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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. That's a very good point and actually one of my favorite parts when the session is about pushing limits and boundaries. I tend to approach it obliquely so they rarely tap out and end up pushing beyond where they thought their limits were. It's not something that can be done all in one session. Sounds like you were with someone who doesn't even really understand BDSM. They probably just checked the box because they thought they'd get more clients and, like you said, could handle it.
  2. Person to person generally refers to close contact which is probably by the most efficient way this virus appears to spread: respiratory droplets. Community spread refers to the other way this virus spreads, which thankfully it appears to be less efficient at: aerosolized airborne. Here's a video explaining them:
  3. That's surprising to me. Are you a Sadist Dom? I can do and enjoy sadism, but I'm always coming from the tough love side of the spectrum. BDSM is where I learned how critically important informed enthusiastic consent was for a great scene. As a Dominant, the way I learned and practice to this day, is informed consent to insure that no one is abused or assaulted. It's one thing with a sub that you know and who knows you, but with a brand new sub that you've never played with before, I would think a clear conversation about the themes and no-fly-zones along with how communication should go would be important to a great time for everyone. Pushing boundaries can be alot of fun, but part of the responsibility I've learned as a Dominant, is taking care of the emotional, mental, and physical well-being of my sub during a scene. For those subs who want to explore boundary pushing, non-con play, or other challenging scenes, I make sure there's clear agreement and I also plan for the necessary after care. Recently, a curious guy was referred by a buddy. I'd love to know how that conversation went. He wanted to be spanked hard repeatedly until he was bruised for days without bleeding or broken skin, to use his own words. We discussed communication, the scene, his health, meds, and the like to understand how it would all go. During the after care, he thanked me for knowing what he needed even when he thought he wanted more. A few days later, he again thanked me for everything and asked if he could suck me off next time. I haven't decided yet if he'll be good enough to see my cock, let alone touch or suck it.
  4. Just like coming out opened many eyes to the reality of LGBTQA people, I hope we reach a day when people who've been sexually assaulted, sexually harassed, or raped are able to speak up and be believed. They're much more common than many people realize. I am glad your eyes are open now.
  5. Yes. I've been raped, but I'm lucky in that I was drugged. Fortunately, I didn't die and I don't remember details. Just the beginning and the aftermath after roughly 7 blacked out hours. Why do you ask?
  6. We try to support local as much as possible as part of living our values. Costco is one of our exceptions because it is one of the few large retailers that pays decent wages and benefits. It's worked very well for us and seems to for many of our neighbors, though if you have a smaller household or less storage space, I can see how it might not work for you. Being my family's designated shopper for the past few weeks has been enlightening about what's hoarded and which stores still have stock of items that are sold out elsewhere. Watching the panic spread has been a study in psychographics and how certain demographic slices have panicked and others haven't. Humans aren't rational, especially when emotions run high. The virus, SARS-CoV-2, and the COVID19 pandemic it's creating around the world is pushing many buttons for many people. Humans are fascinatingly complex. Good luck in your grocery outings!
  7. Oh, I didn't say it would be successful. But, the whole point of shelter in place orders are to protect the vulnerable and slow the spread among the roughly 70% who are ultimately going to recover well after they get it. We want that natural immunity to build in the population so that transmission becomes more difficult over time. Ultimately, it's "controlled exposure of the population" so critical care doesn't overwhelm the healthcare system. It seems like it might be good at mutating though, as RNA viruses tend to be, so the reinfection question is completely up in the air. Just as the "seasonality" question is too. Ultimately, we are in the life-and-death marathon and the finish line is a vaccine and treatment in about 18-24 months.
  8. In a month we will hopefully be seeing the curve beginning to peak, except in parts of the country that continue to ignore the public health risks now. California will likely be in a shelter in place order for at least 2 weeks and possibly 4. If that happens and the shelter in place is lifted, the social distancing orders will still be in affect restricting travel and forbidding group gatherings. Once it becomes clear parts of the country are seeing case loads begin to flatten, I won't be surprised to see them try to restrict travel from places that have been ignoring the risks to minimize transmission.
  9. Thank you for doing this Oliver. I know some people don't agree, but this is the right call in my opinion based on all the data I am aware of and what we know about this virus and how it is transmitted. Realistically the USA will need to seriously self isolate and maintain social distancing until early May at the earliest to get things under control and we will likely have to maintain some of these protocols for the next few years until an effective vaccine is publicly available and we achieve herd immunity. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-12/coronavirus-can-live-in-patients-for-five-weeks-after-contagion
  10. I'm the designated shopper for our household. We are sheltering in place otherwise. Having all the kids back under one roof is going to be fun if it's for more than a week or two. Costco seems very organized, at least the ones near us. Target, TJ's and Gelson's are too. Pavilions has been ok. Albertson's seems to be struggling with restocking. I know all of these because I've been fulfilling specific family orders and finding certain items tricky over the last week. We've been isolating for nearly a week now.
  11. This is intriguing new research into why Italy may be seeing such rapid spread. It fits into everything I've heard and learned about the importance of self isolation and social distancing especially between the young and old given the probability of community spread in much of the developed world. https://www.wired.com/story/why-the-coronavirus-hit-italy-so-hard/
  12. I'm neither panicked nor paranoid. Data drives my decisions and my discussions as much as possible. I'm human and therefore prone to emotional responses and decisions, but I am fairly well grounded in data and plan to stay that way. All non-vulnerable people should be limiting travel as much as possible in the short-term. Once we finally get enough testing capacity to really see what community spread is looking like, then we can adjust and adapt. Vulnerable populations should self quarantine if they're able to do so. Look at the latest data from California, the majority of cases are 18-64 and community spread is significant. If people can't, they need to be very aware of their hand hygiene and social distance while out and about. Here are a couple articles about why extreme social distancing is so important right now: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/10/social-distancing-coronavirus/
  13. Those sound about right. Extreme social distancing is critical right now so America's roughly 900k hospital beds, especially the 90k critical care, are not overwhelmed. We need to spread out the few million critical cases over as many months as possible. If they clump up and hit together, many innocent vulnerable Americans will needlessly die.
  14. They aren't high risk from a mortality perspective, but they catch it and spread it like anyone else. Even worse, since symptoms for them tend toward flu or cold like, they might mistake what they have and carelessly spread it. Social distancing is critical right now and it isn't just for people over 60 or with compromised immune systems or other chronic illnesses that make them vulnerable. One saving grace, maybe, is that people who are asymptomatic appear to very rarely shed. Which is why checking temperatures became a rapid response action to identify and isolate suspect cases. If you start checking temps, 97.9 Fahrenheit is the better average for a modern human in a developed nation like the USA. In other words, 98.7 is a very mild fever. China is finally not fucking around and what they're doing is very harsh by Western standards, but they do not want more economic damage from this novel coronavirus. If Americans don't take the call to socially distance seriously, we will probably have national guard deployments and forced quarantines if things get bad enough given how intense the panic has been so far. It's finally forcing politicians to act and with a national emergency, our authoritarian president has very broad powers.
  15. Much of the Western world dropped the ball. Many Asian nations did all the right things and so did a few Western nations. China seriously under-reported for a long time. Was it intentional or incompetence? Probably a combination of both. Humans are great at hubris.
  16. People are in panic mode. Humans are not rational when emotions take over. This is a logical consequence of many years of propaganda. We now have to ride it out until it burns out or it tears us down.
  17. The USA badly screwed up, just like Italy did. We should've been much more aggressive over a month ago. Testing capacity is grossly inadequate in the USA. We are missing many thousands of cases. Don't be surprised when our confirmed cases begin to really climb as testing capacity finally increases. Extreme social distancing is critical now because we have fewer than a million hospital beds in the USA and only around 10% of those are critical care. If we become like Italy, many Americans are going to needlessly die.
  18. Sounds like you've had and are having some damn sexy times. I volunteer to be your camera man. Sexual Orientation and Sexual Activity often align but not always. It's entirely possible for a straight identified male to enjoy "kiss[ing] deep and cum[ing] from getting fucked and hit you up specifically because they want to get pounded." Orientation is more about who you're attracted to and want relationships with, not the physical activity that gets you off.
  19. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are both easily transmittable via anal, oral, and vaginal condomless sex. They both are also capable of creating localized colonies in the throat and rectum. They both also have high rates of asymptomatic presentation in human males. Lastly, both also have treatment resistant strains slowly spreading in the public. If you suck cock without a condom or don't use a dental dam when rimming or lick pussy, there are multiple STIs that may infect you or the person you're having sex with, so it's important to know all of this and make informed choices. Rectum and throat swabs are standard practice for any good STI testing routine for men who have sex with men. If you engage in any type of unprotected receptive oral sex, you should make sure throat swabs are part of your testing routine. The same goes for engaging in any unprotected anal play and rectum swabs. Blood and urine tests are not sufficient. The frequency of testing is something to discuss with your doctor. If you cannot be open and honest with your doctor, find a new doctor. If you can't be honest with yourself, change! Life is full of risk and part of being a mature adult is making informed choices about those risks.
  20. He's danced at Adonis events before, but I've never met him because he changes ads and names pretty frequently, which is a red flag for me. It could just mean he only escorts sometimes and he only creates an ad when he decides to escort.
  21. Good to know! I was interested in these guys before but the "crazy one" gave me major no fly zone warnings so I never hired.
  22. It's a picture from the series that explored Mussolini's bunker. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5170995/Mussolinis-10-MILE-bunker-largest-Europe.html
  23. What sort of information are y'all looking for? There's plenty of panic, because the media makes money on panic. It grabs eyeballs. And the market volatility has been great for those who know how to exploit it. If you're looking for clear information about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, then look at authoritative sources. U. Minnesota has a list of all the different case maps. I like Washington's map for its county-level data while the Hopkins map is updated very frequently. It's important to understand we already have community spread in the USA and the virus is already in at least 44 states and likely in all 50 states. We have terrible access to testing in the USA and since upwards of 80% of cases have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic, the vast majority of cases are being missed. If we had South Korea's testing capabilities, we'd likely see tens of thousands of confirmed cases in the USA. But, we don't, so all we're seeing is the subset that is so bad that they can't be missed. What you and everyone can do: wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, do not touch your face, practice social distancing, and sanitize common surfaces frequently. Do not travel unless it's absolutely necessary. Even if you're young and healthy, you can still easily be a carrier for this virus. Do your part as a human being and help protect all of us.
  24. I'm not as worried about kissing, though it's a concern for any respiratory infection. This whole thing has really made me wonder how many people properly wash their hands before and after they touch their and other people's genitals though.
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