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adventurous old guy

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Everything posted by adventurous old guy

  1. LOL. this was my story too. When he was available I wasn't and vice versa. I just kept at it.
  2. As his friend, why don't you contact him and ask him to join here and address the questions. You would be doing him a favor as it would be good for his business. There are comments about him on this forum that seem fake, and so people like me who might want to hire him don't.
  3. Yes of course. I was just funnin with you. I travel a great deal, so does Tristan, and that's why it took as long as it did to connect. But again, to underscore, definitely worth the pursuit.
  4. Yes, both the recent RM ad and the one here are from me. I had some difficulty booking him too (ahem, BnT), but believe me Tristan is worth the effort.
  5. This is what I do. When I'm hosting at a hotel, I pick up the parking, garage or valet, because they are often high. When I see an ad that asks for an Uber fee and I'm in a city, I wonder why the service provider didn't just build that into his outcall fee, which I think is the more "professional" way to do it. I guess I don't object in principle to picking up the Uber fee, it just strikes me as more line item than it needs to be unless the distance is farther than usual. I have one client who likes to park me in a suburban MD hotel close to their offices, really feels like the middle of nowhere. I'd gladly arrange for an Uber from Baltimore or DC to there. Guys who have driven out to visit me there earned especially grateful appreciation, both verbally and in tip!
  6. Pasting these quotes from another thread. Glad Andy2 weighed in. There's something just off here. Context: Lex has a negative ad, but he addresses it in his ad. I contact him and tell him that I thought he handled well. I then tell him about this forum and that he might want to address here too, because he's been discussed. He thanks me and says he will do. Then the negative ad from RM disappears and the Andy2 comments here get exposed as fake. WTF??? Maybe its all explainable, but in fairness I think I've done what I can directly with Lex to prompt him to address. This was about 6 weeks ago. Bottom line, Andy2 is a reliable poster who has given me GREAT advice in the past. Until Lex weighs in, Andy's words weigh more than Lex's words/pics for me.
  7. Right, there could be good reasons why that review was deleted. Before it was deleted, Lex addressed it in the copy of his ad as something that wasn't true. I thought he handled that really well and told him so. I'd echo the advice to PM Andy2. Ultimately I decided not to hire him.
  8. He had a pretty negative review on RM that gave me pause. Somehow its disappeared.
  9. Oops, sorry about that. Wasn't paying attention to the time stamps. But thanks for triggering that recollection. The thing that makes Arek so memorable for me was his intensity. He just went for it. Loved that and hope he's doing well.
  10. Just saw Daniel. As beautiful and interactive as ever...if not more so. Message delivered re updating those old pics.
  11. Not to divert from the main theme, but is Arek still available? Thought he had moved on Wow, he was so much fun, just put himself totally into it. I'd love to see him again if he's still working.
  12. I'm a huge fan of Daniel, and see him whenever our paths cross in the same city. Yes, those pics are older. They don't do him justice, he's very handsome. He's Hispanic, but his look is All American jock. As his ad states, he's polite and very nice. Although we click and have a great time every time, I've heard from others that he's not responsive and this gives the impression of being selective. I can't explain that, its not what I'd expect of him. Next time I see him we'll have a talk about updating those pics.
  13. And Robin Williams! In that odd movie where he chases his wife's soul into the inferno.
  14. Bumping to underscore Benjamin's eloquent page 1 prediction of how this thread would unfold.
  15. I really agree with you -- there's a thoughtfulness that runs through many of the threads on this forum, and as you say it feels honest and revealing. This particular topic was thought-provoking for me.
  16. Love this, thx!. He had a way with words. My fave: If you're going through hell, keep going.
  17. I should qualify -- I'm 63 chronologically, but feel much younger psychologically and attitudinally!
  18. So downer alert, this thread topic has been on my mind. At a conscious level I hire for the thrill of the experience -- doing something I love with interesting, handsome partners that makes me feel alive and human in a way that no other activity comes close to by comparison. The business relationship serves two purposes -- (1) keeps expectations clear and defined because I'm not looking for a relationship; and (2) enables me to connect with men motivated to perform who I'm too old to otherwise motivate. But there's a subconscious driver of this behavior too, and I think that's aging/death. Although still healthy, fit, high energy and horny, at 63 I'm 3 years past the age when my dad died and I've lost both parents and 3 of 4 grandparents to cancer. Bottom line, I have a deep sense that my remaining time as a healthy, energetic, horny adventurer in life is limited. I hope this post doesn't come across as totally depressing -- bottom line, fear of cancer haunts me and drives me to have fun! While the sun still shines. And it feels like late afternoon.
  19. I like his pics and his sales pitch. So tellusnow please: Does tellmitchnow top, bottom, or both?
  20. You may know, but just in case: On both RM and Sleepyboy you can search for guys who list wrestling as an interest. In RM its under "preferences." I sure wouldn't make a decision based on a scan like that, but it may narrow down a list as first step in due diligence.
  21. Hi there. Also wanted to welcome you and plug the updated video links you've added to your profile. I think its smart on your part given some of the hidden (in the US) comments in RM reviews that question whether the photos posted are really yours. Terrific legs btw, and that really comes across in your vids!
  22. His butt does not disappoint. Saw him last week. One of the best experiences I've ever had with this hobby. As I reported to BnT privately, he's just SO MUCH FUN! :D Review submitted.
  23. Just to respond, I'm not trying to overdramatize or inflame. By saying this thread feels creepy, my intention is not to criticize other posters. Its more that when I read these posts, I get gooseflesh about the fact that we're discussing a medical issue. Border line hypochondriac here.
  24. Just looked up anal warts. According to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, they are treatable both non-surgically and surgically, and if left untreated can cause cancer. This is an odd and kind of creepy thread IMHO, because we're discussing a medical condition of someone who is not engaged in the discussion. I wonder if its possible he doesn't know he has this potentially cancer-causing condition? And that raises the ethics question of whether someone should reach out and tell him about this thread. ASCRS info: https://www.fascrs.org/patients/disease-condition/anal-warts-0 I posted earlier here about BJ forgetting an appointment with me and "blaming" jet lag. I regret use of the term, because it suggests I didn't believe him when actually I did, He seemed sincere and I could see how it happened. He'd just come back from overseas, and we'd made the date a couple weeks earlier.
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