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Posts posted by Kenny

  1. In his youth he was wonderful eye candy. I had a real crush on him at the time. But, oh dear god, he was an awful actor. As actors I really don't know who was worse Hunter or Troy Donahue but damn there were pretty!

    Yeah, that must be why Bosley Crowther gave Tab a very good review when “Damn Yankees” was released. He was pretty. (Cue up the “my opinion” violin.)

  2. For reasons having nothing to do with Trump, I wish she would acknowledge that she's not whatever tribe she claimed because she doesn't meet tribal standards, which she respects, and that it is a family story that she can't verify which she shared without thinking about the implications.

    She’s done that, most recently in February (that I know of):


    “You won’t find my family members on any rolls, and I’m not enrolled in a tribe. And I want to make something clear: I respect that distinction,” she said to applause from a Native American audience. “I understand that tribal membership is determined by tribes — and only by tribes.”


    She went on to recount her family story, in convincing detail.



  3. For fucks sake @Kenny, quit being a jerk to people. It’s his thread to start, no reason to go after him like he personally offended you. Quit wrecking the internet.

    p_a goes after posters non-stop. In this instance, without provocation, he actually told someone to get professional help for a fantasized psychological disorder — “A good psychologist may help you overcome your fear of intimacy” — which, yes, is offensive.


    And doubly so because the unsolicited advice is based on a fallacy.

  4. You're a very sad person aren't you ? Sitting at home alone on your computer.....telling people they are stupid. Does that really make you feel better or is it just a force of habit because your mother always to you the same ?

    See what I mean about making shit up? “Sitting at home alone on your computer...” LOL! A troll thing.

  5. Go for it.

    I know it's the only thing that you have that makes you feel good about yourself.

    I’m not surprised you think you “know” it, since it is based on nothing. Most of what you’ve said you “know” on here is likewise fantasized.

  6. To be fair i referenced gay men as well. My overall point is men by default tend to have a more is better attitude when it comes to visuals. Some are just stubbornly lacking in imagination.

    The issue is: "More" what is "better"?


    More "extraordinary specimen-ness," more "avg. Joe-ness"? You're arguing as if homo taste should somehow be fixed and eternal, when in fact it is contextual. When homos are caricatured by homophobic authority as limp-wristed fairies, muscle gods (and shirtless cops) become prized as an eroticized expression of social denial. Ask Tom of Finland.


    My point is that today we are in dramatic flux as far as equality goes, so the eroticized rise of average joe-ness is no surprise.

  7. I really liked him on the show, he brought a different dynamic to it. Hope he gets the help he needs, he was so energetic and fun. But I think they showed him getting panic attacks in the end. Hopefully he comes out-it took a lot of courage to share his demons.

    I also hope he gets help. He’s in a cul de sac now because of the “selfishness” error. In his post, he debates who is more selfish: himself, for wanting out without regard for the pain it would cause others; or those others, who are more concerned about themselves than about his pain.


    There is no answer to that, because “selfishness” is a red herring in the suicide discussion. The poor guy is partly stuck, spinning his wheels, because of it.

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