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Everything posted by Capitano

  1. Feb. 8 - 8: Milwaukee, WI Feb. 9 - 9: New Orleans, LA Feb. 11 - 12: Norfolk, VA Feb. 12 - 13: Richmond, VA A whole new level of insanity, I mean the combo of ridiculous prices and implausible "travel" schedule. Clearly trying to be listed in many cities and then wherever he finds unsuspecting customers?
  2. Saw him recently too, I am glad to hear his place is better this time around, but I still did an outcall because I could control the temperature, just in case. The massage was excellent, done in the nude but I got the vibe he doesn't like interaction and being touched, even if non-sensually. He kind of reluctantly went along with it but I quickly stopped, sensing the absence of chemistry. Nice, kind, smart dude, and a great masseur overall, though.
  3. I am less sensual in the face down stage, but I totally agree with you on the pleasantness of the level playing field that is created if we are both naked. I enjoy an occasional brush while my hands are on the table and if they are hanging down, I may gently stroke the masseur's calf muscle if the position is right. It creates contact, warmth, and intimacy. When face up, things can but don't have to become more sensual if the chemistry is there and things are, again, mutual and the playing field level. I absolutely hate it when the masseur wants to stroke me while unwilling to be naked with me (I call this "American hang-up") or if he expects me to "finish myself" while allowing me to touch him (I call this "Eastern European hang-up"). Sorry, not interested. If anything, it's a major mood killer, and I would then prefer it if they wouldn't try or advertise sensual or "relaxing" massage. But then, I guess, it would be tough to justify charging anything more than $80-100 an hour. I pay $80 for top notch professional masseuse (yeah, she is a woman, but super strong and EXCELLENT in taking care of issues) next door. My most recent example of ridiculousness is this dude being naked but wearing a sock over his package, which is what I realized when I turned around. I mean, why even bother? Does that work for ANY of his clients? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/thebestmassage.shtml
  4. Oh Gawd! I once wanted to try his massage and made the mistake of texting him to ask about his availability and location. What followed was an avalanche of calls which I couldn't answer at the time and had to silence my phone. If I text you, why not fucking text me back with a quick answer to my simple questions (available? when? where?) instead of assuming it's ok to call?! So, after repeated calls (annoying, because my phone kept vibrating), he leaves a message saying how he is super busy, has two locations for massage, one in the office, one at home, that I'd better make my appointment ASAP, and how I should definitely call him back because it's easier to just talk directly. I text him that I am not in a position to talk and then a shitload of text messages pressuring me to schedule ASAP. I was actually doing something else so this was super-annoying, so I eventually decided to cut it off saying that we just don't have the right chemistry, cancelling, and apologizing for taking his time. Then a shitload of texts, including the following morning, how I shouldn't be so negative and how he really wants me to try his awesome massage. Needless to say, I was happy when he gave up, he seems to be into some "motivational speaker" shit too...
  5. Have you seen him, care to share more? I'd love to hear more or if you could send me PM :-)
  6. I don't know why I even tried, I guess I was just bored on my business trip and sore from trying to get in shape. Should have noticed that he is now based out of Lansing, Michigan, never a good sign when they keep moving. Massage was actually pretty good but the vibe was totally off, especially the lame attempt at sensuality at the very end. A waste of time and money (way overpriced btw). And yeah, he is much older now and pretty uptight about nudity.
  7. Of course I don't mind when a masseur charges moderate prices for what they deliver (Nikola and Vic in Chicago, Brad and Anthony in NYC). I usually tip to take them close or to the level that other comparable guys charge. It's a win-win, they get a nice tip and I feel great about it, plus the chemistry for the next meeting is perfect. But when it comes to a new masseur for which there is no information here, I actually prefer to pay more, but never above $160 per hour, that's my limit. I find that this gives me a slightly better probability of actually liking the experience. Which is depressingly rare. Most of my first times with new masseurs have been mild disappointments, and outright disasters are about as frequent as pleasant surprises :-(. Paying more does change these probabilities, although, sadly, not by that much.
  8. Interesting idea, EVdude, I never thought about that! I sort by distance, because I am skeptical about how sites order ads and what guys that push, they make masseurs bid for good spots toward the top of the page. I also make the point of going through the entire page before making my decision. I suspect all of us check all ads in a city (and on multiple sites) before making a decision, so it ultimately doesn't make much difference. Having said all that, a really good masseur offering great value should shoot for clients that are not price sensitive, which probably excludes those who sort on and decide primarily on price.
  9. I love the $119 pricing for incalls. He should explore the idea of $119.99, though...
  10. Well, it's been mentioned elsewhere, but that phone number is the same as here: http://backpage.com.newyork.escortbabylon.com/post/21865000/# I'd run.
  11. I saw him once too, it wasn't bad but it was somewhat weird. It started with him being late because some kind of store didn't provide or ship to the hotel some kind of special ingredients for his own custom massage lotion that he mixes, he actually arrived that same day so my guess is that later clients didn't have that issue. I think he has some kind of treatment that goes with it, because he gave me a whole spiel about how I should drink tons of electrolytes in the days following the massage to rehydrate my body. I kind of tried but quickly gave up because it was just too much trouble :-). And no, I didn't sign up for a rehydrating massage or whatever, I guess he just goes around spreading his gospel. Oh, well...
  12. Does he have some special healing powers then? I mean, $100 for 30 minutes. Maybe he should change his handle to "Touched by Jesus."
  13. OK, not an elephant but nice size, how did both of you manage to ignore it? Why not make a joke about it, see how he responds?
  14. So this was the "elephant in the room?" You both pretended it wasn't happening? Why not make a joke about it, see how he'll react?
  15. I still stand by my note on page 2 here, what happened when you turned around?
  16. I just don't get this, even if I didn't have to do any massage, I'd find the following schedule grueling: Jan. 23 - 25: Minneapolis, MN Jan. 25 - 26: Chicago, IL Jan. 26 - 27: Indianapolis, IN Jan. 27 - 28: Nashville, TN Jan. 28 - 29: Charleston, SC Jan. 29 - 30: Orlando, FL Jan. 30 - 31: Tampa, FL Jan. 31 - Feb. 1: Fort Lauderdale, FL Feb. 1 - 2: West Palm Beach, FL Feb. 2 - 3: Naples, FL Feb. 3 - 4: St Augustine, FL Feb. 4 - 5: Cape Coral, FL Feb. 5 - 6: Denver, CO Feb. 6 - 7: Key West, FL And why would anyone want a massage from someone who is "on the run" this much? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/angelopaolo.shtml
  17. I saw him for the first time last week and he doesn't seem to be doing outcalls at all. Maybe he did earlier, hated them and charged a lot, and then discontinued?
  18. I actually think his rates are low compared to others offering similar quality of massage & experience. My other two favorites in Chicago are David who charges $225 for 90 minutes at his place and Jake who comes over to my place and charges $240. At $170, Nikola leaves plenty of space to give a generous tip and still spend less money.
  19. Finally managed to travel up north to see Nikola. Excellent massage, hot, swarthy dude that doesn't engage in too much chitchat but is generally friendly, prompt with texts etc. Nice setup in a nice apartment in a nice neighborhood I think he is gay, so definitely no hang-ups about doing the glutes, generally uninhibited, etc. I am sure I'll see him again and if he lived closer I'd be regular. I don't want to jinx it, but I might be switching to having 3 favorites in Chicago instead of just 2 (David & Jake).
  20. I think he travels around the holidays. My bet is he'll be back pretty soon.
  21. The more I read these comments, the more I think we are talking about a person with "issues" rather than a simple asshole. When someone acts that weird on so many occasions, God knows what kinds of demons are at play. Careful out there! PS Look at the bright side, being stood up is much better than an unpleasant encounter with someone on some kind of drug or experiencing an "episode" on that particular day.
  22. So how can the same person with the same number be in different cities at the same time? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/latinjockcarlos.shtml https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/latincarlos.shtml It's probably some kind of operation where someone who speaks English directs a bunch of guys who'll show up at your door, but you are almost guaranteed that they won't look like the pictures, will have limited command of the language, and know very little about massage. Probably a similar story here, except that they didn't bother to make multiple ads, plus it saves money: https://rentmasseur.com/Timwood I guess they just figured out how to trick RM into accepting 3 different locations at the same time. I texted just to check, "naively" asking where they were now and the response was, predictably, "where are you?" without answering my question. So they can be wherever I want them to be, that is, just send me the local guy they have. And then there is that ad where the phone number is the same https://rentmasseur.com/Stanly with this site http://backpage.com.newyork.escortbabylon.com/post/21865000/ So the same person can also change gender and race on demand, besides being in two different places at the same time. I am not sure whether it's me noticing these things more or are these scams becoming more and more frequent? What's making me furious is that you obviously have to do a thorough search for the phone number, pictures, and any other info you can get before hiring a new masseur. It's becoming a chore. Obviously, scammers are figuring out that there is nice money to be made in this business, I wonder how we can fight this and send a strong message that we don't appreciate this kind of shit? PS And why, oh, why is Chicago one of their favorite targets :-)?
  23. JD has been discussed here, with mostly positive opinions. Another favorite in NW burbs: https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/persian_steel.shtml
  24. The masseurfinder ad was down for a while, now it's back up, and a RM ad appeared in the mean time: https://rentmasseur.com/Stanly Another red flag: when a masseur cannot make up his mind about his home base.
  25. Bumping, he is coming to Chicago soon. I am usually skeptical about traveling masseurs except when they come from Florida. A very competitive masseur market down there for some reason.
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