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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. That's a false assumption. Skin color has nothing to do with it. Access to safe drinking water, healthcare, and safe food are helpful, but getting sick from rimming is real. Like it or not, our ass is for waste release. A dental dam is recommended for any oral anal contact. http://www.newnownext.com/ive-contracted-my-third-gastrointestinal-parasite-from-rimming-and-i-cant-be-the-only-gay-man-suffering/01/2018/ http://advocatesaz.org/2012/01/03/sti-awareness-intestinal-parasites/
  2. That's an interesting observation. I'll have to ask my friends at Boeing about that particular issue. One of the best write-ups I've seen online is by an aerospace engineer at seeking alpha. It's a long read. This paragraph nails it: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4286602-boeing-737-max-misconceptions-engineers-view
  3. The Boeing of yesterday that created the 737 is not the Boeing of today that created the Max. The facts speak for themselves, from the Boeing engineer who filed internal complaints to the test pilot who expressed concern during development, or the FAA regulators who caved under political pressure and gave Boeing more and more control over sign offs. Boeing was hyper focused on cutting costs and rapidly deploying the 737 Max over and above any safety concerns. They were terrified of losing Lion Air's business and that fear and drive for profit led them to make multiple terrible choices. Physics doesn't lie. The 737 Max is aerodynamically substantially different from the 737. Boeing tried to use software to account for that because it was faster and cheaper. They then downplayed the new software and convinced everyone pilot training wasn't required and some of the safety features were optional. All to save a buck and get to market faster. It was a serious ethical blunder that cost hundreds of innocent humans their lives.
  4. The Max is an example of what happens where companies are focused on short term profits above all else and the government is a pushover thanks to lax regulations and weak regulators. The net result: Boeing created an aerodynamically different plane by bolting huge new engines on the ancient 737 frame and then tried to address how that changed flight characteristics by creating software to monitor the issue and correct it in the background. All without telling pilots anything because they didn't want to risk a new training requirement for pilots. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-boeings-737-max-failed-11553699239 Here's an article explaining the fundamental design problems with the 737 Max. I know Boeing was desperate to compete with Airbus for the huge business of Lion Air and other cheap carriers, but this was a huge mistake. They should've either been upfront and transparent about it or built a new plane instead of trying to covertly create a new product from the 737 and claim it was just like the 737. https://moneymaven.io/mishtalk/economics/boeing-737-max-unsafe-to-fly-new-scathing-report-by-pilot-and-software-designer-ed5jwi2s8kCuGTAgFXR0GA/
  5. Ultraprocessed foods are bad news. This is a small study, but the findings are significant. If you don't have an SA subscription, you can get the full text of the research paper on Cell. The page below should be the article. https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(19)30248-7
  6. A crime of passion is a defense strategy to undermine the mens rea aspect of a criminal case because our laws treat premeditated criminal intent more harshly. You're right that 16 stabs suggest a loss of control, rage, extreme fear, and other things as well. We don't know the details. We'll see what happens as the case moves forward.
  7. It's not only the sugar. It's more about how we consume it. Controlling sugar intake provides many health benefits, but it's how sugar is consumed that's a major driver of tooth decay. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-sugar-destroys-teeth
  8. https://scallywagandvagabond.com/2018/09/geoffrey-tracy-pleads-not-guilty-nyc-stabbing/ Who knows? I haven't seen anything in the news since the reports last year. He's claimed it was self defense. A claim an ex-boyfriend says is laughable. The above article mentions he was released on $500,000 bail. His instagram is still active except it's now private. If you search in the New York state court system, his next hearing is in late October.
  9. Sounds like you have a high quality wingman for cruising operations. I'm sure the blushing will be seen as hot and endearing by cruisers who check you out.
  10. I greatly appreciate this discussion. We've been talking about where we might want to retire. It's still a long ways away, but it's good to buy real estate early and let it work for you until you need it. We've visited a few different places and so far our beloved California remains in the lead. We've built great lives here over the years and all our family and friends are here so chances are we will retire here too. We might have a place or two elsewhere for visits or vacations with the kids, but California is probably our forever home.
  11. Sexual Orientation and Sexual Activity are interrelated but independent. It's entirely possible for the vast majority of humans to engage in a wide diversity of sexual activity. Mental and emotional factors come into play along with cultural and societal expectations. Generally speaking, Western millennials and younger (under 40 crowd) are far more educated about sexual activity than prior generations at their age and they often have less cultural and emotional baggage around activities like anal sex. The data shows that 100% heterosexually oriented human males can and do engage in anally receptive activities, up to and including with other human males. Given the freighted nature of such activity, the situation must be just right for things to happen.
  12. Discussing complex topics online is always challenging because so much is missing from the communication and people frequently assume the worst possible interpretation of what they're reading. I'm sure I'm as guilty of that as the next person because we all do it unless we're very careful readers and writers. To be clear, I have not attacked anyone nor am I remotely interested in personal attacks or in damaging someone's business or reputation. I am aware of the power dynamics that exist in this hobby of ours and I recognize that none of us are mind readers. As someone who believes strongly in a human being's right to be secure in their own body, I have a particularly strong stance on consent and I also believe strongly in proactive communication, accountability, and personal responsibility. Enthusiastic consent isn't hard or difficult and it doesn't even "kill the mood" as some people seem to suggest. It does require a shift in thinking though because it recognizes that it's impossible for one human being to know what another human being is actually thinking without communication. We don't know each other's life experiences, traumas, fears, or desires without communication. Depending on the nature of the relationship and familiarity, that could come in many forms but without it, whatever is happening is based on assumptions and humans are notoriously bad at guessing what another person wants or thinks when they don't know each other well. https://medium.com/@bennessb/enthusiastic-consent-what-people-mean-3e04a7a9e26b http://rockstardinosaurpirateprincess.com/2015/03/02/consent-not-actually-that-complicated/ https://www.scarleteen.com/article/abuse_assault/drivers_ed_for_the_sexual_superhighway_navigating_consent
  13. Yes. It seems like some guys get easily offended by condoms because they take it personally. Like you're suggesting they're infected with something or that you're calling them and their practices into question. Sexually transmitted infection rates for many infections are at record highs and still climbing. To make matters worse, most men have no symptoms and treatment resistance is rapidly spreading. It's best to assume an unknown new sexual partner is a risk and practice the safest sex you're willing to risk.
  14. All humans are "the freeze type" depending on the threat and the specifics of the situation. We talk about "fight or flight" and forget there are four F's: Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn. They are all normal reactions for our species to threat and trauma. https://www.acuitycounseling.net/2019/05/30/fight-flight-freeze-or-fawn-what-is-trauma/
  15. Without enthusiastic consent, any sexual contact is wrong because every human being should have control over their own body. Any society that believes in accountability, freedom, and responsibility should agree because without enthusiastic consent, any physical or sexual contact is unwanted which means coercion and intimidation along with physical or sexual assault. http://persephonemagazine.com/2012/05/why-do-people-hate-the-concept-of-enthusiastic-consent/
  16. The incel movement is sad and dangerous.
  17. Yes, deep breathing is a real thing. We tend to breath shallowly and faster than recommended because of chronic stress. Techniques like pressure breathing can work. The forceful and intentional rapid contraction of the diaphragm tends to more completely evacuate the lungs. Combining that with a slow deep inhale brings air deeply into the lungs, exposing more lung tissue to atmosphere enabling greater oxygen extraction. As an added bonus, deep breathing engages the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms a human body down, lowers heart rate, and makes things pleasurable. Hiking isn't necessary nor is an oxygen monitor. If you feel stressed, consciously focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Make sure to empty and fill the lungs as deeply and completely as is comfortable for you. You'll feel calmer, more relaxed, and more clear headed in no time.
  18. I wouldn't dismiss it. It's more data, which is usually useful so long as everyone understands its limitations.
  19. I figured it would be lumbar. I would be highly skeptical about PRP even in lumbar cases, but each situation is unique. Yes, I know who you're talking about.
  20. I am glad you are feeling so well. The outcome is what matters. Imaging isn't great for chronic cases since posture is dynamic and the same structures can image very differently moment to moment depending on a whole host of other factors that influence soft tissue holding patterns.
  21. Never under estimate the power of a little friendly competition and socialization. They do wonders for rehab and pain.
  22. Yes, belief plays a huge role, especially in chronic pain cases. Many of us seriously underestimate the power of psychological and sociological factors in chronic pain cases. But there is some fairly good research (see the links I provided above) on PRP's efficacy for joints like the knee. I would be leery of PRP for the spine too, especially the cervical.
  23. For cervical?! Would you mind sharing the doctor please. Feel free to PM me with the info. I'm always looking for highly skilled experts to add to my network for referrals when I get tricky cases.
  24. Technically, since you went with PRP, that's called BRI (Biologic Repair Injection), which is related but different from prolotheraphy. But, I'm glad it worked for you. The research for its efficacy is very limited, though what good research we have seems to suggest it's mostly useful for overuse issues in the appendicular skeleton and its associated connective tissues. I'm not sure I would recommend it for cervical issues, but every case is different and perhaps the right doctor may have good outcomes. http://aaomed.org/AAOM/files/ccLibraryFiles/Filename/000000000116/Research Summary - Updated Feb 2014.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4938120/
  25. Now is the time to visit that doc we discussed. She may be able to help now that the inflammation is temporarily reduced.
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