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Everything posted by sync

  1. He is yummy, but he was super yummy before he went full-big-muscle. http://68.media.tumblr.com/f8f421fba552fece04d8a9d72abf8de0/tumblr_mzz5pn03sN1rh6shzo2_250.gif
  2. Hi, I believe the following links are to the masseur possibilities you mention in your post. What I do is go to the page featuring the add and then copy and paste the url in the browser. I'm sure you will you'll get the hang of it. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/mmbull.shtml https://rentmen.com/XmilLuke
  3. My first realization came from schoolmates. I quickly realized that my feelings for the boys were waaaaaay more intense than the feelings I had for the girls. As things progressed they labeled it as "just fooling around," "didn't mean anything." Hah! Worked for me.
  4. Saw it starring Carol Channing and again starring Pearl Bailey, both hit it out of the park in their own ways.
  5. Might it be your communication/comprehension abilities? Have as nice a day as you can.
  6. I'm sure you have a much better possibility of avoiding extinction from occasional social slights than the dinosaurs had avoiding the theoretical comet/asteroid impact or massive volcanism. I perceived from your statement "I actually offer him a face-saving route by telling him when he picks up his fee "You may count it" so he feels comfortable doing so," that it is not the act of counting the funds in your presence that would offend you, it is the act of counting the funds in your presence without your permission to do so that would offend you. You are correct in citing that customs and values change, and I encourage you to stand your ground for manners and etiquette rather than thinking of yourself as a doomed dinosaur. My final lash to the "dead horse" is my original comment to the op regarding the escort's counting his funds: You should not feel insulted. Business is business.
  7. I understand your sensitivities, but the op stated that it was a first-time meeting with the escort, which I presumed to mean that they had not yet engendered a mutual trust. Other than openly counting his fee funds I didn't notice anything in the post that suggested the escort was lacking in manners/etiquette in any other way.
  8. I think this might be it: https://rentmen.com/Dreamyboytoy All I do is highlight the URL displayed at the page I want, then copy and paste. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
  9. Yes, the one of him sitting on the stairs. I think it gets my vote because it shows some great looking leg.
  10. Somehow, for me, his hotness in image #13 does not travel into his other images.
  11. Love it! If his keyboard and vocal skills were not so superior to my own, it would be funnier.
  12. I'm guessing a foot-long! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/shocked/wow-smiley-emoticon.gif
  13. You should not feel insulted. Business is business.
  14. Va, Va, Va, Voom!! http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/flirt/hubba-hubba-smiley-emoticon.gif
  15. While his feet may be cold, there appears to be plenty of heat elsewhere. http://68.media.tumblr.com/767a450ed5fdd9b6fa26f695d953de52/tumblr_oh4sdhcAre1vubexeo1_1280.jpg
  16. The gentle fondling and tickling of the scrotum is...
  17. To be a little more precise, I do not seek or expect a "Felix Unger" level of housekeeping, but clothing and trash on the floor is a no-go. The "Felix Unger" cleanliness suggests other issues I would rather not have to address.
  18. For me, the first image is cute and appealing. The second image, however, is disqualifying due to the clutter of clothing and rubbish on the floor. Can't get past it...I equate the order with which a person keeps his surroundings with his personal hygiene.
  19. Encore! http://68.media.tumblr.com/2824444000a50a7ba6d141e6f31c426d/tumblr_okmo0372Vo1t5fpyno1_1280.jpg
  20. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary supports you. Origin and Etymology of methinks Middle English me thinketh, from Old English mē thincth, from mē (dative of ic I) + thincth seems, from thyncan to seem — more at i, think First Known Use: before 12th century
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