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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. No, he hated fags. That, plus the fact that his father was also a radical Islamist.
  2. I Here in San Francisco, Chinatown is a jumping place on Christmas. In college, I worked for a kosher caterer. It turns out, there are degrees of Kosher. One time, we catered a wedding at an orthodox synagogue. There were going to be several Hassidic rabbis there from New York. Even thought it was a kosher caterer using a kosher facility in an orthodox synagogue, the food wasn't kosher enough for the rabbis. They needed special food.
  3. Dinner at a Chinese restaurant and a movie is supposed to be a popular way for Jewish families to spend Christmas Day.
  4. I don't like it - yet another reason for people to ignore each other and stare into a screen as a substitute for interaction.
  5. Even people who used to object to it are now active participants. I have a friend who has a partner quite a bit younger. The younger guy is one of those google whores who, during conversation, is constantly googling whatever is being talked about and reporting what he finds. This used to drive my friend crazy and led to a couple serious disagreements between them. But now, my friend sits there with his Ipad in his lap and does the very same thing. Somehow it's different because he's on an Ipad rather than a phone.
  6. Staring into the screen of a smartphone just holds no appeal - don't understand it. When I go out to restaurants where techies hang out, it is so comical. Each has his/her smartphone sitting on the table at his/her side. They don't look at each other, just the phones. And there is near-complete silence between them.
  7. I rode on the backseat of a convertible with a drag queen named "Flame" in a San Francisco Pride parade sometime in the 70s, don't remember exactly when.
  8. Haven't been to the San Francisco parade in years.
  9. I lived in Europe in the early 70's. The squat toilets were common in Eastern and Southern Europe. France had unisex restrooms even back then. Flush toilets were very peculiar - they didn't have water in them. When you took a dump, the shit just plopped on the bottom of the bowl. When you flushed, it never completely flushed away all the shit, so they were always filthy and smelled bad. In Germany, the stalls had locking doors and floor-ceiling walls and were so solidly constructed that you couldn't even hear your neighbor (leave it to those Germans to think of everything). Men's urinals were often a wall faced with tile and a trough with a drain where the floor and the wall met. European toilet paper, even in western Europe was more like wrapping paper and in the more primitive countries was almost like sandpaper. Yep, relieving yourself was always an adventure.
  10. I must be hanging with the wrong crowd. Nobody I know is having a mid-life crisis. They're just hanging out enjoying life.
  11. No, of course you can't LITERALLY forget. The memory is there. But if you have forgiven and the thing that you have "forgiven" is still top of mind and you're waiting for the other shoe to drop, then you haven't forgiven.
  12. People who spend a lot of time thinking about such things would tell you that forgetting is a necessary part of forgiving. Forgiving means that the slate is wiped clean. Forgiving without forgetting precludes a clean slate.
  13. That isn't a problem on fetish sites like Recon or Asspig.
  14. It has always been that way. Hookup apps just make the process more efficient. Guys cruising parks, restrooms and rest stops on freeways were looking to hookup. They had anonymous sex with each other without even exchanging names, sometimes without saying a word to each other, and then went their separate ways never to see each other again. If a hookup is not the kind of encounter one is looking for, then a hookup app isn't a good tool for meeting people. I don't ever look for hookups. I'm always about a connection, so I stay completely away from scruff and grindr. Since I'm not looking for connection in places where I'm not likely to find it, I'm not frustrated.
  15. That's what hook-up apps are for - hooking up. If you're really just looking for friendly conversation and nothing more, there are plenty of other venues to find it than on grindr or scruff.
  16. Great thread. I feel like old guys are one of the world's best kept secrets. They're sort of like that exotic tourist destination that only the most sophisticated, in-the-know people know about. I don't want the word to get out about what fabulous partners they can be. I feel really fortunate to be attracted to men my own age.
  17. He's really gorgeous. My archetype.
  18. half-full for sure. I think I'm going go have a hot soak.
  19. That kind of lesbian is pretty rare anymore. The AIDS crisis pretty much obliterated that traditional animosity between gay men and lesbians. The men needed help and the women laid their prejudices aside and stepped up.
  20. Thanks so much for posting. I spent months working on that collection and always wondered about her. Never had the opportunity to meet her. The gay fiction aside, there were some fascinating documents. One of the most interesting that comes to mind is a study of the incidence of male-male sex in CCC camps during the Depression.
  21. The message in pretty much any self-development literature is the same. Some authors state it more compellingly than others, but it doesn't vary much.
  22. I don't remember. I'm sure it would have been Dewey. Public libraries rarely use LOC.
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