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Posts posted by pitman

  1. A big part of the problem in the US is that each state is responding differently. The states are at different places in the time of the infection and different as to populations. While there has been some guidance from the federal government, the responsibility for execution lies at the state level (even then, there are state and local fights over what to do like Cuomo and DeBlasio). In looking at the US, it is more like looking at all of Europe where Norway responded differently than Spain.

    I have not been following this thread closely so this may have already been discussed. It seems to me a good comparison would be the US vs EU.

    Similar sized populations, similar sized area, different responses in different jurisdictions. I have not seen much data on the EU as a whole. The only thing I have seen is a chart of cases which shows a sharp decline in the EU over the past couple months while the US has remained at a high plateau.

  2. This is a topic that has not received much attention but should be a major factor when calculating the toll taken by the virus and various methods to address the pandemic. It is becoming clear that many recovered patients have had severe damage to their lungs, heart and other organ systems as well as psychological damage.

    When calculating the damage of herd immunity vs mitigation and containment, consideration should be given to shortened life span, reduced quality of life and productivity, and ongoing costs to our healthcare system.


    I'm not aware of any research into damage that the virus may also do to those who remain asymptomatic after exposure. We cannot rule out the possibility that mere exposure to the virus creates ongoing long term health consequences.




    As Patients Recover From Coronavirus, Doctors Wonder About Long-Term Health Impacts

  3. You're absolutely right...I used the term "surgical masks" generically. I did buy N-95's. I also have normal surgical masks. For me, while less effective, their presence would remind me not to do the 4th bullet point and/or make me more conscious of how/when I do it.
    It sounds like you are well-prepared. On the other hand many healthcare workers who are putting their lives on the line to protect us all are at extreme risk due to the lack of available masks. I was wondering how many masks and of what type you have. Since you have stated that "we are all in this together" would you be willing to donate some of your masks to your local hospitals in order to help save the lives of their patients and staff?


    A Top Cancer Hospital Faces Mask Shortages As COVID-19 Cases Show Up In Staff And Patients


  4. I’m more interested in the public reaction to it. Was there hysteria around it like what’s happening right now?
    There was a lot of fear since for a long time it was unclear how HIV was spread. Even after the modes of transmission were clearly established, some people in positions of authority continued to spread misinformation and promote hysteria. William Dannemeyer, a Republican congressman from Orange County CA, supported a ballot initiative submitted by Lyndon LaRouche which would have quarantined HIV+ people. Lorraine Day was an orthopedic surgeon at UCSF who promoted unsubstantiated claims about the risks to doctors when performing surgery on HIV+ people. She also promoted fake cures for cancer. It turns out Dannemeyer and Day were soulmates (both were Holocaust deniers) and they spent years of wedded bliss together until Dannemeyer relocated to hell last year.
  5. Tom Hanks and his wife have contacted the coronavirus. They were tested in Australia.
    They are fortunate this happened to them in Australia rather than the US. I'm not sure about the availability of testing Down Under but I'm sure its higher than here. As a comparison, South Korea has tested 2000 per million of its population. We have tested 5 per million.
  6. Business as usual, for the most part. Maybe a couple of cancellations in the last couple of weeks have been concerned clients... really can’t go wrong with showering and constantly washing hands.
    Showering before sex? Unthinkable! What's this world coming to? One of my favorite things is burying my snout in my partner's ripe pits and crotch. It looks like, for the time being, I will have to content myself with sniffing my own pits.
  7. To show how more stupid I am, I did not realize that Josh O'Connor played Charles in The Crown (Pt. 3). I watched the entire series twice. My stupidity amazes me sometimes.
    You're not the only one. I've seen The Crown once and God's Own Country twice and it never registered with me. I would love to see more of his costar from the film, Alec Secareanu.
  8. When I was a kid, we had a "party line". One line shared by two homes. Each party or home had a separate phone number, but only one home could be on the line. It was cheaper than having a private line. You didn't use the phone a lot back then, so you seldom ever heard the other party on the line if you picked up the phone. I suppose, if someone called you, and the other party was on the line, they would get a busy signal. One day, I picked up the phone, and it turned out, the other party was our next door neighbor.
    We had a party line shared by six families. Nosy people often listened to their neighbors' conversations, and sometimes complained to each other about one particular neighbor who often tied up the line with long pointless calls (I'm looking at you Velma!).
  9. The Greatest Generation is the same as the G.I. Generation, not the Silent Generation. First used by Tom Brokaw to describe the generation that came of age in the Great Depression and fought WW2.


    My 98 year old mother is the only remaining member of this cohort that I know. I'm a Boomer to the core.

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