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Everything posted by MrMattBig

  1. I am indifferent about cooking currently. I can cook, just not stove top rice. ?But that side has to be pulled out of me. Definitely can cook a mean breakfast tho, especially after a night full of working up an appetite ?
  2. Any knowledge of how Hollywood Blvd was mid March? To my knowledge DC, Chicago, and LA too started talking about closing bars and restaurants at the early start of closures and that idea started to spread. I know NYC followed at least a day or two after DC in dining room/bar closures, as I traveled between both cities at that time. I was shocked seeing Spiderman and a few others still trying to get pictures taken around Times Square while I was there. Makes me wonder about the LA equivalent on the Walk of Fame
  3. It can vary from state to state but essentially it means to facilitate the act of prostitution.
  4. Thank politics whether in the civil election form or office corporation politics. Don't want to get this thread moved but just want to point out shit like this happens all the time, but especially on a 4 year cycle to pad resumes and accolades to move up, get positions, get clout, etc. If there were no pandemic, I am sure there would be many more stories like this across the country. In California a few years back they finally changed the law or passed another one, not sure about the specifics...but so law enforcement could not use anymore the mere presence of condoms in a woman's (or any gender but specifically brought up as a concern against women) bag as corroborating evidence in a prostitution charge.
  5. You would probably be in the minority for the last part....I have had others say they want a erotic massage mutual touch mutual oral and rimming. Then balk when I tell them my rate of 240 for an hour, then when I ask what they were expecting they say 160. If you want more than mutual touch and a handjob better to get someone who will do the more (escort). Some escorts will say look for a masseur for two reasons most likely. One the client opens with asking what are you rates for massage. That implies they are expecting to pay those associated rates. This is how I view that question. If they were to say what are your rates for an hour or 90 minutes? Looking for erotic massage etc. I personally would be less skeptical. Second reason would be they don't want a bad review and disappointment based on their amateur massage skills even though everything else was steamy. I personally love starting with a massage first and teasing their hole and balls while stroking my cock...but don't expect an hour massage and don't expect therapist level skills. Since starting this thread another poster above helped inspire a response I will use now on to try and get expectations clear across the board so we can move on to that steamy fun.
  6. Which would be the big risk and which would be the little risk?
  7. Again, that comparison is not valid because of the lack of existence of a medication to fight off Covid.?‍♂️
  8. I am going to try and stream line my pint of view again for both sides. Yes, two consenting adults. Yes, abundance of sanitary/disinfecting precautions. Yes, we all need to stay the fuck home. Yes, it's part of our moral responsibility to slow the spread. Yes, your intimate connection could potentially kill the other person in days to weeks. contrary to the STD/hiv comparison, there is no current medication to prevent infection leading to death, and may even be compounded by a lack of ventilators soon. Here's the thing. At this point of time, conversation logistics to meet should be way more than available, rate, location, eta. All parties should be having conversations about how often the go out, when they last traveled out of town etc. Unless all parties can have a responsible detailed conversation about social distancing and isolation habits....you have no business trying to have sex/massage with someone else right now. Admittedly, I have speed read your post recent posts. So I might be mistaken, but the closest I have seen you be to stating you are having these conversations with someone is when you acknowledged knowing the other person hasn't had sex in a while. You can take all the precautions and make all the validations. But I hope you are analyzing the social distancing behavior of others in some way to help eliminate some risky clients, just the same as your use cancelation fees to help eliminate game playing clients.
  9. I think stuck refers most to only having a certain field as a job prospect, and not having a secondary option when for whatever reason that option is involuntarily taken away. I have lamented before during your absence that the lack of accrued paid time off and a structured raise system across numerous jobs, especially entry level, is atrocious. There are system problems and overlooking of issues for sure. Those things an individual does not have direct control over. What we can have the most control over individually is fundamentally what we do for work.
  10. People are just:eek: The following event is why I don't necessarily pass judgement on those who want to still meet up, if a conversation can happen first, somewhat like dating, about the risks and precautions etc first while not being disillusioned of the facts (I am still on a break myself tho) So, I have my window open, enjoying the nice vegas weather, listening to music and going through traveling expenses for filing taxes, my desk right under the window and my two gorgeous kitties are sun bathing in the window...and what happens? This male human is walking his dog on the sidewalk right in front of my window and hawks back a loogey and spits right in front of my window! Luckily my window to the sidewalk is about 6 feet away, but I closed my window immediately and typed this. ?!?!$%#%!#^#! people sometimes are just:eek:
  11. MrMattBig

    It's Back?

    I wish we weren't in quarantine times so I could better suss out how this version of BP will turn out
  12. This is exactly why RM should adopt more of what Backpage used to do. You would pay for your ad to be visible per city. I have thought of doing just what you stated above, but fearful some would blacklist me for posting travel dates as @lonely_john mentioned. Designating myself as available while in safe mode and posting a travel date related to my home city on here I feel is an already big risk of misconception about currently taking appointments.
  13. Give yourself credit upwards to amateur at least, most wouldn't even know that fact?
  14. It's all about tone. Your tone, despite the complete validation of your sanitary precautions and already constant risks in grocery stores, paints the picture of slight desperation of continuing on because you have to. That's obviously the reality, and quite frankly the reality for myself as well and other sex workers who do not have regular civilian jobs that they can continue with. But the verbalizing of that won't sit well with most. One would argue go digital and offer digital content. I myself am self conscious on cam/video, and don't have a following on those platforms or on social media to make that really viable. So what did I do? I have had a few Skype shows with those that have asked that I have already done before and felt comfortable doing so. And then I posted a travel post on here, advertising special rates for prepaying a meeting in the future, as well as put it on my website. Admittedly, only regulars really have responded to that. But I have covered my expenses this month by doing all that. Without a shred of negative ire.
  15. I made a case in another thread about a scenario of two people hooking up and responsibly quarantining both before and after, and having a mature conversation about accepting the constant risk and consequences of making the other I'll and potentially those close around them. One thing I hope to be able to practice more in the future as a career of advising escorts on PR issues and client interactions, because the thing is this: After having such a controversial history on this forum, is it really the best practice to come back on here and announce, to summarize, "hey I am still seeing clients and won't stop doing so because I need to, even during this health crisis where we are advised to stay and home and limit interactions with others, for our own safety and theirs"? We can debate forever the decision to actually do so, like I have said before, your risks are your risks, but they should be informed and take into the account the morality of the impact of those around you. But from a PR aspect this is a shitty decision to announce it on here.
  16. Here in Vegas we don't have a bank on plastic bags yet. I don't know about others, but as it's just myself I used the plastic grocery bags as garbage bags, and haven't bought regular garage bags in over a year. In regards to the plastic straw ban in California, I have only seen one fast food place use paper straws once. So plastic straws are continuously put into the public under unregulated disposal (littering), while at bars one would pay for an expensive drink only to potentially have the flavor impacted by the paper straw, while all garbage would be disposed of still properly by staff and garbage collection services.
  17. Thank you for your work and other medical staff all over. Your interaction with the woman mentioned had an impact far beyond anything measurable or understandable. Tough times and decisions are ahead, but don't forget all the immeasurable positive impacts you are able to have on patients and their families, even simply by care and dedication in the face of travesty. Keep strong and keep being that human warrior that we all need.
  18. Think about it this way: It's the same as covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. In past wildfire seasons in Northern California, people wore masks everywhere as the smoke enveloped San Francisco. While I am sure cloth masks stopped many from breathing in smoke directly, they still had to be inhaling a fair amount while outside. There is also the potential consequence of unnecessary touching your face more as a result.
  19. I would venture to say the US market is where they make the most money. I am not sure of all the legal steps of the government to restrict a site based outside of the US., and just as frustrated or more so even:confused:
  20. There is finally some rumblings about the cancellation of EDC as some music acts take it off their schedules. No official word yet though.
  21. Boredom, coupled with two things. The ignorance to assume that because they dont have symptoms they are not infected with coronavirus. And secondly, the false over confidence that if they get infected, they will develop minimal symptoms and get better and not fall critically ill. I follow this line of thinking. Since total time since the start of self quarantine actions started a week to two weeks ago for a big part of the country will now extend to a total of 30-45 days with the president's guidelines extended till April 30th, it's one thing to responsibly take that personal risk and have a conversation about it. For example, two individuals who have self quarantined for 2 weeks, have an intimate time with each other, and then again self quarantine for 2 weeks. All while acknowledging that constant risk is there, and you may end up responsible for making the other person sick and or people close to that other person sick. In my opinion that a similar risk as going to the grocery store once a week during this pandemic and shoppers possibly making other shoppers ill. The problem is, the likelihood that both parties will be that level of responsible and hold accountability for their actions is highly unlikely for two strangers meeting for the first time. More troubling is the ignorance that seems to persist as well as the disregard to the others health and viewpoints. Inspirationally, this crisis has shown the incredible level of sense of community and civil responsibility in some. On the other hand, I am fearful and disappointed how it highlights the narrow self serving motives in others.
  22. The one that gets me is when people say "great profile...what are your rates?" When, (not now since I edited it but before this week) I have put my rate in the headline as 2.4.0.= 1 hr and have the link to my website with my rates in the body of my ad.?‍♂️
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