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adventurous old guy

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Everything posted by adventurous old guy

  1. You are too fun! Thats a movie scene! Or maybe a sitcom episode...is Modern Family ready for this plot line?
  2. Sheer poetry! But I have a question: Were you not expecting him? Or just not expecting that?
  3. Bumping Marco. He's earned some good reviews, sounds like he may be offering more than massage? https://www.daddysreviews.com/venue/usa/dc/marcoo_dc Recent experiences anyone?
  4. Please consider this request: Will you spill the beans and identify him here? One of the major reasons I visit -- and I'd bet dollars to donuts I speak for others -- is to get intel on who to hire and who to avoid. You don't need to write a review to alert us to who is misrepresenting. Thx.
  5. Sales pitches I haven't seen before... https://rentmen.eu/UndeadZombie https://rentmen.eu/Fuckcancer There's a million stories in the city.
  6. Ok, think this through. You cannot know whether anyone you hire is poz or not, so one must assume they each person you hire could be putting you at risk. Hence, if you're going to continue the hobby you need to make your peace with this risk because its unavoidable. Why not do it now -- meet the guy who has been upfront about it and work through the anxiety. Another thing you could consider is going on PrEP yourself as an added layer of protection.
  7. I think another part of this dynamic is service providers who have no plan, and the malaise that happens when after a while one's life feels like its drifting. If you've got the right looks and personality, escorting is an easy field to enter, the big question is what will you do next. Although I miss one guy I saw regularly who has moved on -- Derrick from DC, I hope that it is because he's doing something better with his life. He was escorting to pay for school, that should be done now, and hopefully he's off to the races. Don't mean to sound judgmental in using the term "better." For the right person, who's got other interests in his life, this could be a longer term gig that is the best fit. Rich Reynolds, for example, told me he escorts because he wants to travel and buy expensive toys like motorcycles, and he hates the idea of 9 to 5 structure. So escorting is an empowering means to an end, and that makes sense to me. Another guy I've seen a few times has a full fledged career as a nurse, but is clearly a thrill seeker. He's in his 30s, intelligent, and has brought new energy to each of our encounters, so I figure it must be working for him. In contrast I've met a couple other guys for whom escorting seems like treading water until they meet someone to take care of them. I always get a little sad when I feel that vibe. Sorry, meandering as I think out loud. Back to our regularly scheduled programming...
  8. Perhaps you can shift this dynamic with a positively worded request/suggestion along these lines: I love seeing you, we've had some of the hottest sex I've ever experienced. Let's shake it up next time -- any new moves to share? A message something like that puts the ball in his court to use what he knows about you to come up with something fresh. I just tried this when I felt a guy I'd seen four times hadn't brought his A game to our last interlude, again because we are becoming comfortable friends of a sort. it worked well.
  9. Jumping into say that this exact same fight about Adam's politics has hijacked threads here before. Hope it doesn't happen again, as its off topic and there's a different forum for that discussion. BTW, I say this as someone who loathes Trump and comes here when I'm ready to escape the freak show that plays out in the national news every day.
  10. Rowan (CF) = Sheridan (SC) = Jason Roman, now in DC on RM https://rentmen.eu/JasonRoman
  11. There's also Chase in DC. Been around for awhile, with two good reviews a few years back. Recent experience anyone? https://rentmen.eu/muscchase
  12. Just noticed this new one: https://rentmen.eu/DCBodybuilder/ Not a recommendation. Just a find.
  13. Reluctant Daddy -- another tack is for you to tell us where you live and describe more specifically the kind of guy who floats your boat. Folks here may have recomendations for guys who will treat you better than this guy. Just a thought...
  14. I resonate with Sam. This is great advice in general for situations in life where feelings get engaged and hurt. As for the OP's core question, I'm with those here who would tick up communication. You like this guy, have some kind of a pleasant history, so work up the gumption to share that he hurt your feelings and ask him what's going on. If he's in his 20s, he might still be working through where he's going in his life, why he's doing what he does. God knows I made a bunch of cringeworthy statements and clueless decisions in my 20s which I now process as "growing up." Bottom line, in making the "look at us..." comment he was dialing direct, saying what was on his mind, albeit self absorbed. This gives you permission to do the same thing. Tell him it felt like 1000 paper cuts with lemon juice -- that's poetic btw and should be a conversation changer-- and see what his reaction is, and then if his behavior changes, which is the real test.
  15. I'm with Topseed. 1.5 is just the right amount of time for me, especially for a first meeting. I also like disrupting the fee schedule. So if someone quotes me $300/hr, I'll counter with an offer for $400 for 1.5, $500 if we really hit it off. It seems to me based on experience that this incentivizes my date to bring his A game. Has worked well for me, all but once.
  16. Wow, DJ and mk..99, I just love the you handled this with understanding and communication. I don't see that often enough. Kudos to you both!
  17. What can I say? It wasn't for lack of trying lol. It was less him having difficulty on the bottom than me struggling to find the right angle from the top. That big glute thing lol plus massive legs. Had the same issue once before with Mitch Branson btw. All about the angles. I don't want to quote his rate. Ask him. It was fair.
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