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  1. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + Funguy in Anal Eaze   
    i would give you guys a BIG CAUTION if you use it! Pain can be a signal that you are doing something that the body does not want to do or is not ready for. If you disconnect the signal you run the risk of tears, punctures, etc. and when it wears off you can wind up in pain, with infections, etc. Might even be embarrassing to wind up in the ER!
    Have your partner do some anal play which stretches the anus (a whole lot more fun than numbing it!) Try using a dildo even, tho I prefer a few fingers exploring me.
  2. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Kevin Slater in Anal Eaze   
    You can save a few bucks getting the same active ingredient marketed as Orajel (tooth numbing gel). Both are simply Benzocaine.
    Kevin Slater
  3. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Rudynate in Change from Safe Only to Ask Me   
    You could do exactly what he directs, ask him.
  4. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to rvwnsd in Change from Safe Only to Ask Me   
    Please tell us who it is so we may crucify him. Thank you.
    But seriously...For me, this would not be a cause for concern. I know my own risk tolerance as well as my own methods for protecting myself and I firmly believe it is up to each and every one of us to do the same.
  5. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to MikeyGMin in Change from Safe Only to Ask Me   
    Not if you take responsibility for yourself and follow the same safer sex protocols you have always used. People are living in a fantasy world if they honestly think that guys who advertise as "safe only" are necessarily doing the same in their personal life. PrEP has changed everything.
  6. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to rvwnsd in Forced activities   
    My first thought was exactly what @MiamiLooker said, but based on your comment I'll use a different term - sexual assault. In my opinion (and it sounds like @MiamiLooker thinks along the same lines) a person who uses their physical size to attempt unwanted sexual content with someone who is smaller than they are and is in a weakened state due to an injury has at the very least attempted to sexually assault the other party.
  7. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + poolboy48220 in Forced activities   
    One of my first-ever experiences was with a guy who gave massages out of a private studio downtown, it turned into a "he kept brushing his hardon through his shorts against my hand" and it went where you'd expect. :-) Years later, he was working at a legit spa, I got a massage from him; no play this time, given the location, but he kept rubbing and squeezing my achilles tendon, which HURT. I asked him to stop a few times, he kept zeroing back in on it, so I got up, dressed and left. Nothing like the "very very thick 9", but leaving is always an option.
  8. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to rvwnsd in Forced activities   
    I'm sorry to hear about your experience. When you say "stop" that means stop. Period.
    I don't think you are a fool for wanting to try again. I also don't think you are a fool for not wanting to use Rent Masseur, but it seems a bit unfair to paint all of their advertisers with the same broad brush. If you found a guy on Masseurfinder but he also advertised on Rent Massuer would you decline to hire him?
  9. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + honcho in Forced activities   
    Please submit a review of the masseur to Daddy's review site. Clients deserve to learn about this.
    (This masseur would have an opportunity to give his side of it, but from your description of the interaction,
    I don't think he could possibly come up with anything believable to discredit your account).

  10. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + nycman in Forced activities   
    Men are pigs...unfortunately....even the nice ones.
    Sometimes you have to “help” them understand what you mean
    by “please stop...you’re hurting me”. If someone has failed to
    respond to clear verbal cues, I suggest taking them firmly by the
    wrist and saying “if you do that again I will break your fucking wrist”.
    Yes, it will “ruin” the mood and yes you will most likely never
    have sex with that man again...but ask youself....at that point...
    is that really a bad thing?
    Idiotic aggression only responds to aggression. It’s sad but it’s
    human nature. He’s counting on you not having the balls to
    resist....in that senario....feel free to cut off his balls.
    “Take it like a man”...only works when consent has been given
    to indeed “take it” like a man.
  11. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to BlakeBenz in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I’m pretty open about my escorting without excplicity labeling my profile with anything stating that I’m for hire if that makes sense? Like I make it so if you went into my profile you’d be able to gather that’s what I do. I include an email address in my profile but that’s it. I’ll receive DM’s and yes when the question is asked I will mention I’m a “happiness consulatant”.
    I feel like it is pretty easy to spot an escort profile on IG. Young people traveling, in expensive brands, and with no sense of a job... people aren’t stupid lol
  12. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + José Soplanucas in PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND 2018   
    I hope we do not talk politics in PS. Someone could choke on a devil egg.
  13. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    Probably. My guess is that if you started creating regular Twitter content especially to advertise your escort offering specifically, and got other escorts to retweet that content regularly (getting it in front of the eyes of more escort clients vs porn clients), that you would see more conversions. Or maybe you’ve already tried that but if you’re seeing a disconnect than that would be my suggestion to resolve it. Find a way to project enough depth of character into your Twitter profile that people viewing it can understand the connection and also the differences between the way you perform in porn and the way you connect with people one on one. If the relationship between the two isn’t obvious, maybe your Twitter fans have a hard time seeing themselves taking the next step toward meeting you IRL...
  14. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I don’t really accept booking inquiries by new clients via Twitter DM, but I’ve had several new clients contact me via Twitter DM first before eventually booking via email. I’ve also had at least a couple of big international clients find me from my Twitter posts which lead them to my personal website, from which they booked. The biggest impact of Twitter for me is client retention tho. My regular clients like to keep up with me on Twitter, and I DO allow my regulars to make appointments via Twitter DM. I find that it keeps me on their minds and makes it easy for them to reach out to me for another meeting since it keeps us in touch a bit between them.
    Twitter is a really great form of advertising because it’s free. I paid consulting fees to a couple other escorts who were successfully converting a large Twitter following into consistent bookings to learn their strategies and found that I saw good results too. I wouldn’t say the bookings are consistent for me, but I definitely do get enough of them for posting to Twitter almost daily to seem worth my while.
  15. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Cyd_StVincent in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I would love to hear more about this from other escorts. I have quite a sizable twitter audience, something I put a lot of work into cultivating - but while it has been positive in directing people to my porn I don't get a lot of proposals for hires. It's possible they all go to rentmen and communicate from there, but I'm interested to hear what other escorts experiences have been. My porn persona is a little different and more extreme seeming than my escorting life, so I wonder if that creates a disconnect.
  16. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + Eric Hassan in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I receive a lot of speculative DMs - things about "if you were in [city]" or "if i ever make it to nyc . . ." but I've not had hires directly from Twitter. I have been hired by guys who tell me they follow me on Twitter, but none of then has used it to contact me regarding escorting services.
  17. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to mike carey in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I guess it's a fine line between being hired from Twitter and being discovered on Twitter and then hired. Some people, I'm sure, find escorts on Twitter and elsewhere at roughly the same time, chat and perhaps hire. Social media is everywhere and sometimes it's hard to know which it the 'first contact' medium.
  18. Like
    AndreFuture got a reaction from FTM Zachary Prince in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I haven't had hires from Twitter. Mostly chatty guys DM me or try to cyber sex me for free. Most of my connections there are with other providers.
  19. Like
    AndreFuture got a reaction from Cyd_StVincent in Ever gotten a meeting off twitter?   
    I haven't had hires from Twitter. Mostly chatty guys DM me or try to cyber sex me for free. Most of my connections there are with other providers.
  20. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Rudynate in Why would you block a potential client?   
    It creates an impression. Someone viewing an ad again and again without ever reaching out might appear obsessive to the advertiser. It's just plain silly not to reach out if you're interested in a guy. Even the most socially phobic should be up to an anonymous email saying "hi, I like your profile," or something like.
  21. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + Eric Hassan in PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND 2018   
    I'm a bit late to the party, but for what it's worth:
    @youngboldone (and anyone else mulling the PS weekend over) - if it sounds like something you think you'd like, i'd encourage you to attend, even if you've got some hesitations about personalities or vibes. there's room for everyone, and while folks do tend to spend a lot of time with each other, there's no mandatory event - you can do what you like, join in what you like. the vibe is warm and friendly. there are no flame wars, but maybe a bulge contest. it's not a non-stop orgy - you might see a dick or ten, but you can feel perfectly comfortable to just chat. there are opportunities to hire, and there are opportunities for working guys and friends/clients/whatever to hang out socially. what i really enjoyed last year was getting to know people from the forum, getting to spend some private time with some guys, and having lots of social time - also, i lived in ps before, so it was nice to see friends and do my sunday night toucan's ritual. also, i got to know nate newman and alex hawk and i've since spent quite a bit of time with both of them, and we've developed lasting friendships.
    and when it comes to hard-boiled eggs - i acidulate the cold water with vinegar (as you would if you were poaching eggs) and add the eggs - then i bring the water to a boil and let it go for 1 minute - then i shut the heat off, cover the eggs, and let them hang around 8 minutes, then into an ice water bath and they're good to go. i don't, however, turn them into deviled eggs - while i personally love them, i find them better when someone else makes them.
  22. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Cyd_StVincent in I have a question: Bottoms for bottoms   
    My question what kind of bottom are you? Do you not like to fuck with anything, or are you just not confident at getting an erection? Because as someone without a (conventional) dick - I've topped the hell out of more people than most. I just let my fingers do the walking...
    But in reality, I do think if you think you will have amazing chemistry with someone - wouldn't it be worth seeing what the two of you can do together and letting go of strict identity categories? Or maybe thats just me
  23. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to Golem in RENTBOY.PRO WEBSITE   
    What I don't understand about the whole "Rentmen does it too" thing is that your main selling point, in all your posts here, has been that you are better than Rentmen and specifically that you will treat providers better.
    The proof is in the pudding.
  24. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to FTM Zachary Prince in How to have clients who'd like to travel?   
    Get creative and intentional with your marketing if you want those clients. Standard rentboy-style marketing is going to attract clients who want the standard one hour gig. Add depth to your marketing's personality and advertise in unconventional ways and places to attract the big spenders. The guys looking at RentMen are too often going to have the types of attitudes that you see reflected in this thread about either not wanting to pay your desired rate for extended travel when they could fly someone in from a third world country instead OR are going to want to spend a lot of time getting to know you first. Because most guys who look at RentMen "play the field". They have a lot of options and they have invested their personal time in researching and learning about them. Some of them might still be fine with paying your rates to hire you to travel without a lot of smaller sessions first, but mostly not.
    In unconventional places where you might choose to advertise, you will find more clients who are unfamiliar with the rentboy scene, the standard rates, and the shopping around. And if you choose those places wisely, yes some of those men will easily be able to afford your travel rates for multiday trips. If there is sufficient DEPTH OF PERSONALITY displayed in your advertising, a client can get a strong sense before meeting you that you have mutual interests, mutual sense of humour, and other matching characteristics that will make spending an extended time together a breeze. I get tons of extended dates booked right off the bat because certain clients see my marketing and get the overwhelming feeling that I'm who they've always been looking for. When your marketing is THAT emotionally impactful, versus just turning someone on sexually, extended dates become natural. For example I offered one hour bookings on my last tour and I received ZERO of them. Literally everyone booked 2-3 hours or more.
    Video, interviews, photos of you fully clothed in public places doing activities you love... these all help I've noticed. Personally I also think that PROFESSIONAL photos and video are important here. Guys who are ready to drop $5K on your companionship fees for a vacation tend to like to see a little bit of professionalism in your marketing I've found. Which means a professional website is probably a good idea too.
    Where can you advertise that's unconventional? Well figuring that out is half the game!! Social media is a good example of one form of advertising with a wide-reaching audience. I've gotten multiple international clients who have booked me for multi-day trips and made me $20-30K each over time, both from posting #hairyarmpit tagged photos on Twitter repeatedly. The audience for social media is international and you never know who might be looking...
  25. Like
    AndreFuture reacted to + OliverSaks in How to have clients who'd like to travel?   
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