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Posts posted by Daniel84


    Being the investigator that I am... I contacted the owners accountant, found the owners name. Emailed them and contacted them on Facebook.


    They deleted their Facebook's and finally responded with " Refunded your money" . I am more disappointed then mad. I invested 8 years of advertising dollars and to be treated like this is pathetic.


    I have reached out to a few more massage therapist that advertise and random massage therapist have contacted me asking what is going on. Some of these guys don't even know that the site is gone.

  2. Please ignore my french.... But those mother fuckers.... They just charged my card a few days ago.. I logged in and received a notice your card will no longer be charged.


    Plan Type Platinum Plus Plan

    Information Retrieved 06/21/18 at 3:29 PM

    Ad Expiration Date

    Current rebilling status:

    Your billing is currently STOPPED. You will NOT be billed again.


    So you just charged me a few days and decided to keep my money; You shut off the phone lines for customer service, Stopped responding to emails and calls.


    Karma is a bitch....

  3. This pisses me off. I have spent over 21,000 advertising with them since 2012. They won't answer emails ( I sent 4) I even called the owner and he did not call back or text. ( I am a photographer so I used my contacts to get his info)


    I am going to cancel this months charge. I even searched police dispatches for any news regarding raids ECT.. Nothing showed up...

  4. The site hasn't been taken down because the site is still active. It also allows me and others to log in. Maybe they are making backend changes that broke the linking system.


    Yesterday the tumbnails were showing up but links were broken, today the tumbnails aren't populating so from my point of a few this is a server backend error.


    I am not just a blonde blue eyed massage therapist :-)

  5. What sucks is they have my balls in a vice. I am known to speak my mind but they could permanently ban me if I question them to much. I know two guys that were banned for life.


    This is SO WRONG on SO MANY FRONTS for the following reasons:


    1) A masseur who advertises on Masseurfinder should be able to choose the hours they work. NOT Masseurfinder choosing those hours. If a masseur's niche clientele are business travelers from other countries who arrive on red eye flights from overseas between 12 midnite-6am, not displaying the masseur's contact info makes them lose business. They are discriminating against that masseur and client, and making an assumption something illegal will occur, (money for sex.) This is insulting to the client and masseur, and essentially telling both that they do not trust them to keep it legal. If that is the case, it is just as likely something illegal will happen during the day, so what does this say about MF and their trust in their advertisers?


    2) MANY people work late hours and get off work late (restaurant workers, bartenders, etc.) A masseur who chooses to work late and displays the "Available Now"icon will now have no contact info for these clients to contact them. I think masseurs who choose to work between 12 Midnite-6am to serve clients who work late hours should be applauded, not penalized!


    3) There are 24 hours in a day. By eliminating 6 of those hours by deleting contact info between 12 Midnite-6am......that means that advertisers who were getting 100% coverage of their ads are now getting only 75% coverage, and are still paying the same price for their ads. Huh? That's not fair! Masseurs should contact MF and alert them to this fact, and their advertising fees should be cut 25% to reflect this new rule.


    4) And of course the final and most WRONG thing about this is that it is just plain STUPID. They are getting so fucking nit picky, that this is bizarre! Doesn't the staff at MF have anything better to do with their time than waste their energy on insane ideas such as this? I understand the Rentboy scandal and SESTA/FOSTA, but even the feds and law enforcement would find this new rule as a HUGE overeaction!

  6. So they are literally doing whatever the hell they want, but with no advance notice or explanation? I feel so badly for these masseurs.


    I just wish they notified us of the coming changes. Also what gives them the right to remove our numbers after 12am.

  7. Since people on this forum are very vocal and throw discretion out the window... Wouldnt it be a good idea for only members can view the forums. Heck even charge 5$ monthly fee.


    Assuming they're actually legally certified massage therapists, please remember that this is a public forum and if the police ever become interested or the state certifying agency, lives can be ruined. Please be discreet about what you post here or we run the risk of causing real harm to this business or the individuals working there.


    I want to know more about TSS like everyone, but private details should be shared privately.

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