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Everything posted by DMICS

  1. Great to see you checking in. And yeah being Canadian myself that news was big. A lot of Canucks I know abroad overseas are now scrambling to get back home. YES LAWD! ?
  2. https://www.companyofmen.org/search/1197129/?q=Tony_Cortez&o=date https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/tony-castellari.148536/ https://massagerepublic.com/male-escorts-in-london/tony-castellari
  3. DMICS

    Sean Xavier

    Curious about that function myself hahaha.
  4. DMICS

    Jake Daniel Pro

    Looks like that video from the mymuscle link above got removed. If anyone has it can you please PM me. Thanks
  5. Great to hear. I was going to make an original post but figured to just dig and find a 411 post and ask my inquiry there. TB popped in my head yesterday. Was reminiscing about the couple of conversations we had via phone about an appointment in late 2019/early 2020 (pre Covid). While sadly he had to postpone twice I just loved that he continued to contact me a few times shortly after to check in. Obviously that left a mark since I made that inquiry yesterday lol. Super glad he's well.
  6. Curious how @tristanbaldwin has been. IIRC 2019 was a tough year for him with some personal issues and then obviously the pandemic came early last year. He randomly just came to mind today. Any of his regulars in contact with him and know how he's doing?
  7. Well this part explains everything (to me). It appears you both have a high sexual appetite (which is fine) but you guys go about your daily lives different. The guys that come over don't seem to have respect for your place, and I'm guessing at times you just want peace and quiet. Meanwhile, your friend is a guy who has to have sex all day and every day. Seems disrespectful, and during a pandemic very careless and very selfish. You need to set rules and your friend needs to scale back a lot on visitors. Nothing wrong with whoring out, but he doesn't have his own place so he (and guests) have to respect your place. Plus he's staying there for FREE? yeah, thats not good. I could be wrong but it sounds like when the idea of living together came up it seemed good on paper since you guys are close and love sex. But in the end you didn't realize how wild your buddy can get. lmaoooooooooo thats definitely come to mind.
  8. Can’t find the main videos I was referring to but this here....love it.
  9. Good to know. My main intentions to going would be playing in an open and fun outdoorsy environment for a weekend. With some hikes and picture taking outdoors during my "down" times. Yeah I met one of the promoters before at Paddles. Super cool, sweet guy. But yeah when I said closed I didn't mean permanently just until re-open orders are given. When they were open during the summer/early fall the strict rules they had in place as far as distancing etc goes was well received and all the patrons seemed to follow them from what I read online. Fair I've been to a few times and that was enough for me. Not intentions of going back. Northern I've never been to.
  10. FAIR was closed but I think re-opened during the summer. I believe it's still closed now. Rainbow Playground re-opened with strict guidelines for their events also in the summer. But closed down in early November when the new pandemic restrictions came into play. When it does re-open not sure how long it'll be around, I remember seeing talks about the area going through a redevelopment plan for condos. Still there, still popular and currently open now. Appreciate the info. I'll definitely keep that in mind for when things open back up. I'd probably be scared to go alone so I may have to find a buddy to go with. I can't find the videos thanks to the recent debacle on PornHub. But I had some hot videos saved on my profile from campgrounds where it's groups and groups of guys in the forest all playing. In one video I think it was a group of 12 going at it in the woods while others walk by or off in the distance watching, the guy recording would eventually step away and go through the woods and every area were guys playing. So hot.
  11. 1st thing that came to mind when I saw the price quote. I'm observing and learning quickly about the escorting business, and the evolvement of the culture (good and bad). I mention that to say with content subscription platforms like OnlyFans, the popular guys like Cade, Austin Wolf etc generate great revenue from those areas. With that $1k quote they can weed out a lot, less appointments more return, and focus on their other "jobs." Sucks though because that will probably be the standard/blueprint moving forward for providers once they become popular.
  12. I've cut my lip with a guy that had one of those. Same scenario happened with a cock ring, another thing i'm not really into.
  13. I like tatts on the body, especially when done well and treated like art pieces. On the dick though? nope, turn off. Also don't like dick piercings.
  14. DMICS

    Matthew Camp

    Just disgusting that someone would do that. Seeing the footage, I'm literally speechless. It does appear he'll hit his GoFundMe goal quickly and start work on the house.
  15. Same. When this pandemic is over he'd definitely be on my list when I start travelling again. EDIT: Whoops realized you meant Leo, I was referring to BC. But heck, I'd love a session with Leo too hahaha.
  16. If the photos from the Adonis newsletters are any idea, it looks like he's still in great shape. Does he have a Twitter? thats probably a good way to check.
  17. DMICS

    Jake Daniel Pro

    Thanks good to know. Money saved. Only asked because of that one video preview posted earlier this this thread where JD is being worshipped, rimmed and sucked turned me on so much.
  18. DMICS

    Jake Daniel Pro

    How’s Jake’s OnlyFans? considering some of the traits mentioned here I know this maybe a bad question.
  19. DMICS

    Rentmen Videos

    That's pretty much what I meant when I said "reference" in my second sentence.
  20. DMICS

    Rentmen Videos

    Yeah don't join if your main intention is to watch the videos for pleasure. In most cases the videos are very short clips (unless they're porn stars). The videos are best used for reference to get a better physical idea of the provider and his physical features.
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