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Posts posted by m_writer

  1. *blinks*


    *looks at Rory's profile again*


    Where does it say Los Angeles and Seattle? Am I going crazy or does it say he's on his way back to the UK by tomorrow, 9/18?


    And I think I know what happened @LaffingBear Rory was in Las Vegas for Olympia from 9/11 to 9/15. If you contacted him on Monday, he was on his way to catch a plane back to England, so he probably couldn't make any day you proposed at that point, so that's probably why he said he'd only do a video, especially if you mentioned Las Vegas and he was in the process of leaving.


    Wait when he returns in a month and you should be able to catch him again. :)

  2. I can report that JesseJaymes messaged me hes now selling videos, and not meeting clients


    I had to question this considering that Rory said he’s visiting back in the U.S in October (if he’s only doing videos, why come to another country?) so I texted him and this is his response:

    1) While I am away and not in the US when people write me I tell them they have to wait until I'm back in their city AND if they want they can purchase videos from me to hold them over. Shower videos, me changing, working out, ext

    It's just a smart business move to hold people over and earn extra income.


    So yes he’ll do only videos when he’s back in England. When he comes to visit your city, he will see clients. So no, he’s not doing only videos.

  3. just saw ryan last night. the man always impresses. remembers everything about the last conversation ...and it can be a 6 months or more in between meets. in great shape right now. and furry!!! man he is sex appeal on a stick.


    he did give a glowing compliment to rory/jesse jaymes. he said the man is a quality act. he doesnt know what sort of performance he gives in a session but stated that he is kind and very genuine. so kudos to rory!


    I'm surprised (but happy to hear). I didn't know Ryan Steel was in the same social circle as Rory and the previous Jesse Jaymes. But kudos to that knowing that even Ryan Steel thinks highly of Rory.


    I suspect Rory will have no problems having a returning client-base when he returns to the U.S.

  4. It is. Just avoid the public areas of the spa and the gym as much as possible.

    The crew pretty much gives up on trying to keep those areas “clean”.


    @nycman That kind of makes it difficult; one of the reasons I don't gain much weight when I'm on a cruise is that I go to the gym in the morning and work out before pigging out in the restaurants.


    Not being able to go to the gym would sort of put a damper on trying to not gain weight. Since I'm a foodie, I like to eat. ;)


    But thank you for the advice.

  5. So, you’ve been dieting for months in anticipation of knowing

    that you’d have to walk up that gang plank where thousands

    of ripped muscle boys would be judging every ounce of fat on

    your body for the next week non-stop.


    You haven’t so much as looked at a carb, much less tasted one.


    Finally, the last day of the cruise arrives. You've nailed every muscle

    boy you’re going to get to nail. You’ve danced the final night away

    in your tiny all white outfit (that you miraculously fit into). It no longer

    matters how perfect your waist line is. It’s over. For the first time in

    months, you can eat carbs worry free.


    It’s a joyous (although not particularly pretty) moment!


    Hope that helps explain the “last day carb fest” phenomenon.


    I applaud the guys that can do this. They have the discipline and willpower I don't have.


    As much as I envy people with muscles and six packs, I love carbs like noodles, pasta, and breads too much to give them up. I'd rather be happy and enjoy good food as opposed to miserable and starving but showing a perfect body.


    But then three quick questions about Atlantis cruises since I'm getting a vision of partying, drinking, and orgies:


    1. How is the food? I take it there's more than a buffet like Norwegian cruises which have numerous restaurants and a ballroom dining room.

    2. Is there any activity to do if not in the partying mood like relaxing in a spa, working out, reading books from the library with a cup of coffee and a muffin while on deck?

    3. I assume the ship is quite clean despite the partying and excess going on?



  6. Weekend rates ??


    You'll have to ask him; he's sweet and as long as you're brief and respect his time and limits, he's very nice and friendly.


    Unfortunately, he's getting harassed on Instagram so don't contact him there. Some creep is leaving derogatory messages on his pics. :(

  7. I know Atlantis and some others but are there really any good gay cruises for the heavier set gay guys who enjoy being around better built guys. I've seen the ads, but also saw some not so good reviews.


    Besides the party scenes, what were the bad reviews? I'm curious and I love cruises, but I was under the impression that Atlantis cruises has everything for the younger and older crowds? And surely nearly everyone on a cruise is friendly and nice to each other, right? I've made a few friends before on hetero cruises and everyone is eager to talk and explore the ship or play games or watch movies.


    So what makes Atlantis cruises a bad experience? Just curious because I'm leaning towards doing a gay cruise solo one of these days.

  8. I was browsing and it looks like Doc Rock is back:




    The problem being is that his profile only has one blurry photo, so there's no way to tell if this is the real guy or a fake. Although I don't expect him to have the same build as his porn days, I wouldn't mind seeing clearer and accurate photos (I had a small crush on him).

  9. Sad news. Gage Wesson passed away on June 16th.


    His family set up a GoFundMe for his funeral costs, but I don't want to post the link because I think it's against the rules to post the escort's real name (which is on the GoFundMe).


    PM me if you want the link to his family's GoFundMe page. But from what little I talked with him on Best Flex, he was a nice and respectful person when we talked via e-mail, so this was a bit saddening. RIP.

  10. I'll only be able to attend on Sunday for the pool party, but I'm looking forward to it. :)


    This'll be my first time, so I'm not sure what to expect but have fun and meet new people and of course, get to meet escorts face to face in a relaxed environment.

  11. It's a bittersweet moment: he's gone, but he left behind a beautiful legacy, he's now reunited with his wife, and he's no longer suffering and experiencing so much beauty and joy.


    Just a reminder that Stan Lee wasn't just a comic book artist: he was a revolutionary story teller who used the struggles of the X-Men and Black Panther and the Avengers as metaphors for standing against homophobia, xenophobia, and racism. You have Captain America, a hero created by two Jewish writers, you have the X-Men being hunted down, registered, and disowned for being born a mutant (a correlation to the struggles of the LGBT) and street heroes like Luke Cage and Iron Fist who showed the daily injustices of racism from police and the rich and normal civilians.


    Stan Lee would point out that a little bit of courage, anyone can be an Avenger. For someone who is willing to stand against an abuser can be as tough as Jessica Jones. And love and family is what gives the X-Men strength to carry on and face a five-hundred foot killer Sentinel (or two).


    I think Captain America's movies said it best: we shouldn't be a good soldier. We should be good men and women.


    And we can do it all day.



  12. A while ago, Apollo told me he's happy to share an email address for anyone who wishes to contact him: Dgh97072012@gmail.com




    He is a truly NICE guy, even more defined these days than when he was doing porn! I see him each and every time I get to NYC. He's a fantastic kisser, is in amazing shape, wonderful in bed, and yes, a real sweetheart of a man!


    TruHart1 :cool:


    Thank you so much for letting us know his e-mail. Now I'm interested in seeing if he'll ever come on to LA one of these days. :)

  13. Slightly older? He's ONLY 33!!!:mad:




    Yeah, I read that and was like wtf. 3 years outside of your twenties is only "slightly older" to a twunk.


    Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't mean anything insulting by it. :D


    I only meant slightly older because it's not as common to see a bodybuilder guy who's older than 30, because usually I don't go for 20s year old guys with muscle. I usually like guys in their 30s to 60s like Jake Archer, the John Smithy, Parker Matson, or Giovanni Volta.


    So, are we good or is @caliguy and @Gar1eth going to chase me around Palm Springs to the tune of Benny Hill music?

  14. there are only two primary "group" functions: a very friendly and casual dinner at a downtown place on Saturday about 5pm and a casual pool party Sunday afternoon......otherwise, the attendees hang out at the pool during the day, maybe decide to grab some lunch together somewhere, go hiking, karaoke, bar-hopping after the Saturday dinner, "private meetings".....you may want to zero in on Inndulge or the Canyon Club since many of the attendees stay at those places and you'll have us to hang with......


    Checked InnDulge and it's booked solid that weekend too; the website said no availability when I tried to reserve a room.


    Thank you for the helpful advice though. If anything, at least I can meet forum people at the primary group functions and being in PS will give me a chance to do some restaurant sampling (I'm a foodie) and shopping and check any Meetups for gay men that weekend. :)

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