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Posts posted by Kenny

  1. Predictable, typical, bleeding heart, flaming lib fake news. Do you always try to "shame" and manipulate people who disagree with you by name calling and labeling their comments as cruel? The truth is the truth. That's the beauty of facts and statistics. They don't lie. People are sick and tired of walking on egg shells to appease bipolar and fragile individuals who may not he able to handle the viewpoints of other well educated people. Their viewpoints are just as legit and valid as you believe your views to be. Opposing viewpoints that may differ from your own self righteousness.


    Suicide is selfish of so many levels. To not acknowledge that is simply disingenuous. Yes, it IS selfish to hang yourself when you seemingly have everything at your fingertips that others do not have and will likely never have in a hundred lifetimes. To leave your kids without a father and CREATE all that pain and suffering on your own children, family, and friends SELFISH. I guess that makes me a Debby downer cruel bastard, huh?


    I wonder how much outpouring of sympathy would be expressed if it were Donald J. Trump who killed himself? The hypocrisy is simply breathtaking.

    More stupidity from a troll.


    Suicide, except in compassionate end of life situations, is irrational. Expecting rational decisions from a suicide victim is just about as ignorant as it gets. No wonder you hold that view.


    You can start here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/free-range-psychology/201806/is-suicide-selfish

  2. I've posted elsewhere on this subject (Friday Funnies, I think) without thinking to check in this forum. Another article, this time in a bit more detailed about the team's visit to Yass. The video in the article was in one of my earlier posts.



    “I hope they’ll make him look a bit more suave, fix him up, make his tooth look better,” said Levi, a boilermaker...


    If you are going for it, aim high.

  3. That's simply not true. You don't have to HAVE cancer in order to know how to treat it. Again, your opinion is just one person's opinion who had failed suicide attempts. There are many others who have failed suicide attempts who agree that suicide is indeed selfish. Like politics, it depends on one's personal viewpoint.


    You don't need to give a glimpse into the darkness. People can know and understand without needing to have depression. It's not a pissing contest to see who's attempted the most suicides or who's suffered the most major depression.


    Among others, I feel it is selfish, especially when you have children, family, friends and others who love you and you have the world at your fingertips in so many ways. What does that tell the minimum wage deli-meat slicer at the grocery store who has no friends or family, is single ,and is in declining physical health with tons of debt?


    I've seen people with stage-4 terminal cancer who fight to live another day. Living another decade or two as a multi-millionaire doesn't seem like a reason to off yourself. As I said, obviously there was likely untreated mental illness (depression) and with the unlimited resources available to someone as educated and connected, it could have been alleviated to a great extent. No need to be so dramatic claiming only those depressed can understand. That's nonsense.

    What a cruel post. Parading your moral superiority over those who suffer is, at the very least, unhelpful. Pretending that it is empathy or understanding is delusional.

  4. I lot of people who are commenting here as well as other types of social media - have no idea what depression and suicidality is - ZERO. I suffer from a lifetime of clinical depression AND survived *multiple* suicide attempts. It’s NOT greed, it’s not selfishness....it’s desperation, it’s frustration- it’s having empty non existent hope. You shut down, you don’t care about yourself and all things. You see death as the escape and it becomes an obsession.

    I gave you a glimpse into the darkness.

    Thank you for your honesty. I hope others here listen.

  5. I don't know if he's a libertarian, into conspiracy theories, or else.


    I'm sure Americans are mostly consumers and we're the reason this problem exist and its consequences of gang violence and refugee crisis in Central America.

    Consumption is only part of the reason. US meddling in Latin America for a century toppled social democracies and sustained wealthy oligarchs and corporate control, creating a huge underclass with little mobility. Drug trade and cartels grew up as a way to create wealth and move up, just like any mafia culture.

  6. And that's the gospel truth.


    So far, the Garland version is the masterpiece. I wish it were a complete masterpiece, but what we do have is outstanding. She was robbed of that Oscar.


    This person describes it better than I can...



    I love how she’s lamenting the man who got away while tightly surrounded by a dozen men (the musicians), shown mostly in nighttime shadow, instruments glistening in the dark, and after hours, when the supper club has closed. It’s as if they are circling as her mind is elsewhere, far, far away. The aching, vaguely desperate “last call” quality of the set-up is something Cukor no doubt knew well. The unused outtakes of the scene are quite different, and in them you can see the director working out the right tone. Cukor at his best.


    Bradley Cooper, who also directed the Gaga version (his directing debut), has a lot to live up to.

  7. Blonde, actually.


    Call her a fake blonde, if you wish.


    But really. If we're talking about blondes, who are you to talk? ;)



    Not in the trailer she isn’t. He’s the (dirty) blonde.


    As for me, I used to be brownette, but I dyed it back to “natural.”

  8. Dinuguan is a Filipino stew made of pork meat, mostly offal (heart, liver, intestines), cooked in pig’s blood, vinegar and spices. And it is indeed offal/awful. The one time I tried to eat it, I made spit-up.

  9. Sean is excellent. I was cautious because, in my experience, I have always preferred deep tissue to Swedish, which is his method, but he was a real surprise.


    It turns out that, despite his name, Sean is Swedish -- born and raised there; being trained in Swedish modalities in the Mother Country is quite different from picking up the colloquial American method, which tends to just mean light strokes, often untrained. He uses long strokes, kneading, stretches and a sequence of other techniques, which always leave me feeling thoroughly relaxed. (I've been a half-dozen times.) Therapeutic, but HE included -- and at around the 45- or 50-minute mark, so that it becomes part of the overall relaxation: The massage continues on for another 10 or 15 minutes.

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