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Everything posted by bashful

  1. When visiting family in Europe years ago, in the morning we usually had a small platter of sliced meat, cheese, cucumber, tomato, with hardtack.
  2. $700 for me. My father won $10,000 years ago.
  3. I like that the pics are full screen, but that’s about it. Worst feature is the private pics of those who were kind enough to unlock their gallery are now locked again when I look at their ad in the beta format. I’m not going to disturb providers to unlock again, just because Rent.men decided not to test such a simple thing, or at worse, did this by design to get those of us with free memberships to now pay. Luckily, I can use old format, but for how long.
  4. All meds affect each of us in different ways. Wellbutrin was about the 2nd one I tried, and it wasn’t so good on helping the mood, but it was good at turning up the libido. I was in my mid 50s and would wack off (or is it whack off) twice a day on the weekends. I eventually stopped taking because it was not helping with the depression. That was many years ago. This year, my new doctor suggested Lexapro, a SSRI. I was hesitant because of the side effects I had with Zoloft (also a SSRI) which was mostly diarrhea for days. He said Lexapro had a better record regarding side effects, so jumped in at 10 mg a day. Some diarrhea, and awful farts. They were so stinky I was afraid my neighbors down the hall could smell them. Stopped. After a while, I began to think I didn’t hang in there long enough for the Lexapro to work, so asked for a 5mg script to start slow. Side effects were same, just less intense, so hung in there, and it took a while, but they eventually went away. After some months, went to 10mg, and some effects came back, but it was tolerable. Now I have none. I didn’t experience the sexual side effects for which other SSRIs are known for, and my libido actually improved somewhat, but I wasn’t horned up to begin with given my mood. A pleasant side effect for me is delayed ejaculation. Not so much of a quick shooter any more. Some of those videos get boring when you watch them too long. I don’t know if it’s coincidental, given I only began taking it a few months after I began 10mg Lexapro, but it seems as though Synthroid has really helped my libido.
  5. Many of us struggle off and on throughout our lives. Seems to run in my family. Father, who said he thinks his mother had it, two brothers on meds, and another brother who I think should be. Finally faced it again, and I’ve been taking Lexapro since early spring, with some improvement. Took longer than I expected, or hoped, but my symptoms became worse this fall. After my annual physical, where my TSH was elevated for a second time, and I talked to him about my physical and mental symptoms, my doctor began prescribing Synthroid for sub clinical Hypothyroidism. The combination of the two have helped. Think he needs to adjust the dosage when I see him at the end of the month since improvement seems to have plateaued. We’re all different, and what works for one may not work for another, that’s why there’s so many damn pills out there. Talk with your doctor. It may be more than needing an outlet. It may be physical, or meds have pooped out, and different meds needed, or both.
  6. Happy birthday. Enjoy.
  7. I can’t remember, nor feel the need to have one anymore now that the meds are working.
  8. Thanks so much. Sounds like it’ll be easier to make choices. A, B, and Supplement. Does part D depend on if supplement includes prescriptions, or is it like A, and B, in that D is primary prescription plan so need it, or if I choose D, then it is my Rx plan and supplement pays nothing even if it has prescription coverage? I have some research to do. I'm glad supplement is Medigap plan, as I recall seeing something that if you forgo Medigap plan, in favor of an Advantage plan when first eligible for Medicare, (and also mentioned in this thread), more difficult to move to a Medigap plan later.
  9. I go on Medicare next year too. I retired when I was 57, and got retiree medical on the same basis as active employees. Part of the retiree medical benefit is a supplemental plan once you go on Medicare. I began reading the Medicare.gov website, but haven’t got far yet, mostly because I grow tired of reading a computer screen. Much prefer paper so I can jot notes, or highlight to keep me from getting lost. My stupid question: Is a supplement plan the same as a Medigap plan? Apologies in advance if I missed the answer in all the good info above.
  10. A copy and paste of the reference below since it’s too old to quote: 1k Posted December 16, 2017 If you aren't following @Tarte Gogo 's adventures in South America, you are missing a wealth of information. I have always wanted to go to Rio, but now I'm looking at the calendar and making serious plans! https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/tarte-is-going-to-south-america.130062/
  11. Yes, @Tarte Gogo ‘s thread was a good read. Unfortunately it’s not available. I found a reference, and link to it in a Lounge thread titled “Sexy Travel”, but when I clicked on the link, the response said it wasn’t available.
  12. Each summer, the 20 something guys wear those satiny shorts in the grocery store. The shorts often get stuck between the cheeks. Other seasons, often sweat pants stuck between the cheeks. Regardless of season, occasionally VPL, or knob showing.
  13. The downside of this hobby is the rare occasions you leave feeling worse than you did when you arrived. Has never happened in my experience with Tristan Baldwin either.
  14. For visitors, depends whether it’s a repeat. I never host, so fourth time I met the same guy, he was staying at a downgrade to his usual accommodations. An older Super 8 motel that had seen better days inside and out, but neighborhood wasn’t too bad. It turned out to be one of my best experiences with him. Maybe the place gave a certain edge to the meeting. If it was a first meeting with someone new, I seriously doubt I would have met him there.
  15. I haven’t hired since 2018, but as a client living in the Chicago suburbs, but worked in the Loop, I had no problem driving into the city as most visiting providers stayed in the River North area with more tourists, and I would cautiously consider doing so today. Not only COVID, but freeway shootings, and car-jackings give me pause too. If I decide to, appreciate it when they stay in a good hotel. Just pull up to the hotel and valet park, or more often, a good tip, and they’ll leave the car outside. They know what’s going on. Hyatt’s were especially good for that, and once at the Sofitel. I suppose it might be worth it to get a hotel, drive in during the day before and drive home during the day after, since I don’t have a Camry, Grand Cherokee, or Altima. A provider I meet, went to Detroit for the first time, stayed downtown, and told me some potential clients said they wouldn’t drive downtown. When he returns to Detroit now, he stays in a centrally located suburb near offices, restaurants, and freeways. Didn’t mention whether there were objections to his new location.
  16. bashful

    Vintage men

    Looks like Tony Randall using the machine.
  17. So did I. Then I got a Buick with Harman Kardon. Loved those speakers. Worst were the Infinity speakers in my Jeep. Sounded like a transistor radio in comparison to the others.
  18. On my 5th Buick. Had two CTS’ in between a few, but kept going back to Buick. My supercharged GS was my favorite.
  19. Most of my music listening is in the car. The few times I listen at home, it’s a CD on a 15+ year old Panasonic shelf system with speakers that can be spaced apart. It even has a cassette player. Speakers still sound good, even if I click on the “Mega Bass” for some songs. Radio reception is horrible in my condo. I got two Alexas a couple of Christmases ago, but never took them out of the box. I’m not an audiophile.
  20. Providers are people. Some days are better than others.
  21. You’re lucky. Not that I hire often, but the local guy I would see every few months just became the same old same old. Haven’t seen him since a good bit of time before the pandemic. Last time I saw a new visitor, he just wasn’t into me.
  22. Reminded me of when I came along with a friend moving some of his grandparents furniture from Chicago to South Carolina. He decided to go through the Smoky Mountains. Most of it was only two lanes and the truck didn’t move fast, but traffic was light, or so I thought. At one point I glanced out behind us through the side mirror, and the backup behind us seemed to go on forever.
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