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Posts posted by Skip

  1. 1 hour ago, ncc1701d said:

    wonder if the ad is real....seems a lot more muscles but 3 reviews within a week.....

    I took the link  above and looked at the ad. I looked at the private pictures, he then reached out as he saw I had looked at his ad. One thing led to another and we are arrnging a meeting. Couple of things make me believe he is real. First the pictures are not of the stolen kind, they are candids. Only the privates are Sean Cody stock pics. When he realized I was serious and interested in more than an hour meeting he gave me his real name.  Has a regular job, seemed more inexperienced that a hustler type. I have come to find by experience that just because they are on one of those big porn sites that they aren't necessarily as experienced and street smart as all of that. Now the promoters and execs of those sites are, and soon the performers can become so, but they all start out as regular guys that are looking for a way to make some money. I am thinking that while the ad is not new, it is newly active. There may be a financial need that has made this all of a sudden a priority. I get much more the Seeking Arrangement kind of vibe than the con guy RM vibe from this guy. Of course I just may be blinded by the clean cut blond muscle boy next door looks and get totally screwed by Attilla the Hun! But then I am the guy that went to Viques with Leo Giamani, the worldest sweetest if not the best actor, porn star. I am either a good judge of character or incredilbly lucky. 

  2. The one time I met him he asked for a deposit. It was just a day maybe less ahead in NYC so I paid it. He was delightful, perfect time worth what others consider an exhorbitant rate, And an interesting pleasant guy as well. Schedules. pandemic and locations haven't allowed a second meet but I would relish the opportunity. I amy reach out and see where is might be that is close! 

  3. 2 hours ago, cany10011 said:

    I spent 45-50 last year on this hobby primarily on 2 regulars and have never been asked to issue any 1099s... lol

    Finally someone that can chime in, if you can't spend in the thousands per year and not have it matter...you should be watching porn. And for those of you that don't get it, Cany is talking about forty to fifty thousand dollars.  I don't add mine up but it's more than twenty for sure. This is not a poor man's sport. It wasn't cheap in Oscar Wilde's day and it isn't now. Stop complaining about $400.  OK guys, jump on.. I have officially asked for it 

  4. gosh this thread is getting tiresome. It has gone on so long that at 7% curent inflation the amoutn we are talking about being supposedly outreageous would now be $425... We should have locked in a $400 rate on some sort of a lease arrangment so it didn't go up 

    And as for the tax discussion... shouldn't we be paying health insurance? And are we matching on any 401(k) contributions? 

    A lot of moving parts here. 

  5. 3 hours ago, xyz48B said:

    Assuming they charge $300/hr, five days a week, four weeks a month, that comes to $6000/month. If it’s only one client a day. It’s $7200/month if they see clients only one day of Saturday or Sunday.

    At $300/hr, fives a week, that comes to $78k per year. At $300/hr, six days a week, that comes to $93.6k per year. In NYC that may be tight, but in other places it should be more than enough for a comfortable life. To a degree, it’s about management.

    Assuming it takes 90 minutes before and after a client to prepare and clean up, $78k per year for working 4 hours a day, five days a week, is pretty damn good. Same for $93.6k for six days a week, four hours a day.

    Gosh, maybe you should escort xyz....a veritable economic bonanza 

  6. 14 hours ago, xyz48B said:

    1000000% this.

     I am hesitant to hire a guy who has a robust online presence. Not only is his time “valuable,” but his whole air about him changes. I’m not hiring him to make him happy but the other way around.

    There once was a day when service providers saw providing a service as something honorable because they SERVED people with their work (service). It seems a lot of these providers who have online outlets don’t see it that way. They’re doing us a favor by coming down among us hoi-poi.

    There once was a day when the working mentality of service providers was “the customer is always right.” In escorting, it seems the escort sets the terms of satisfaction, and if you don’t like it, move on.

    There’s also no recourse for refund if you’re unsatisfied. Imagine refunding a client…Escorts want a deposit. What do I get if he didn’t live up to his ad? I get to leave a bad review on RM that’ll get taken down if he appeals. Ohhhhhh. Scary. He still has my money. And I still had a shit experience. And he still wasted my time and money, which I could’ve potentially used on a more fitting escort.

    Think of it like a vacation.... if you go to the Grand Canyon and don't like it, you don't get a refund. Now if you don't like it and go back, that's your dumb fault. 

  7. He spent three weeks with me at the height of the pandemic, May 2020 . He is a sweetheart. Studing photography. I doubt he is bi.  The body and his kissing skills are the best. He made a really bad time for everyone a little better for me. He's vegetarian which is a bit of a pain, but all in all a great guy. 

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