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Posts posted by m_writer

  1. I don't know if clothing optional resorts are your thing, but Canyon Club still has rooms starting at $89/night listed for that weekend.






    That's weird. When I checked, they said that they were all booked up. I'll check it out some more, thank you!


    And just so I'm clear because I've never gone to the forum PS weekend before, will it be three or four get-togethers throughout and in between, we explore Palm Springs or have fun at our own leisure?


    When I went to the Leather Pride in 2016, they had a swim pool party in All Worlds, Baracks BBQ, Leather Pride dinner at a hotel before a private tour and party at the Airplane Museum. But in between, we could do whatever we wanted (I pretty much went up and down Palm Canyon Drive, tried a few restaurants, went shopping, etc.). So will this weekend be pretty relaxed like that too?

  2. I feel really bummed.


    I thought maybe I could squeeze a bit of my finances to go so I checked Expedia and looked at the hotels.


    They're all high due to Coechella weekend.


    Even the Motel 6 on Palm Canyon Drive (which was very clean and close to a lot of places when I went to Leather Pride in 2016) was $300 a night. :(


    Maybe in 2020, I'll go. Which again kinda bums me out because I would like to meet @Oliver and see @TylerandAce and @VictorPowers (all of whom have been sworn to be wonderful, kind, nice people) as well as meet the people from this forum.

  3. Our communication with clients and other pros is overwhelmingly positive. We stay nicely booked and have hundreds of fans page subscribers. However, we do have some hate mail every once in a while. We’ve had the predictable ones in the past ranging from disgust that we “flaunt” our relationship to criticism for being gay stereotypes. This one today, though, surprised me as I made initial contact to give a compliment to another escort and maybe some encouragement. His response was to ask if we wanted to book him. When I answered “no, just giving a compliment to another pro”, his response was “I just threw up in my mouth a little, but thanks for a compliment.”.


    It’s always disappointing since we are just having fun and know we aren’t for everybody any more than everybody is for us. However, I don’t think I’ll ever understand it. I’m of the persuasion that nothing-nice needs nothin said. Why do some feel the need to lash out? Thoughts? Maybe some here feel disgusted by us, too? I have thick skin, so I’d be interested in your take.


    I recall from my therapist: if you didn't have malicious intention, you are not really at fault.


    How someone responds to your compliment says a lot more about him than it does about you.


    So both of you are not at fault: you only meant to send encouragement. Continue being kind and nice because the world has so little of it. :)

  4. @MrMattBig Thanks for the support.


    Any fetish sites you'd recommend?


    And I tried e-mailing the staff of Film911, but got no response (although I understand; they would want to protect George from any stalkers so it makes sense they can't tell me anything).


    It would be nice if George was available outside film but I do understand if he wants to keep his private life private, that's more important.

  5. Pardon me for asking, but ... BestDeaths??? Am I the only person here who thinks that is sick?


    It's pretend, but yes, it's a site for gay necrophilia.


    I'm not a fan of everything on the site, but I do like breath control, KO, and bondage, so seeing George the Coach being tied, gagged, chloroformed, and then smothered with a pillow is exactly my cup of tea.


    And we all have different kinks, but as long as we know the difference between fantasy and reality, there's no harm in it. Besides, we don't kink shame furries, scat, watersports, or even puppet-sex (yes, that's a thing), so necrophilia isn't that far from the pale. :D

  6. I had an amusing email exchange with him on RM. He gave me a good impression and seems discreet. Not sure yet if I'll pursue a meeting.


    If you do have a meeting with him, let us know how he turned out. Thank you. :)

  7. I've never joined OnlyFans so please excuse me for this question: how does it work?


    If I joined Tyler and Ace's OF page, if I made a suggestion of a video for a certain fetish, would they do it? Or is it more of a access their content and they choose to add whatever material they like sort of like Patreon?


    Tyler and Ace, I have to admit that if you two can't come to SoCal, seeing you on OF is tempting. :p

  8. Thought I might share this with anyone who has a particular fetish in the title:




    This site has a few nude clips but they're on clips4sale, and some of the fetishes aren't my cup of tea like the stuffing, vore, and hypnotism, but what I like about the site are the various models they get.


    They got Brian Bonds, Ace Era, Mason Lear, Brad Kalvo (I ordered a recent custom with Brad Kalvo being chloroformed, bound and gagged, and subjected to CPR), Derek Parker, and to my surprise, they got a special guest coming at the end of the month to do videos and customs: Leo Giamani.



  9. I checked several sources and this one spoke up the possibility of GHB and the possibility that Doran George had a cold at the time:




    This is scary and it sounds like Skip Chasey took the necessary precautions, but this just reinforces my desire to never allow any drugs whatsoever during a session. But this actually made me realize something: if you have a session with an escort, when you say "no drugs", how can you know if the escort is clean or took something before seeing you?


    You could ask if they took anything beforehand, and if they tell you "no", then it's kind of hard to tell if they're lying or telling the truth.


    In the S&M rules, besides consent, can someone clarify what is the stance of drugs during play? (I'm pretty sure I read it's "no", but I want to double check).

  10. I'm glad he didn't die because you'd be a murderer. A good orgasm is not much of a defense.


    Um...I'm glad he didn't die either. I'm not sure if my post implied otherwise...unless I somehow came off in my post as Norman Bates.

  11. What communication snafu are you referring to?


    The safety signal to tap out he didn't take or do, otherwise I would have stopped immediately. And when he asked to stop, I did. And he wanted to try choking, and though it wasn't my cup of tea, I tried it and was as gentle as I could because I didn't want to crush his windpipe.

  12. I can only speak of my experiences with several wonderful escorts who have trusted me, but I think it can be hot if done safely. However, for reasons like being afraid to permanently damage the person's voice box or larynx, I'd rather use a pillow for breath play.


    A little story with one escort who agreed to my terms...


    What I always do is first let the escort know what I would do for breath play, and inform them I know CPR. Any who are willing, I ask if they are allergic to any medications in case I need to resuscitate and call 911 and an ambulance (no close calls, so knock on wood). Surprisingly, the escort commented that was the first time a client ever asked that information of him (which surprised me; you'd think that would be a common question to ask a sub).


    And I would never do it until an escort passes out. And I adamantly tell the escort to have a safety contact beforehand (likewise with me, I have a contact I text before and after the session).


    This is the one time I did choking. The escort asked me to do it on him because he wanted to try it (in return for being smothered with a pillow). So what I did was after tying him spreadeagled on the bed, I gently placed my thumb across his throat and pressed down gently. Believe it or not, the escort was actually being choked despite such small pressure on his throat and he tapped out once he felt the high. I was surprised at how quick his face turned red, but we always took a break in between and I made sure to stop when he gave the signal.


    So yes, choking can be hot, but you can do it without doing wrapping your hands around someone's entire neck extremely like Homer Simpson does to Bart. A simple thumb pressing gently on a certain area would do the trick.


    And of course, for breath play, I'd prefer the pillow so after a few rounds of choking and me worshipping his bound body so he could get his heart rate down, I got the pillow.


    With the escort who wanted to be choked, I held a pillow over his face and asked him to struggle and moan underneath the pillow (a sign he wasn't unconscious - otherwise if he went still and silent, that was a warning sign). What happened was the escort was a bit dubious that a pillow could even be used for breath play (he wouldn't be gagged so he could still use his nose and mouth), but he obliged and for several rounds, he did that, me pressing a pillow over his face for thirty seconds in intervals while he groaned and mock struggled as I sat on him.


    Then something surprisingly happened on the third round.


    After ten seconds of groaning and wiggling, he stopped suddenly. At first I was confused until the escort began writhing and moving his head hard against the pillow as if trying to free his face. I held the pillow firm and I could tell he began struggling for real, his body actually jerking up and down underneath me. It was at that moment I could tell the difference between his play struggling and panicking struggling as he made soft gasps under the pillow while he tried to writhe his head faster which encouraged me to press the pillow more against his face. He knew the safety signal, but he didn't tap out. Once the thirty seconds was done, I removed the pillow and the escort actually gasped in air. He asked to stop, and I did, but afterwards, the escort told me he had never been smothered like that before and he was surprised how effective the pillow was. After he left, the next day, I gave the obligatory text to check how he was feeling and if he had any chest pains or headaches which he told me he didn't and he was glad I was checking up on him.


    So for escorts, trust and make sure you show them that you won't abuse that trust and take all precautions and don't do it alone.

  13. http://queerty-prodweb.s3.amazonaws.com/wp/docs/2014/08/tumblr_lynp4l52IX1r999uyo1_500.jpgBelieve this is the man I would send to offer Mike B day wishes.


    Happy Birthday Mike gaite! And can someone tell me who this handsome DILF is? ;)

  14. Good to hear from you Juan! And I kick myself for not seeing Thor when I had a chance.


    Trust me, being older is a turn on for some of us, so some of us would love to see you as a "fully grown man".


    Best wishes. :)

  15. Did you meet with David? If yes, would appreciate your feedback. He is coming to my town this week.


    Actually, no I didn't. He was going to come to Los Angeles in May, but then he dropped it.


    I e-mailed him asking if he was ever planning to come to Los Angeles, but I got no response. You might have better luck though. If you do see him, I hope it goes well. He's yummy. ;)

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