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Everything posted by bashful

  1. My condolences to all of you. RIP
  2. On a good day, and the right lighting...
  3. Max is great. Now have to watch for Aleks to visit.
  4. I liked her in the movie "Gaslight". She was in her late teens then. Rest in Peace
  5. Don't have the mat, but have drink coasters made of stone, which I imagine are similar. Work good when glasses are sweaty.
  6. As the old adage says, happiest day is when a man buys a boat, 2nd happiest day is when he sells the boat.
  7. Shows you how much I pay attention while shopping. I only noticed since I began using the "MELT/SOFTEN" setting on my new microwave. Talenti was great. Haagen Dazs was softer. Checked the measurement, and it was smaller.
  8. Notice a lot of the ice cream "pint" containers have gone from 16 oz. down to 14 oz.
  9. Second paragraph mentioned prostatitis. Just got treated for it with antibiotics. Gonna have to ask Doc why he didn't mention it.
  10. OMG. What a nice surprise to see your post. I'm tickled. Welcome Back.
  11. As @Becket says, people react different. My brother takes Lunesta with no problem. Ambien was terrible for me. Never slept the entire night. Then I began to forget things. Once was on a work call, began a new subject when I was stopped, and told I had already discussed it. Still don't remember. Never took it since. On a later visit to my doctor, told him still wasn't sleeping well, and why I stopped Ambien. He wrote a Rx for Temazepam. Had it filled, but never did take any. On occasion in the past, I've taken 0.25 mg Xanax if I can't sleep, but haven't for over a year. These days sleep very well. Meds have changed over the years, and new ones added. A couple years ago, began 25 mcg Synthroid for thyroid due to TSH levels. Not sure if connected, but I feel much better since being on it. Could be insomnia is a result of another underlying health issue.
  12. Maybe he's trying to get the one on the right into other videos.
  13. And many more. Thanks for all the great posts in the gallery.
  14. My snowbird neighbors tried to get extra meds in advance their first year. They were going to another state for four months. Their Rx provider said no, but they could mail meds to an alternate address when due for refills.
  15. As mentioned up-thread, some fans don't take kindly to hearing negative comments about their favorites. Not worth it. Not going to change your experience, nor the good experiences he provided others.
  16. Escorts not all together there, Spacypox Escorts who don't put in any effort. Lazypox.
  17. Whether you review is up to you. Like many of us, I too hired someone with multiple glowing reviews. When we met, we had great conversation in the beginning, but playtime didn't progress very much beyond that. Expected more based on his reviews so my insecurities kicked in, thinking short, old, fat guys were not his thing. Left there not feeling so good about myself. Really thought about doing a review, but decided to let it go. On a positive note, it'll probably be the most expensive blow job I will ever get.
  18. Jealous of all you. He wasn't my best hire.
  19. It's very real, and I used to drink to self medicate, and even after going on meds, continued to drink. Now, still on meds (Lexapro), and I feel they are now working well. Haven't had a drink in over a year.
  20. I had to stop taking Flomax (Tamsulosin) while I was taking Paxlovid.
  21. 2 vacs., 2 boosters, and I got Covid in July. Hit me like a truck. Took Paxlovid, and symptoms mostly gone in a few days except for tiredness that lasted much longer. Still have to some extent. What worries me is something someone called "Covid brain". Just seems like, brain wise, I've aged more in a little while with more forgetfulness, and having to think about things that I need to do so I can remember to do them, or just not quite with it at some moments.
  22. He's done many videos using different names, one being Tomas Friedel.
  23. Anyone met him? https://rent.men/Brazilianboymich
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