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Rod Hagen

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Everything posted by Rod Hagen

  1. Hey, I noticed all these links are to Masseurfinder and Massagem4m. As an erotic masseur in Los Angeles I don't use those website anymore because they are too restrictive. So, my question is do you guys even look at https://rentmasseur.com and if not, why not? THANKS!
  2. Like me I think a lot of LA Escorts and Masseurs are happy to travel to other SoCal areas for a minimum appointment time, eg a three or four hour appointment depending on distance. Otherwise, you're right, it's pretty thin. Twice a month I drive 2+ hours (each way) from LA to see one friend/client for many fun hours.
  3. First thing I do when I get home is take off everything. Wearing clothes in my own home makes no sense to me.
  4. I didn't see that you'd mentioned this very good movie. Here's the trailer:
  5. Thought of two more touching Gay movies. The theme of both is childhood romance. This Special Friendship and For A Lost Soldier. Here are both movies in their entirety. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4m_cQfh0CA
  6. Thank you thank you. I love these quite a lot.
  7. Oh man did you see that series finale last year? Extraordinary
  8. Every time this subject comes up you remind me of AKA. I liked it so much, I need to see it again. I was a bit astonished at L.I.E. I remember I wrote about it here when it came out, but it's just too hard to find the link. Together Alone, I loved when I saw it, but unfortunately now the convos seem nearly pre-collegiate. I think it's a movie for when you're very young, like Weekend. The only movie he made afterward, Relax It's Just Sex, had Lori Petty and I liked at the time. Now the SONG together OR alone is one of my all time favorite songs:
  9. Greg Louganis, of course. I can't express sufficiently how proud of him I am. Missy Giove. I love Mountain Biking, and although I respect and admire Downhill Mountain Biking, it lacks the grace of Freestyle. Still, to be an out lesbian professional athlete in the mid 90s was brazen and hot. http://a.espncdn.com/photo/2014/0815/as_giove_missy_2048.jpg Any of the gay Rock Climbers https://homoclimbtastic.com And, again it's not a sport I love, I prefer Free Skiing to Freestyle Skiing and also I snowboard a lot more often that I ski, nevertheless Freestyle Skiing is skiing and I've been skiing for 40 years. , so I have to say I admire Gus Kenworthy, Gay Freestyle Skier Nongay, hands down Lynn Hill. Again and again she rocked the climbing world with remarkable ascents. She's a legend and an inspiration to thousands: http://bethrodden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Lynn-on-Pancake-Flake-Nose.jpg Runner up: Chris Sharma, remarkable climber. At 13 he was kicking everyone's ass. Now, at 36, he's quite the entrepreneur. And also, still kicking ass on the rock. http://rockandice.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/sharma-1-profile-cropped-603x563.jpg
  10. Is that the Almodavar film where the guy has Antonio Bandera's legs on his shoulders, and AB asks, "Will It hurt?" And the guy says, "Yes," and then proceeds to fuck him?? :-) Or is that El Matador?
  11. Holy hell, look at those legs!
  12. It would have been a discman not a walkman, I'm a little younger than that, but that day we'd been listening to Pearl Jam and Ministry. Not very sexy stuff, but we bonded. Well I guess someone could make a case that Ministry is sexy, angry sexy. But I do love that J-Tree U2 album.
  13. This is a good article on Call Me By Your Name BUT!!! don't read it if you haven't seen the movie. It also has a small spoiler for the book. http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/11/28/armie_hammer_s_call_me_by_your_name_peach_scene.html
  14. It was in a hidden space similar to this* that I gave up my hidden space. It was just a few months before I started escorting, so just shy of 26. http://i1.wp.com/deathvalleyjim.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/IMG_4935.jpg?resize=730%2C487 *apparently, this photo is from Death Valley, but you get the idea.
  15. Stone Grotto in Joshua Tree National Park.
  16. I have to make Three different categories to answer this question. Category 1, American Porn. Category 2, Cadinot Porn. Category 3 Kristen Bjorn. American Porn: First place, Sailor in The Wild Full Movie online: https://www.gayboystube.com/video/405406/sailor-in-the-wild Second place, Track Meet Full Movie Online: http://www.bijougayporn.com/members/dvds.php?id=182 Third place, The Idol http://bjland.ws/directorpics/The_Idol.JPG Full Movie Online: http://www.bijougayporn.com/members/dvds.php?id=9 Cadinot: 1. LES MINETS SAUVAGES http://www.martindelacroix.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/tough-and-tender-cover.jpg 2. Chaleurs http://www.simply-adult.com/images/D/d_33606.jpg 3. La classe de neige. Carnival in Venice is a better movie, but I'm a skier. Kristen Bjorn 1. World Of Men 2. Comrades In Arms 3. It's a Tie between documentaries: The Agony of Ecstasy and Making it Work
  17. Not that uncommon. I've met many men missing or with one artificial Testicle. (I think that word looks better with a capital T)
  18. Hope the QA was good; I was at the QA in the dome for the woody allen movie. I bought those tickets before I saw that there was a CMBYN QA, oh well. So, can this critic really believe the shit he's saying, or is he just fanning the flames for the magazines stupid (William F. who?) readers? http://www.nationalreview.com/article/454242/call-me-your-name-hollywood-hypocrisy-teen-sex
  19. For those of you in LA, Call me By Your name has a Q&A with the director at the 8:30 tomorrow Arclight theater.
  20. I want to "like" the larger sentiment of this post, but, I'm so flummoxed by the last half of it, I just can't. Coffee is life blood.
  21. Sorry. Snopes says it's FALSE. https://www.snopes.com/mother-sues-hospital-after-son-turns-gay-from-flu-shot/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  22. Also saw it this weekend and I loved it too. Definitely see Guadagnino's A Bigger Splash http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2056771/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_5 and I am Love http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1226236/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_13 Both are Movies with a capital M.
  23. Yorkshire huh? Well, they both got their pudding, that's for sure.
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