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Everything posted by MrMattBig

  1. Thanks for all the great info. I am one who has switched bank accounts from 2018 filings. Any thoughts on the effectiveness of say filing 2019 in the next few days and the correct bank info being caught into the first wave?
  2. My grocery store here in Vegas is doing the same with floor markers for spacing at checkout lines and at the self checkout. Cashier's and employees are also enforcing it by asking someone to wait on the market if they get too close to the person they are checking out.
  3. If we are inserting ourselves into the equation, pun intended, I was commenting on a disappearance of guys like myself, who can and enjoy going back and forth between passive (bottom) and assertive (top) roles multiple times within the same session. Someone may very well be versatile truthfully, but once in the moment stick to one role. So once @TruthBTold 's talented tongue works their passive hole, they stay in that role. Maybe I am reading too much into things, but I believe their is some underlying reason why 'flipping' (I want to and expect to both top and bottom in the same session) has virtually been replaced with vers top/ vers bottom (I am top/bottom but may do the other if the vibe is right.
  4. I blame the sigma and false assumptions that being versatile means you are really a bottom, or that all those have been taken off the market. I remember growing up even browsing Craigslist in high school or right after, the term flipping was used quite often. Nowadays, I rarely see that term while browsing, and concurrently an increase in those seeking tops only or masculine only.
  5. Exactly what I did the other day. I have a dye job blonde on the top, so had to be extra careful. I feel confident enough to go to the store for produce without a hat?
  6. Absolutely, try the 'amazon sex position' to help https://badgirlsbible.com/amazon-sex-position *Sorry for the limiting m/f depiction of it, was the best descriptive I have found on it.
  7. He needs to learn how to read the room?‍♂️ My response to someone saying they had concerns about coronavirus from March 14th "I am always a hygenic person, always drink plenty of fluids, so always end up peeing and washing hands, have an individual sanitizer with me...most of the clients I meet with do have office jobs or travel, and as much have been working from home for a bit so my cross exposure I consider minimal as well. With all that said, there is no way to guarantee anything, and ultimately falls on your comfort level. I do have allergies too so wouldn't want you to freak out if I sneeze of have that back of your mind worry distract from your enjoyment and feel guilty afterward. " Admittedly, I could still have had a better response, but this is just to show you can communicate risk would be low, while still demonstrating you take the concerns of the other person seriously and leave the decision in their hands, free of the pressuring tactics.
  8. Yes and no, that would be considered on the extreme end most likely, where bookers are most likely involved as well, and creating turn rate from a client list similar to massage providers. I was actually referring to the image and brand of each website, not the rates of providers. Additionally, with female providers if I were to call them upscale, it would do more about how they carry and brand themselves (sophisticated, dress attire, type of lingerie ; think high level executive, high end fashion, or bourdoir model) than what they actually charge.
  9. Math: masseur interacts with 1-5 clients/day grocery worker interacts/shares space with potentially hundreds/day What you are correct in though is the mode of transmission and exposure is going to be significantly higher for the masseur with the intimacy and touching involved. What is worse: being exposed to 100's with a lower mode of transmission, or being exposed to one to several persons with a higher mode of transmission? That's a tough call and who really knows if there will be a significant difference? I will reiterate though that everyone should be trying to do their civil duty, so at the least in terms of viewpoints, we can get back to normal quicker.
  10. To defend what you said, the anyone who interacts with another person or is out in public is at risk. In regards to grocery store worker vs masseur, a case can be made for each regarding relative sanitary practices and conditions, so its hard to say if one would be safer or riskier than the other. The point of anything during these times is limiting or decreasing exponential growth and exposure, which will be higher in public places such as an operating spa or crowded grocery store, where more people are exposed to each other at the same time or high frequency. Everyone could do there part though to limit transmission and exposure if possible period. Math and science regarding exponential growth support the social distancing/crowd limiting/public space closures. Morality and civil duty support voluntary self isolation. Math and science doesn't change, and honestly, if we would have started closing/restricting public spaces when this first started in December/January, we wouldn't be this deep down the rabbit hole.
  11. There is an enormous amount of sites for female providers compared to men. Some more upscale then some. Eros Tryst Slixa Adultsearch Etc. Let Google be your friend to find more
  12. Just did this and thanks for the info. I was reluctant to edit my bio to indicate that I am taking a break because of how they censor and review and could mess up/delete what I currently have written. Additionally, with how rentmen indicates online or available, simply logging in to check if I have messages could lead clients on to assume I am.taking appointments. RM still is an annoying platform with many flaws, but I have to give it up to them when they get something right?
  13. Just did this and thanks for the info. I was reluctant to edit my bio to indicate that I am taking a break because of how they censor and review and could mess up/delete what I currently have written. Additionally, with how rentmen indicates online or available, simply logging in to check if I have messages could lead clients on to assume I am.taking appointments. RM still is an annoying platform with many flaws, but I have to give it up to them when they get something right?
  14. I have to add too, who in the ?!!#$$&& raised these kids?????!!!!!!
  15. I would imagine this was not done for the fetish aspect; which can be very unhealthy even during non-pandemic times. These attention seeking kids can't do a regular dance or singing challenge to a coronavirus theme?
  16. I think you were more or less fine on the explanations in this scenario, but the 30 second expectation was definitely off. This is why it's important to be aware of the body as well as psychological triggers. On the low average humans breath every 5 seconds. This is why I follow a quick 10 count, because this would relatively stay within a subconscious 3 strike situation (missing 3 respirations that would have otherwise happened, I believe social constructs of certain situations have a subconscious influence on others) It also takes a minute or less to drown, so to deprive someone of breathing for half that time, even if not fully forcefully, is probably not the best idea. Start smaller, build up and check in in-between, and I'm sure better outcomes for both parties will follow.
  17. Not sure of the length of time or how he was bound, but with breath play I usually keep a rule of a quick 10 count (5-7 seconds) in mind and then gradually progress, while still allowing the other person to intervene, even if just rolling over to their side. Discussing the length of time and severity, as well as demonstrating on yourself once in person before you start could help. Hope your next venture into this play space is more successful!
  18. ?‍♂️While I am strongly against quickly or overly shaming...here are some facts. Unless you have not been out in public at all, not even to the grocery store, bank, etc, for 2-3 weeks, you could very well have the virus. Are the odds of that being the case and spreading it less than if you were displaying infectious type symptoms? Probably. Your masseur would also have to have been not out on public for 2-3 weeks, not even the grocery store or anywhere, to help ensure they would be most likely virus free. Your risks are your risks, however. Just be aware of your constant potential to get sick, and or spread the virus to others. Certain conditions can lessen those odds, but unless you make your home a sanitized bubble and stay isolated inside, those odds will never be zero.
  19. I wonder if there is a correlation between asymptomatic with anosmia getting infected by contact surfaces then touching face, and symptomatic to severe cases getting infected from a respiratory airborne way.
  20. Yup it's alarming how a crisis can expose how ignorant and reckless some can be. My view is that everyone will get it. Obviously we should slow the rate down to lessen the strain on the medical care industry, as well as to avoid getting sick those that could potentially die from it before a potential vaccine is developed. Group spreading would be more detrimental than two individuals hooking up, but still could lead to loads more being sick because of the next person or groups of people each individual could potentially infect if one has the virus. Each individual should be knowledgeable of the risks and manage those accordingly. I elected to finish out my travel trip more or less, but knew each individual I met with accepted and acknowledged those risks as well, and was not careless or ignorant in their behaviors and attitudes to stay safe as much as possible. Now back in Vegas, I intend to distance for the next few weeks though as well. That was going to be the plan all along really, but even more so realizing just how much carelessness and ignorance about this virus people can potentially have.
  21. Damn kids in their 20's...
  22. Seems like maybe he is applying one experience to all situations. Flakes and and nonsense is no joke, but this is why I make it a point to hold individuals responsible, and on a third strike either question their motives and will proceed based on their response, or flat out say I am unwilling to make an appointment with them. Without keeping track of who is who or has done what, I can see how some develop attitudes or get drawn into grouping everyone into the same category of game playing when it could actually be a cancellation for legit reasons.
  23. I have enough TP for a week after stealing from the hotels...it's more for the daily walk or jog, and after grocery shopping to look for a few stray items here and there. Also part of the TP panic is needing a sense of control on a subconscious psychological level...my level of control is doing as much for myself as much as possible.
  24. I do always question whether ads like that are the cookie cutter copy for an ad that they used, or if like I have mentioned somewhere else, if it feels like they are going out of their way to affirm something, the reality is most likely the opposite. Considering the stress of the health crisis and another mentioning positive talk about him, I would love to think it was just an off day though.
  25. Exactly what I have said beforehand too. Perhaps it was an off day. @vasudev if you are still enamored with him and are able to meet perhaps wait a few days and message something like "hey not completely sure what went wrong the other day, perhaps it was an off day for us both. Would love to still meet you, let me know if this could work"
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