower rate vs. RM. One of my regs who isn't a provider I hired off Grindr.
  8. I always thought the diamond meant drugs, specifically crystal. In my experience, I've come across a handful of local RM providers on Grindr. In most cases if you go through Grindr they quote a lower rate vs. RM. One of my regs who isn't a provider I hired off Grindr.
  9. Damn super sad to hear. I was a big fan of his and recently watched a video of his from ProjectCityBus. Didn't know he escorted, I actually listed him in the thread of porn stars you wish escorted. Truly sad.
  10. Damn super sad to hear. I was a big fan of his and recently watched a video of his from ProjectCityBus. Didn't know he escorted, I actually listed him in the thread of porn stars you wish escorted. Truly sad.
  11. Definitely need more details. But my initial reaction is he'd get half of his asking fee (and thats me being extra generous) and a mediocre review. Providers aren't robots and things like that can happen. In the two scenarios I've had where a provider couldn't step up, both times the providers offered to waive their fee and promised to make it up in our next session.
  12. https://rentmen.eu/ShanghaiTrainer Anyone in Western Canada have any experience with this guy? randomly stumbled upon his profile and WOW, checks off everything on my list. May have to take a trip to Van City in the coming months.
  13. Wanted to see him the last time I was in NYC but I saw the "I'm only into older men (please be 40+)" so figured not to waste time reaching out.
  14. I've pretty much had good experiences to this point with a handful of providers, hiring since 2016. Even though we were a little short on time, my favourite to this point is definitely https://rentmen.eu/thedudenextdoor
  15. I DEFINITELY made sure my session with MuscleVIP was an outcall after reading about the jealous boyfriend.
  16. He's definitely a quick responder. Replied to my RM message quickly when I asked for his OnlyFans.
  17. Luckily I've barely had any bad encounters with providers. One great session I had noticed the provider was watching the clock a few times. Another time I had a session with a regular provider who couldn't get up and it was clear he was a bit high. Up to that point we have had a bunch of sessions so I filed that under having an "off day." So yeah I'd say clock watchers and providers that show up high. The Prep generation got people forgetting what a condom is...smh.
  18. Not a college wrestler but I did have a regular thats now a professional wrestler. When I started playing with guys on the DL my 1st ever regular buddy was this muscular stocky guy that found me on Craigslist. At the time he was working at a gym and would always come by after work late nights or during his break. On the side he was a wrestler doing random events on the underground circuit. We were new to M4M play so while we had fun we definitely had awkward moments. I was more into vanilla stuff and he was the total alpha top looking to go pound town crazy. Eventually we just drifted a part and I lost contact of him. I knew his real name and his wrestling alias so 2 summers ago he randomly came to mind so I googled his name(s) and saw he became a popular professional wrestler. I follow him on social media but thats it. Doubt he's hooking up on the low anymore considering how known he is now in the wrestling world and not wanting to risk that. Plus he probably has enough women groupies. I still would like to hookup with him one last time though lol.
  19. DMICS

    San diego

    I was scheduled to hit SD last summer/fall but of course, the pandemic hit so that was ruined. Didn’t have no plan to book providers but I wanted to try and tap into that military/navy market haha. A buddy of mine was living in SD for 4 years and he’d always tell me about all the military guys he’d get from Craigslist. At times it was too easy.
  20. DMICS


    It has nothing to do with being shy. If there's no social media mention on a provider's ad chances are someone came across it via a reverse photo search or just happened to stumble upon it. That means there's some element of discretion and privacy between the provider's normal life and work. It's a respect thing. In the future, instead of asking someone to post an Instagram profile, simply ask if someone doesn't mind sending the information via PM and thank whoever for the gesture. Like @former lurker said, reviews aren't allowed on here. A few guys here have posted they've met the provider in question....kindly PM and ask about their experience. In most cases, members on here are more than happy to oblige. As for rates, this thread is 3 pages now with one member quoting an hourly rate. That should give you an idea of what to expect, if you need a definite answer simple contact the provider. During my time on here I've noticed with anointed premium providers (who aren't pornstars) there's a good chance rates won't be posted. So going straight to the source is best. I hope that provides some additional clarity.
  21. So unintentionally in a 411 for JJ Knight, the thread got hijacked. Gabriel Cross' name and his well-known 10-year ban from the U.S. came up which lead to a few stories. I decided to make its own thread and hopefully the good moderators can move those posts in here. I'm interested if any members have had similar situations when travelling internationally. I now how a burner phone and extra laptop I use when travelling to protect myself from a random search of my devices.
  22. I was travelling from Canada to the USA. You have to go through U.S. customs before departing in Canada and vice versa when coming back. Customs is always tougher going through flying versus driving. Yeah one of my older phones is a burner now for this reason. As for a quick and simple external drive, I suggest looking into the SanDisk iXpand drive on Amazon. One of the greatest purchases I've made in recent years. I own a bunch of them (they come in 64, 128 and 256 GB). It's the size of a key fob and I store a lot of videos and pictures on there. Good quality and no issues since I've been using them the past 5 years. Anyways, sorry to derail the thread. I just saw the mention of Gabriel Cross' situation and started to get flashbacks to my terrible experience.
  23. DMICS


    I'm shocked you still went to the room.
  24. This happened to me 5 years ago. Was heading to Miami for a week of R&R and to attend a big music festival. Didn't even make it because I got flagged and stopped by a U.S. Customs agent. Photo taken, fingerprinted, taken into an interrogation room. My suitcase was searched, some clothes ripped, and my iPhone was confiscated. The agent went through my phone and created his own story that based on my texts with friends, my photo album, and stylish clothes that I was heading to Miami for a gig to make money and not come back. I then realized that the ticket agent at the airport printed a one-way ticket instead of what I originally booked, a round-trip ticket. It was a humiliating and emotional experience, finally being escorted out to the main terminal. No criminal record, no tickets, nothing. To this day I'm still not sure why this happened. I'm guessing when I was answering questions to the initial agent checking passengers passports that maybe I answered a question wrong? or simply when I presented my ticket and passport he saw it was a one-way which was a huge alert? Anyways now if I'm flying I drive to Buffalo or Vermont first then fly from there. Since that incident I use an alternate phone and laptop whenever I travel with pretty much nothing on either. I'm thinking it was CBP. But man thats another level of evil and hate to do that to someone.
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