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Everything posted by bashful

  1. Philips Norelco Bodygroom Series 5000 Showerproof Body Trimmer for Men with Back Attachment, BG5025/40 Has an attachable handle, and rounded tips, so no nicks https://www.google.com/shopping/product/13350458614654400402?q=amazon+body+trimmer&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1006US1006&biw=1280&bih=569&dpr=1.5&prds=eto:5075087328687167826_0,pid:1511111405432534276,rsk:PROD_VAR_12319515347273553209&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUiYfS98z5AhVNk4kEHVWVA_cQ8wIIhRE
  2. bashful

    Vintage men

    Sure looks like that could be the Royal Hawaiian on Waikiki beach...a long time ago.
  3. Ordered mine thru Medicare website. Glad I have them. Had both vaccinations, and both boosters (2nd in May). I attributed an occasional runny nose at first to allergies. But on Wednesday night, It hit me like a truck. On Thursday, used the test, and was positive. So glad I had the tests kits on hand. Called Dr's office, was told to isolate five days following day of test, then if absolutely no symptoms, I can go out if I wear KN/N95 mask and social distance. They also said I was a candidate for Paxlovid. Took last dose today. Already feeling better except for weakness, and still want to sleep a lot. Think I'll take another test tomorrow.
  4. I went to the podiatrist with pain in my feet. I thought I had plantar fasciitis. X-rays said flat feet, and arch falling, (had orthotics made) and after a MRI, a torn tendon in my left ankle. PT didn't do much in beginning as I was hurting after a day or so later, so before having surgery, trying shockwave therapy and PT once a week. Had the 3rd session today (a total of six, done once a week). Don't know if wishful thinking/placebo effect, but seems to be improving a little. Medicare doesn't pay for it (total $600 for the 6 sessions), and doubtful any insurance will pay. We'll see how I feel at the end.
  5. plus an "into" list with several items in common makes me want to hire. can really make you wonder what was I thinking (or with what). The couple times it's happened, my insecurities kicked in, and I felt worse afterword than when I arrived.
  6. I noticed that galleries that some providers have unlocked for me are once again locked. Curious, when they are unlocked, can they be set to re-lock after a while, or do you need to go back and lock them again, or do they automatically lock again after altering the profile? I thought about putting this in "Ask a Provider", but there are some clients who also have locked galleries.
  7. "all" seems to be working for me too. I've been using the OXI one.
  8. Nice topic. Reminds me of an Instagram post with similar pics that said... it's not gay if you have a beer in your hand.
  9. That's why I like Costco's long hoses. They can reach to hole no matter what.
  10. bashful

    Road Rage

    I understand why, but hate they can do that. I never lived there, but used to often visit. Never failed, I'd get on the 405, and that first bike scared the shit out of me,. One of the first times I was going to change lanes as traffic was just inching alone. Also reminds me that some states have rules, customs that those visiting don't know. In Illinois, we have to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Most locals don't. I have to tell my brothers from out of state to watch for that. Don't know if an actual rule, but when I go to Maui, most will stop for those trying to cross the road whether a crosswalk or not. Also, often on two lane roads, when traffic is heavy, they will stop to allow on oncoming car make a left turn, freeing up the long line of cars waiting behind them.
  11. My friend's Lincoln with a turbo recommends premium, but can use regular. However, the owner's manual says performance won't be as good with regular.
  12. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/43126/# Couldn't find anything on this site using his name or #. Any info? Thanks
  13. Lots of hotels near ORD. Most of the better ones are in Rosemont along River Rd. which should have shuttle service to and from ORD. They're also close to the Rosemont Entertainment District, and the Donald E Stevens Convention Center. Rosemont's website will give you suggested hotels. https://rosemont.com/where-to-sleep/ There's also an L station close by on River Rd. and I-90 if you want to take the L into the city. I would imagine their shuttle service would drop you off.
  14. Fricken $5.49 for premium two days ago at Costco northwest of Chicago.
  15. I-94. A friend driving my Charger 110, and me in my CTS 100.
  16. $4.19 reg., $4.69 premium at my local Costco in northwest suburban Chicago.
  17. The men’s room at a car dealership had a sign over the urinal that said … Guys with small bats need to step up to the plate.
  18. A guy I follow on Instagram showed a station in Southern California with a sign today of $6.29.9 for regular. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.
  19. I loved Sanders growing up in Detroit. Great hot fudge sundaes at their counter service. The stuff with the Sander’s label today doesn’t seem as good.
  20. Same way too. Now that I’m retired, I”m generally staying within my neighboring suburbs. Car sits several days a week, and fill up once a month. Last year, I actually went seven weeks between fill ups. I could have waited a few more days, but it was projected to get very cold so didn’t want freeze my butt off just to fill up.
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