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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Wasn't pomegranate juice a thing about two decades ago? That's how POM built their whole business. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POM_Wonderful We have used pomegranate molasses for many years because it's a key ingredient in one of our favorite Persian dishes, Fesenjān. https://persianmama.com/chicken-in-walnut-pomegranate-sauce-khoresht-fesenjan/
  2. Does anyone have any updates? He goes by feelmeflow now and his pics are very interesting to me. His ad reads like he's a smart thoughtful guy and that's very attractive too. https://rentmasseur.com/feelmeflow
  3. All of us over 40 are part of the problem. We've created this world where global warming is already creating hundreds of thousands of refugees and growing unrest around the world. Those of us in the energy and finance fields decided to ignore all the research from the 1970s that warned us about climate change because we preferred short term profits and our own consumerism and pleasure. I struggle with my own carbon footprint sometimes, but I'm getting better and while I am sad about the world we are leaving our kids, I am encouraged by the focus and passion of my kids and their friends. They give me hope that things will finally change in important ways toward a sustainable and environmentally aware society. One of the reasons I prefer Impossible Burger is the bleeding. I like my burgers medium rare and Impossible is the only beef substitute that I know of that can closely deliver that experience. Impossible's products aren't healthy in the same way as veggie burgers but they are a solution for reducing beef consumption which is critical for the future health of our planet.
  4. I do not believe it's a fad. Veganism and Vegetarianism are growing because millennials and gen z recognize how bad beef consumption is health-wise and environmentally. In my neck of these woods, nearly everyone I know has adjusted their meal plans to include at least 1 or 2 days a week that are vegetarian or vegan. I love a good burger, and I prefer impossible over beyond when I want a close approximation to beef. But, we'll have to see if the rest of the country catches on. Certainly the numbers coming out in the press suggest beyond and impossible are on to something profitable. We'll just have to see if their businesses are sustainable and expandable. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/impossible-foods-beyond-meat-and-the-growth-of-the-meatless-meat-market/
  5. Those pics are all over the internet. The chances are pretty high for that profile to be a fake. But, you can always ask for a current pic with something showing today's date or a certain hand gesture to see if the person is real and legit.
  6. Masculinity and Femininity are social constructs. The traits, actions, etc. that define either label vary by culture, species, and over time. The most current research we have has shown how the entire idea of an alpha is flawed in a human context and doesn't even apply to wolves, where it was first used over 50 years ago. One of the researchers, L. David Mech, who came up with the alpha concept in wolves has disavowed his research and even tried to get his famous book removed from print to stop spreading bad ideas. Check out this article for more info: Why everything you know about wolf packs is wrong. Humans do not have alphas. Like any species, we have individuals across a wide spectrum of traits. We know things like height, voice, and facial features associated with high testosterone tend to be beneficial to male humans on attractiveness ratings. This all plays into the growing research about social dominance and how various traits can be viewed as advantageous and attractive. Are Alpha Males a Myth or a Reality? The Myth of the Alpha Male Small Male Chimps Use Politics, Rather Than Aggression, To Lead The Pack
  7. Which goes to show how useless the verified picture and ID features are on rentmen. Presumably whoever is using those pics only bears a passing resemblance to the man in the pics or went through the trouble to make a fake ID.
  8. I'm not sure people are seeing him for his hands. His pics are certainly enticing.
  9. That's Officer Crabtree to you.
  10. I love your reply, though I think this word was meant to be exhausted not exalted.
  11. When I was doing therapeutic massage, every once in a great while, I'd get a built hot client, female or male, who tried to "barter" for my services. I never took any of them up on their offers. One substantial male surfer comes to mind. I just played it off as I worked on him on the deck of his place overlooking the ocean.
  12. Happy father's day to all! Like @TruthBTold, I can become very frustrated by how screwed up everything is in the USA and around the world. But, after spending some time with my kids, I always feel better. They're so passionate, thoughtful, and engaged that I have hope for the future. I just hope the country is in good enough shape for them to take over and save all of us from our greed, lack of compassion, and shortsightedness.
  13. Thanks for the link and reply. I agree 100% because that's what I was saying. Apple doesn't care about gay content. Their concern is about sexually explicit or suggestive content. That's what Scruff's CEO is saying so I don't believe we'd disagree at all. Further, there are other factors that grindr faces that scruff does not. Specifically, grindr has done a shit job in proactively addressing several issues, including harassment, which scruff has been very proactive on. The lawsuit I mention in my second point above is an example of that issue.
  14. One point to consider, if Tony grew up poor then he never even had the opportunity to learn the skills you seem to be taking for granted and may even be neurologically impaired when it comes to things like impulse control. A growing body of research on the lifelong impact of poverty is showing how poverty is a root issue underpinning many issues and problems in America and around the world. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/129/1/e232 https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/how-poverty-can-follow-children-into-adulthood/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-growing-up-in-poverty-may-affect-a-childs-developing-brain-180947832/
  15. I'm sorry if my tone was aggressive. You made a claim, without evidence, throwing Apple under the bus. They deserve critique for many issues, but a crackdown on gay apps isn't one of them as far as I know. You're welcome to reply with information that contradicts or corrects me.
  16. Total BS. Apple doesn't care so long as the surface appearance of an app is acceptable. This is probably a result of three different issues: First, tech companies being lazy and greedy at the same time over the last couple decades. They failed to self-police criminal content so now we have a legislative overreaction that is causing a chilling effect across the market. https://www.wired.com/story/how-a-controversial-new-sex-trafficking-law-will-change-the-web/ Second, the ongoing lawsuit against grindr is forcing it to change in some ways because it has done a shit job of dealing with fake profiles especially used in harassing ways. https://theoutline.com/post/6968/grindr-lawsuit-matthew-herrick Third, maybe its Chinese owner had an influence, but it's doubtful. More likely, since he's forced to sell grindr by June 2020, he's trying to clean up the property, especially concerning the lawsuit above, to make it a more attractive acquisition. He doesn't want to lose too much on the deal. https://www.engadget.com/2019/05/14/grindr-sale-june-2020/
  17. He's pricing himself like a high end female escort. If he finds the right client, he'll be fine. He's not my type but his pics are hot.
  18. Humiliation is just one of many kinks. English appears not to be his native language. I see similar ads frequently. 6595 probably means $65 for 60 minutes and $95 for 90 minutes.
  19. Well, to be fair, I was being a bit lazy above. The research is ongoing and not decided yet. But there are some promising hints or potential insights. For me, these have lined up well over the years with my experiences and interactions in my personal and professional lives. But, all of that could be happenstance. Are you familiar with Attachment as it relates to this topic? The idea that we are attracted to someone familiar? Well, it seems to be more complicated than that but there seems to be something there. http://www.psychology.nottingham.ac.uk/research/vision/jwp/papers/pentonvoak1999.pdf It has to do with how the learned aspects of attraction are formed early and how on average humans are waiting to have children so on average parents are older. Here's a good article that starts to talk about it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092656613000445 I'll dig for a few other citations in the morning. I'm a zombie right now.
  20. It's rare for me to find a guy taller than me with the vibe I prefer. He's coming to LA later this month. https://rentmen.eu/Jamesdenaro His number is a Long Beach area code, so I assumed he might've worked in the LA before, but I didn't find anything here in the forum or in Dad's reviews. Does anyone have any experience with James?
  21. I would never say such things because the number of younger hot built men who are into older bearish types seems notable, which appears to align with some ideas about how our sense of attraction develops.
  22. I know humans are evolved to be highly resistant to data, ideas, and research that contradict already held beliefs, but please for the love of humanity stop boxing yourself and everyone else in! Much of human experience is a cultural and social construction. Sure there are biological underpinnings for many things, but the kind of sexual activity we engage in can change over time based on environmental factors. I've written about this in many threads, so I'm just posting two fun and informative links on the topic: https://www.lehmiller.com/blog/2014/8/7/10-mesmerizing-facts-about-sexual-attraction https://othersociologist.com/sociology-of-sexuality/ As I have said many times before, escorts are businesses. They advertise what they perceive the market wants. Due to many cultural issues, a significant portion of the potential market is attracted to heternormative tropes and images. This is why we see such a large number of ads from providers who are non-gay. Though, based on the counts in an earlier reply, it's good to see that a plurality of ads were from gay providers. Escorting is a fantasy business, just like porn. The messaging is frequently not real because that's what the market wants.
  23. Here's a good article about some possible reasons why Pfizer probably buried this data: https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/06/06/5-reasons-pfizer-sat-on-a-potential-new-alzheimers.aspx
  24. Risk is largely a function of the number of different people and the types of activities. PNP tends to exacerbate these factors. http://sfcityclinic.org/aboutyou/default.asp?youare=male&yourpartner=mtf&yourage=12-17 1. STD/STI risk increases with number of different partners. 2. Many PNP drugs reduce inhibitions, impair decision-making, and alter perceptions. 3. Many PNP drugs lead to extended sessions which greatly increase chances for skin abrasions, condom breakage, multiple partners, and other unsafe activity. Add all of these together and do you see how PNP use tends to increase risk? If you're a responsible adult who engages in PNP in a controlled and reasonable way, that's a completely different scenario compared to many PNP users who are frequently out of control and reckless.
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