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Posts posted by Skip

  1. And he goes to sex clubs in Queens? I guess if not angry, just not my type. But then he would stand out at The Townhouse. Now I sound like an elite prick. It takes all types to make the world go around. I stand corrected gentlemen. 

  2. Getting to be more the norm than in the past. If inflation is running at 4%, that's maybe a but high.. but for example .. then $250 ten years ago is $370. A Mercedes E Class starts around 60K ten years ago it was under 50K. And I'll just bet you wouldn't sell your house for what you paid for it ten years ago. If the guy is what your looking for, he's worth every penny. If he's not your type, pass. This is not a pass time for the penny pinchers of the world. 

  3. Gentleman, We all need to be a little more compassionate toward each other. Those of us that have the ability to hire, especially after the last 18 months, are probably better off than before. Why not spread a bit of that to those guys that for one reason or the other are willing to bring some fun into our lives. No, I am not going to pay ridiculous sums, but I will tell you that there is some outstanding talent out there that I am happy to pay for the enjoyment they bring. If its a little more than in the past, so is everything else. Granted there are those deals that we all run across, but generally I find that you get what you pay for. Just enjoy it and be glad these service providers exist. 

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