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Posts posted by Daniel84

  1. The difference, however, was that the ad you posted didn't have someone asking for a pure handout.


    Responsibility is fine... But so is personal financial responsibility.


    I agree about personal financial responsibility, but we do not know his situation. Maybe he is in school or caring for his family. I escorted briefly to pay for my mothers hospital bills.


    I am a massage therapist and a photographer. I was using my profits from massage to create a portrait studio. I didn’t have a rainy day fund as I was building two businesses at the same time and helping to care for my mom. We expect so much from people who are trying to survive. When big corporations are always waiting for the government bailout.


    The government passed bills to help during the pandemic. Only 155 billion went to people. The rest went to big business and small business. I qualified for the PPP program but if I take those funds I lose unemployment. I ether keep my business open or pay rent. It’s a very difficult pill to swallow.

  2. Perhaps. On the other hand, how many 31 year olds do you think have saved up an emergency fund? Most guys his age just don't plan for a downturn - they make hay while the sun is shining and forget about the coming storm. It just makes him...normal. I mentor a number of young people at the office and this is one of the first things we discuss. If he was a regular of mine, I would consider helping him out. Yes, I am probably a bit of a softy.... :)


    How many Fortune 500 companies that posted a billion a quarter in profit. They can’t survive two weeks and need to be bailed out. It’s funny what we expect from normal people isn’t the same for multi billion corporations. I thought corporations are people??

  3. @Daniel84, thank you for giving us an IG posting; I really like it, and I think your website is very well done; and if you were closer, I'd definitely schedule you for a portrait! post more, please!


    I can travel ;-)


    Thank you very much

  4. @Daniel84, that's regrettable; I am sure your work brought many people joy; I am a very amateur photographer, and sometimes I just admire the beauty of the photograph itself--whether it's composition or the model or other features that are admirable; I'd encourage to you find a way to continue in a way that does not subject you to risk. JS

    That's a damn shame. A hot photographer shooting naked guys-that's a service you could provide & maintain social distancing (with a huge dose of self discipline)! ;)

    As one of the good guys, look after yourself, stay safe & hope you get by til this virus is over.


    How do I upload a image. I keep getting a error

  5. I’ve stopped seeing clients totally. I’m based in London. The city has been in almost total lockdown for the last few days. Surprisingly I’ve had a few enquires but I have told them that for the time being I’m not working and it’s for their health and mine. The more effective we can make the isolation effort the more lives are saved and the less strain on our NHS. I’ll survive the loss of income, I made provision for a business interruption (it’s only sensible in this line of business) but I understand not everyone is in such a position.



    Sadly I blew through my savings moving from LA to DC and opening my portrait studio. I was very busy maintaining my massage business and building my portrait studio business.


    Anyone need new headshots or portraits wink wink

  6. As of now, we still know very little about how our immune system responds to SARS-CoV-2. There are a lot of unknown variables to make a determination as to whether those who have been infected develop lasting immunity. This non-reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 has only been proven among rhesus monkeys and published in a small and non-peer reviewed study.


    Be safe and stay well!


    I am following what the CDC and DC health department officials have told me about SARS-coV-2.

  7. Just out of curiosity, where are you and how did you get a test?

    And once youre in the clear, will you start getting massage again? p


    Once so get the clear from the Department of Health I will take clients again. I told them I am a CMT and I have a lot of clients in the older age group. For the safety of my clients and myself we deemed it best to receive two negative test.


    I only had symptoms for 3 days. I have been feeling amazing since the 12th.

  8. How were you able to get tested? I know folks who've been trying to do it since February.


    Stay well! Thank you for sharing! I hope "self vaccination" (developing your own antibodies) works on you and you can also contribute to defeat his menace!


    I went to Whitman walker on 14th st in Logan Circle. I was in south beach for Winter Party. My entire group became infected at one of the events.


    I was dating a guy who lived in Toronto who tested positive for Covid; Since we had a relationship the DC Department of Health tested me.

  9. Biggest problem is massage table. You think these guys will clean after every massage? No, Not at all. Germs will be there all over. May be u r clean, Does not mean everyone is clean.


    i clean my table with alcohol and use clean sheets and towels for each massage. That’s gross that people would reuse the same sheets and towels.


    I guess that’s why my water bill is $90 a month

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